A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1668: Truth balance magic wand (below)


A ring of true spirits and sorcerers scorned, staring straight into the hands of Green, the unknown magic wand that carries the boundless oppression.

There is no doubt that the power of this wizard is enough to compete with the destiny magic wand in your own hands!

"this is……"

The dimensional dimension of the perpetual motion of the perpetual motion of the ball is inextricated, the energy is never exhausted, the combination of Taiyiyuan magnetic and black gold, the milky white pure halo spreads, penetrates the human body and the metal barrier, penetrates the elemental radiance and the energy protection cover, and the balance light seems to have no Entities generally spread throughout the world to the endless world.

The hand held in Green's hand does not seem to be the handle of a magic wand, but the root of the endless world balance rule.

Under the face of Green Truth, the three colors of light quietly watched the balance of the magic balance wand and the fate lever magic wand, except for the man who held the truth balance magic wand, the destiny lever magic wand, and the true spirit wizard. Whether it is the blood rain or the source of annihilation, it is so small, completely covered by the brilliance of these two weapons.

Truth balances the magic wand attribute.

I. Energy Trading: The energy source of perpetual motion, the birth of perpetual motion is based on the new human beings that God can't make a piece of stone that can't move. God is not omnipotent. If the endless world is shaped by God, the endless world must have bugs!

Mastering the perpetual motion is the identification of the contradiction of the fate of the truth, destroying the rules of the endless world balance. The degree of energy blessing is based on the exploration of the fate of truth, and the denial of self on the basis of the endless world rules.

Basic grasping conditions: from absolute atheism to behind-the-scenes conspiracy theories.

Holding the demand attribute: the protagonist of the times, the attention of the public.

Four energy blessings: 3500000 degrees + 700,000 degrees + 400,000 degrees + 300,000 degrees.

Hide attribute: Get equal to lose.

Second, unlimited energy: the perpetual motion of the perpetual motion, the source of magic is eternal, any energy nature attack will take the upper limit of fluctuations.

Third, the absolute guardian: Vantage eternal motive protection cover is absolutely guardian, double isolation inside and outside, can not form a protective cover over the hourglass to form more than 200 million tens of millions of attacks, eternal guardian.

Four: The World of Thousands: The physical nature of the descendants of the hidden dimension, the box in the endless world box, can forcibly degrade the low-level space-time cognitive creatures.

Five: Dimensional gap: Infinite dimension gap seal rune branding, short-term drawing dimension gap seal rune, summoning dimension gap rule to the world.

Six: Grimm's Fairy Tales: To the lower dimension dimension created in the endless world, to get rid of the rules of the endless truth of the endless world dimension, fate can't be affected, and everything is unknown.

Seven: Taiyi magnetic power: Black gold transforms technology combined with Taiyiyuan magnetic, black gold technology is still a low-level technology to the middle-class technology evolution process, Green has the current stage of black gold technology peak art, turned into a blessing force to attack 300,000 degrees.

The power of the Taiyiyuan magnet takes the strength of the Taiji magnet, and the double force force resonance is added to the 1.500000 degree. The Taiji magnet has not yet been dedicated to the real world of the wizarding world. It has not entered the heart of the wizarding world to form a gravitational magnetic field, and the deeper blessing property is unknown.

Eight: Equivalent balance: high latitude vision, the balance of life and angles form the equivalent, mandatory trading.

In contrast, the Destiny Leverage Wand is a distinct attribute.

Destiny lever magic wand attribute.

First, the element inheritance: the degree of attack of the element to be held exceeds 3000000 degrees, and the base degree of the elemental witchcraft attack increases by 3000000 degrees.

Second, the elemental field: collect elemental energy, shape solid element space debris, elemental field, elemental world, automatically ignore any attack below 3000000 degrees in elemental fragment, elemental field, elemental world, secondary blessing 2000000 degree element attack.

Third, infinite time and space: in the cost of energy at the cost of instigating the rules of time and space, the destiny of the fulcrum needs to bear one percent of time and space to collapse and counterattack, the time and space rules to sway the losers will bear the magic of counterattack.

Fourth, the call of fate: the collapse of dimensions forces any living body to temporarily detach from the dimension of time and space, and suffers from the call of destiny. The living body will lose this time and space. The holder needs to balance the power of the dimension with the Almighty Spirit.

Fifth, change the life against the sky: the person who resists the destiny is the protagonist of the dimension, and the life must have the power of miracles, the light of wisdom, and the power of the king. The power of miracles cannot be possible, and the probability of one percent is greater than ninety-nine percent; the light of wisdom is inspired by the light, the source of thought runs through the imagination of the legend; the power of the king will make the unwilling, the lost, the ordinary The suffering people unconditionally follow the songs.

Sixth, the dimension of the curse: Resisting the fate, will inevitably suffer a higher degree of attention to the fate, can not be calm.

The first is the holder of two different magic wands. The lower the limit, the more a group can play its true attributes and use it to change the process of civilization.

The balance of truth wand requires that the holder must be the protagonist of the times, and the world of the wizarding world meets this requirement. There are only a handful of heroes recognized in the history of the wizarding world, and the fate lever magic wand is required. The holder element attacks more than 3 million degrees, except for a very few, basically most of the elements of the real wizard can achieve.

There is no doubt that the lever of destiny is closer to "popularization" and can change the course of civilization!

Secondly, it is the basic blessing. The basic blessing is often the cornerstone of the peak and the surpassing of the peak, and the key to maximizing the soul of the Almighty.

Truth lever magic wand blessing lies in perpetual motion, lies in the identification of contradictions in the fate of truth, destroys the rules of endless world balance, the degree of energy blessing is based on the exploration of the destiny of truth, the negation of self on the basis of the endless world rule cognition, the current truth The balance magic wand has a total of four energy attack blessings, totaling 4.9 million degrees.

Coupled with the balance of truth, the magic wand is tailor-made for Green as an elemental refining sorcerer, 100% matching Green, so there are currently 1.8 million degrees of power attribute blessing.

The fate lever magic wand is directly blessing 3 million degrees, and if it is in the elemental field, it adds two million degrees.

In comparison, the truth balance magic wand is obviously better!

This is followed by a blessing of various accessory functions. In this regard, looking at the attributes alone, it is also the fate lever that has more obvious functions and is more extensive.

In the end, it is the attribute that determines the superiority and inferiority of the weapon of the civilization, and breaks through the attributes of the rule limit!

In theory, the balance of truth, the infinite energy of the magic wand and the fate of the fate, have the ability to attack the individual base of the ability holders with almost unlimited blessings. The difference is that the balance of magic wands provides unlimited energy, and fate The miraculous power of leverage, the power of wisdom, and the power of the king are more comprehensive and more random.

As for Grimm's Fairy Tales, the ability to trade equivalence and balance, compared with infinite space and time and fate summoning, it is the ability to break through the rules, and it is difficult to distinguish between good and bad.

In this regard, the two sides do not matter!

However, it must be mentioned that the stronger the civilization of the witchcraft, the more it must bear the reactionary limit. This is the constraint of higher-level balance rules, and the “punishment” of its breakthrough rule restrictions.

The punishment of the truth balance magic wand lies in the fact that the hidden attribute is equal to the loss, and the penalty of the fate lever magic wand lies in the curse of the dimension, the attention of fate, and the inability to calm down.

Judging from the hidden attributes of the fate lever, when the commander of the summer match told Green the meaning of life, it is not unreasonable to give up the page of fate!

"Can you tell me the name of this magic wand?"

A ring of true spirits asked calmly.

"The truth balance magic wand!"

Green's answer ~www.novelmtl.com~ let a ring of true spirit wizard smile, this smile will put down the previous bitterness and irritability, it is gratifying and appreciation, a ring of true spirit wizard: "Fate lever, balance of truth, Very symmetrical, haha, good! Then... answer your question, it’s still five steps!”

A ring of true spirits extended five fingers and turned away.

"Which five steps!?"

Green asked to breathe.

"Ashuro ancestors and abyss mysteries, a round of infinite micro and eternal mechanical mystery, seventeen rounds of Pumirosius virtual dimension and united sky city mystery, black witch king life and death mystery, the ancient ten ring Antonio fate and leverage Mysteries! These are the ultimate explorations of truth in all areas of the wizarding world history!"

"Why not you?"

Green puzzled and asked.

"Because... Antonio has surpassed me..." (To be continued.)

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