A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1658: The strongest person I have ever seen!

A group of black lacquered figures gradually came out of the dark fog, and even his eyes were two dark, it was a more pure and thorough darkness, staring at everyone.

Behind Green, hundreds of sacred sorcerers of the Expeditionary Corps all appeared in a form of arrogance. Although they have not yet officially upgraded to the true spirit wizard, Green has initially demonstrated his fearless strength.

As the true spirit, power is also one of the manifestations of power!

Of course!

This group of black lacquered people showed a strange smile, Senbai's teeth are so eye-catching, the voice is full of unspeakable evil, as if from the murder of the nine secluded, low and hoarse: "The number of followers can not be ignored, He also proposed the plan of the ancestors of the wizard and had preliminary practice. Together with the third civilization war, he gained supreme prestige. After the dedication, you did have the foundation to break the rules of the wizard. I did not expect to try to break the rules of the wizard. The system is not a second ring, but a new little guy, hey, a little bit interesting."

According to the meaning of the Black Witch King, what was originally optimistic was the order of the financial rules of the Second Ring Spiritual Wizard, but did not expect to be replaced by Green?


Whether it is the Black Witch King, a ring of true spirit wizards, a round of true spirit wizards, seventeen rounds of true spirit wizards, etc., they all represent the way of thinking of the ancient wizards, only accepting new era changes in the field of knowledge exploration. However, the class of interest represented is the ancient wizard, ignoring the modern wizard who made the world of the wizarding world by war. So I never thought about what the modern wizard would cause.

Green condensed: "Is the Black Witch King to stop me from pursuing the wizarding ancestors?"

"Block you? Hey, at your current level, it is far from challenging my strength. Since Ashura represents the abyss wizard and a round of true spirit wizards, then you only have to prove your qualifications through the elemental wizard, only the winner. In order to lead the sorcerer. As for the new era, I and Pemirossius are waiting for you."

On the shoulders of Green, he said, "What about your old guy coming here? Don't tell me that it is to see the world of the world, it is extinct, what is good."

Xiao Ba is not too afraid to let go in front of the Black Witch King.

Although there is no real contest, but to say that the wizarding world is most likely to surpass Antonio at the peak, I am afraid that there is only this ancient and terrible black witch king.

No one knows the extent of his exploration, and no one can understand the depth of the mysterious realm of his exploration. His ancient and mysterious seemingly dark shadows of the wizarding world are shrouded in the growth of all wizards.

"This ring is really a good thing, and the seven rings are so detached. If you don't think that you are tall and fallen in the battle of civilization, you don't have to die like today. Oh, no wonder the ancient ten rings are so obsessed with witchcraft. Sure enough, there are some interesting communities! The world community of mussels has always been known for its mystery. Because it is less communicated with the outside world, I heard that there are many unique forms of life in it, but it can be collected in a good way."

On the finger of the black smoke, a simple and just medium is revealed, it is the ring of Titan's loss!

This ring is worn on the thumb of the Black Witch King, as if it is a symbol of supreme power.

"The second ring of the real spirit wizard, the seven-ring true spirit wizard, your annihilation tower is also a sorcerer, the elemental wizard talents are born, it should have done a great job after the war of civilization, but it has fallen to this..."

The black witch king swears, but it is so ridiculous in all the wizards.

"It turns out! So, the respected Lord of the Black Witch King, my second disciple, Hessian, is also the reincarnation of the ancient souls of the Holy Sepulcher, and will you return to the Wizarding World with you?"

At the moment, Green's heart is very contradictory.

On the one hand, it is fortunate that the goal of the Black Witch King is not his own. The Black Witch King is the existence that Green must face, but at this time, Green really does not have the ability to respond positively. I am afraid that only the balance light is passively contained.

On the other hand, it is extremely worrying. After the world tour of the Black Witch King's Mussel World, I am afraid that it will easily form a huge and terrible world's main army, and its original strength will be further enhanced. face……

"The soul of the wedding dress? After the accumulation of the third generation, the strength of this little guy is really impressive, but the mystery of death is used in this way, after all, I have taken the end. I have brought him back to the wizarding world, and now have returned to the nightmare space. If you don't hurry to complete the dedication, I am afraid that he will advance before you."

Get the news that Hessian is safe, and Green is a little relaxed. In fact, he recommended the black cable to enter the chaotic world to pursue the Black Witch King.

Deeply took a breath of the world's destruction of death, there is a hint of intoxication, the black witch Wang slyly closed the deep black eyes, suddenly said: "Compared with the soul of the wedding dress, you are really a surprise, silently understand My own meaning, the mystery of death has reached this point... Have you seen it yet?"

Hey! ?

Xiao Ba didn’t listen to Green’s story about the Grimm’s Fairy Tales, so I don’t know what the Dark Witch King pointed out. As for others, the level of truth mystery exploration is too low. The higher wizard’s discourse is like listening to the Bible, but trying to write down any words. This will be the guiding light on the road to your own wizard.

You also... have you seen it?

Green tri-color pupils suddenly shrink!

The commander of Xiahe told her the meaning of life. This is one of Green's greatest secrets. It is also recognized by Green as the mystery of the final strength of the dimension dimension, but it is said by the black witch king that it is the mystery of death. Is it the black witch king... ...

Black Witch King faces the higher latitude life! ?

"No, it's just an accident, but I know it's everywhere."

Green's answer made the Black Witch King laugh and laughed. Then, regardless of other people's reflections, I walked away from the distance, no one could stop the black witch king's footsteps. People dare to ask what to ask.

In a short while, the Black Witch King disappeared into the world of the world, and it seems that it is really just to visit this big world newly discovered by the Wizarding World.


The black flame of the half body of the magic doll is silent and extinguished. The button eyes look to Green Road: "No wonder you have no fear, this kind of power, unheard of, then how does this time and space of the dark sacred ancestor than the black witch king?"

"Black Witch King is the strongest living body I have ever seen. I am sure this! But if you open the door of darkness, I am afraid that it will be more difficult than the Black Witch King. The monsters of the second esophagus don't need me to say you. It should be clearer.

The magic doll is no longer talking, and thinking about it should have really realized the gap.

If the endless world is likened to the secondary esophagus, now whether it is the devil or the green, it is only the rogue, but similar to the black witch king, Pumirosius, a ring of true spirit wizard, a round of true spirit wizard, the world tree The beginning of the dark sacred ancestor, the ambiguous fascination, the Emperor Huadi's light, the iron-blooded queen, the strongest spring ancestor, the four sacred saints, etc., are the ultimate bosses of each gathering place!

The rogue challenged the final boss of the gathering place, in which the difficulty and gap, Green, the devil doll knows well.

the other side.

Glut, whisper, whistle, whistle...

Bibi Luo heart beats vigorously, a drop of cold sweat flows down his forehead to the chin, "tick" falls, the right eye's combat power detection glasses blue smoke has been extinguished, slightly exudes a scorching atmosphere.

The combat power of this wizard has surpassed the king of this generation of Saia, and I am afraid that only the secret weapon can be used to form combat power.

What kind of power is this? There are several wizards and wizards in the end! ?

Bibi Luo has left a mark of fear in his heart. Seeing Green's gaze only feels that he is shrouded in an unprecedented shadow. Bibi has secretly contacted the fourteen prince Saqajita.

"How, I felt very depressed in the black shadows. Some of the inferior Saiyan warriors are still scared. Tell me what happened there?"

Bibi Luo has not spoken yet~www.novelmtl.com~ Ground Saqajita first asked questions.

"I am afraid that we are in big trouble. This group of wizards has at least one strong person who is comparable to the king of Saiyan. I think..."

"So, if you beat him, you will surpass the father!"

Saqqita heard this saying, and it was full of excitement and rhetoric. The blood of the battle seemed to have begun to burn.

"Bibiro, I want to stay here until I beat the guy and tell me his name."

Is it true that the sky is high and the testimony of unlimited potential?


Bibi Luo returned from the true cold sweat. At this time, for the vast majority of wizards in the sky, it is still in the repression of the Black Witch King, without the oppression of endless despair and quality of life.

Bibi Luo Shen Sheng: "The sorcerers call him the ... Black Witch King!" (To be continued.)

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