A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1667: Truth balance magic wand (on)

Wizarding world.

On the one hand, after the war of the third civilization, various factions and sorcerers competed for hegemony, which made the original devastated land more dying. On the other hand, it was the post-civilization warfare that merged with the overall strength of the wizarding world, and the sacred marks were springing up. There are endless streams of sorcerers who are opposed to the chaos of war.

Just like the dawn of wisdom and the birth of the demon hunting record, after the third civilization war, an organization aimed at promoting the integration and communication between the various wizards gradually emerged, called the truth conference.

Once a year, the Truth Conference gathers outstanding elite wizards and conducts ritualistic confrontation under the auspices of higher wizards, without damaging life. This promotes mutual understanding between the various faction wizards, as the truth conference gradually promotes some The famous "sorcerer star" is increasingly valued by lower wizards.

Perhaps the seeds of these truth conferences, the new generation of wizards who have grown up, will become the foundation of the peaceful coexistence of all parties in the world of wizards.

As for the initiator of the truth conference...

"Master, seven days later is the Thanksgiving Day Truth Conference. Where are you going to visit this year?"

Broken smashing, a wide sash, a golden sword behind him, thanksgiving as if the guardian of the world wandered around the sorcerer's continent, staring at the mountains outside Qingfeng Mountain.

Thanksgiving Day and the Truth Conference, the same day!

Then, it is self-evident who is the proponent.

The difference is that Thanksgiving favors civilians, while the Truth Conference tends to be lower wizards.

As for why?

As the source of Green's permanent solidification and annihilation, Thanksgiving Day is a little bit of growth from the third-level wizard, the actual master of the source of the magic tower of the annihilation tower, naturally knows that one day the Green sorcerer's ancestors plan success Then, the power of Thanksgiving may be weaker and weaker, so that the truth conference will be promoted against the plan of the ancestors of the wizard.

Now the world of wizards is in chaos, the rules of the tower are corrupted, and even the true spirits are frequently fighting inside the wizarding world, let alone the secret movements of the holy marks wizards. These rules for lower wizards can be relatively easily promoted.

As we get closer to the day of Thanksgiving, the power of the annihilation of Thanksgiving is getting stronger and stronger, and now it has reached a terrible existence that even the true wizard can't ignore!


Sad and sorrowful, the Thanksgiving is pointing at the sky.

Follow the little wizard behind the source of grateful annihilation and look at the silver-white star in the cloudless sky for a long time.


The Truth Conference was held as scheduled on Thanksgiving Day.

The Truth Conference participates in wizards and is divided into first, second and third levels. It is held in various Santata regions, such as Skynet Wizards, Nightmare Wizards, Elemental Wizards, Mechanical Wizards, Abyssal Sorcerers, and even Dark Wizards. All have participation.

However, unlike in previous years, this truth conference is not only carried out in the wizarding world, but also a special conference venue, parked in the sky of hope near the wizarding world!

The secret room of hope.

"With the blessing of the two of you, the wizard's ancestors plan will succeed!"

Wearing a mask of truth, licking the extreme abyss magic wand, Green stares at the **** rain and the Thanksgiving, and the belief is firm.

"Hey, once the plan starts, there is no turning back, you have to think about it!"

The blood and rain have a strong voice and a low voice.


In contrast, Thanksgiving Day can not help but sigh: "You want to end the chaos, he wants to end the chaos, I want to end the chaos, everyone wants to end the chaos, but in the end they are in chaos."

The Green Body took the lead from the seat, and the three-color diaphragm seemed to have penetrated the metal wall of the Sky City and saw the Wizarding World.


At this time, the hope of the metal continent, has been able to see the vast world of the sorcerer world.

As the Saiyan people, the dragon family, the death crows, and the magic dolls have left, the hope of counting the huge amount of the magnets of the Taiji magnet is left. Only the local forces of the wizard world are left, and the large number of expeditions return to the wizards can't wait to return. In the wizarding world, there are also some wizards who come to the hope from the wizarding world.

"Hey, Xiaowan, you can die!"

After Xiao Ba and Ye Ye saw the Yanwan Wantou bird, they flew excitedly.

With 1,750 heads, the soul of the 10,000-headed bird finally moved to the final evolution of 10,000 heads. When I thought of a bird that was synthesized by the Green Synthetic Beast, the fist was as small as a broken shell. Compared with today's open-winged full-body form of more than 100,000 meters of unparalleled horrible giants, even the largest space fortress in the wizarding world is just a small point in front of it, a head like a mountain's giant skull. roar.

Time flies, everything seems to be a dream.

"Hey, Xiaowan, I said that I took you over, but you are in a critical period of evolution. Now that you have grown up, we are no longer separated!"

Ye Ye is very happy.

Among the many sacred sorcerers who want to sneak in the metal continent and the wizard world, this kind of creature is so rare that it has reached the level of life tree and tyrannose, and the primary ancestors are only 10,000. Rice only.


A time-space fluctuation silently passed through many protective guards, and did not even cause the sky city protective cover to wave. The next moment, in the top secret hall, Green's body, **** rain, and Thanksgiving were separated, and the fourth person was silent.



The blood rain avatar reacts differently with the Thanksgiving avatar. The Green body seems to be in the middle of everything. Under the face of truth, the three eyes are excavated, deep, wise, mysterious, and calmly staring at the quiet and penetrating layer. Protect the wizard who came here.

"Is there a thing about the true spirit wizard?"


A ring of real spirits screams at the magical destiny lever magic wand, colorful and shining through the entire hall, and sighs: "You have not yet contributed to the true spirit, have not yet advanced to the real wizard!"

A ring of true spirits stalked the green tri-color, and said: "I led the victory of this civilized war, but let the elemental wizard fall into the dominance of the wizarding world. The future wizarding world commented on me. They say go! But I want to tell you that as long as the fate lever is still in the hands of the elemental wizard, no one can despise the elemental wizard! Green, you are the pride of the elemental wizard, you have to take up your own responsibility, the elemental wizard needs you, As long as you act as an elemental wizard, as the elemental wizards make up for the vacuum faults after the war, the future wizarding world must..."

"Hehehehe, Master~www.novelmtl.com~ You are just right!"

In the words of Green, let a ring look shocked, maybe a ring of real wizards did not expect Green to say such a word, and promised himself?

Perhaps it is this expedition that has suffered a lot outside and realized the greatness of the elemental inheritance!

Just as a ring of true spirits was on the brow, stunned, Green’s next words made a ring of true spirit wizards solidify.

"From the moment I was an apprentice in the wizard, there was a dream, that is, to transcend all the myths that seem to be out of reach of the wizard, to transcend history, to stand at the peak of all wizards, and to see how vast the world is, the truth. What is fate? Speaking of it, this magic wand that has been with me for many years was once my pride, now..."

In the hands of Green, suddenly there is an unprecedented magic wand, the milky white sacred pure light spreads, and the fate lever magic wand stands together.

"Master, how far are you from my goal?"

The creamy white radiance and the fascinating brilliance of the five hundred plaques divide the hall into two different areas. (To be continued.)

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