A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1672: Advance to the true spirit (below)

"What is he doing, just that is..."

The guardian of spring saw the move of Green swallowing the yin and yang butterfly, and felt the double rules of day and night contained in it. It was incredible, even if the guardian of summer, Mina, was shocked by the yin and yang butterfly swallowed by Green!

"What happened to Green?"

Suddenly, the hidden Millie asked Mina anxiously through her will. ≠

"The rule of day, the rule of the night, just the black and white two-color butterfly swallowed by Green, seems to be the rule of the night and night of the second civilization war, can you say..."

Mina is talking, she is clever and she thinks of some possibilities, and her eyes reveal an incredible look.

"Is it true that he wants one person to have the double rules of the wizarding world day and night, and then hedge against the rules of day and night, with its unique annihilation means to achieve higher energy quality!"


The two did not speak.


At this moment, not only the guardians of the heart of the world, but also any true spiritual wizard and even the top sorcerer of the sorcerer’s will, faintly feel the sorcerer’s will, and combine the hope of the sky city. Return, everyone of course knows what happened.

"Hey, this round of waste, you should not believe him, and it really failed!"

In the abyss of the earth, Samsung's true spirit witch muttered, and looked at the two three-level mutant creatures that were being strangled in the eye, and in the eyes of Samsung's true spirits, it seemed like a fight in the box. At this time, there was no interest, turning around. left.

In the nightmare world, a round of true spirit wizards slender and delicate fingers, a clear spring slides out of the elegant track, pouring into the red lips.

"I don't deserve to be the witness of my nightmare wizard rule. After I was promoted to the real spirit, I have raised so many nightmare blessings for me, but I want to be the ancestor of the wizard and suppress the words of the black witch king... Oh, it should be drunk, or drunk. Death dreams? The mystery of life and death is really addictive."

咚, 咚, 咚, 咚, 咚, 咚...

The heavy footsteps stepped on the air to form a wave of ripples. The king of the king of the king of the trekkers and the king of the mermaid have turned into human forms. They have come to the heart of the world, and they are relatively far away from the soul that is sublimating the soul. Gazing.

"Haiwang altar!"

The guardian of the spring saw the giant sweat of the king of the king of the treacherous whales, and the mini pyramid was held right by the sea. It is the altar of the sea king, which is also the ultimate dignity of the sea!

Legend has it that in the ancient times, the wizards of the world of water curtains in the ancient times, it was through this altar to fully launch, almost swallowed the wizarding continent, the development of the ancient sky city in the wizard world is also directly related to this altar.


The friction of the metal chain, the giant sweat carrying a giant ship spear, the double-eyed direct-viewed by the milky white halo wrapped in the sublimation of Green, toward the side of the enchanting mermaid king of the enchanting mermaid: "its congenital sorcerer plan has not been in the wizard The law of the formation of the world, even if it is promoted, is only a seven-level true spirit, but fortunately, he also has the ancestors of the human body. With its own profound foundation and the curse of the sea, the Samsung sorcerer is not an opponent. ”

"I have carefully collected his growing experience in the wizarding world. From an objective experience, he is a miracle. After the great miracle of the great summer guardian, I believe in my own vision."



Under the face of truth, Greene can't help but evoke pleasure + 吟.

The source of the Taiji magnet has never flowed into the heart of the wizarding world. Green opened his arms and was surrounded by the will of the sorcerer's billions of millions of souls, floating in the air.

In general, the soul of the sacred mark is hidden in the skull, as if it were a massless form of flame. At this moment, during the life of Green's life, this flame is continuously collapsed and concentrated, forming a new soul form similar to liquid.

This is Green's first omnipotent soul, completely immersed in the flesh and soul of the Almighty!

Then, with the influx of Taiyi magnets into the heart of the wizarding world, Green's Almighty Spirit is rapidly filling the corners of Green's body and flesh in the process of world will blessing.


Green is full of joyful 吟 + 吟 更加 更加 更加 更加 更加 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 格林 格林 格林 格林 格林 格林 格林 格林The moon pattern is clearly visible.

At the same time, the milky white halo around the green, the original has been lively and active, and now experienced the dedication of the Green Taiji magnet, and turned into the world of the world of the Tianti Mountain. The law is figurative!

The gravitational rules of the Wizarding World Heart will gradually be integrated into the world's natural resources. In the next few thousand years, a huge gravitational magnetic field will be formed. The gravitational intensity will be about two to three times that of the Wizarding World at that time. Around the world of wizards is no longer just some scattered pieces of space, it is likely to bind a large number of small and medium-sized worlds to wander around the wizarding world.

As a result, Green's truth balance magic wand too Bingyuan magnetic has finally been played, is affecting the wizarding world through the influence of the Taiji magnet!

Truth balances the magic wand attribute.

Seven: Taiyi magnetic power: Black gold transforms technology combined with Taiyiyuan magnetic, black gold technology is still a low-level technology to the middle-class technology evolution process, Green has the current stage of black gold technology peak art, turned into a blessing force to attack 300,000 degrees.

The power of the Taiyiyuan magnet takes the strength of the Taiji magnet, and the double force force resonance is 1.5500 degrees. The Taiji magnet is integrated with the wizarding world and can be combined with the wizarding world to simulate the will of the world. For the outsiders to launch a world rule war.

As the body of the Green body is gradually filled with the soul of the Almighty, even the green little finger of the flaming 10,000 birds has undergone a qualitative change, completing the qualitative change of life and becoming the ultimate endless master!

On the one hand, Green's flesh is filled with the soul of Almighty, and it is separated from the mystery of the flesh-and-blood sense of life. On the other hand, Green's spiritual power finally reaches the peak of 1024 at this moment. This is the spiritual limit of the wizard in the general sense.

Booming rumbling...

The source of the Taiji magnets is constantly rushing toward the heart of the wizarding world. Every minute and every second is difficult to count. The magnets are infused with too much magnets. Gradually, the number and speed of the magnets are too low.


With the last piece of too-steel magnets falling into the heart of the wizarding world, no more than the magnets of the Taiji, the guardian of the winter sneaked into the magical spells of the mysterious witchcraft, and launched a colorful space-time seal, a colorful ribbon will be the world of the wizarding world. The heart loop is re-wrapped.


At this moment, the blessing of the will in all directions disappeared, the body has just completed the qualitative change, filled with the soul of the Almighty, the soul of Almighty began to slowly burn consumption, providing Green with 3 million degrees of blessing.

Under the face of truth, the three colors of Green are smashed open.

The world in the eyes of Green at this moment is another completely different picture!

The world of energy and material is like a sailboat sailing on the sea. The so-called void shadow is the dark mist on the endless vast sea. www.novelmtl.com~ The void creature is like a wild fire on the dark sea. When the fire is large enough, it will become qualitative. A simple piece of original wood.

Above the different sailboats, carrying the star-studded sailors, these sailors will instinctively plunder the wood from other sailboats to make their sailboats stronger.

The most mysterious and terrible is the endless sea.

In the sea, a pair of eyes wandered, spying on the creatures above the sailboat, the terrible creatures in the deepest part of the dark sea, full of unknowns and mysteries, turning into shadows and slowly slipping through.

"Expend the Almighty Soul, sneak into the depths of the sea, and travel between the sailboats. Only the endless masters can truly travel to the endless world!"

Green has an endless concept of vision, which is the real life in the meaning of the endless world, and is qualified to explore the life of the dimensional mystery.

"I am the king of the wizard, the seal of the dimension gap!"

Xiao Ba flew out again from the gap of the dimension, in conjunction with Green, and applied a dimensional gap seal on top of the colorful space-time seal. (To be continued.)

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