A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1657: Excessive unknown combat power!

Three days later.

Walking on foot in the base of extinction, with the gradual deepening of the understanding of the wizard by the prince Saqajita, although this base is only the tip of the ice world of the wizarding world, the complicated rules and power systems involved in it have already Let Saqajita feel depressed.

How can a wizard who can control such a large army be just relying on pure power?

As for the wizards who are peace-loving races, there are few Saiyans who believe in Xiaoba’s nonsense. No matter where they are, they can’t see where these wizards love peace.

Although the wizards are brightly colored and emphasize individuality, even the refining wizards will never have mentally retarded and low-energy. Even other system wizards give people the feeling of oppression with endless knowledge and extensive knowledge. Knowing that even if you want to disguise it, you can't pretend that it's ridiculous.


Judging from the reverence of all the wizards at the base for the sacred sorcerer of the annihilation tower, this annihilation wizard king is probably a hidden character!

Moreover, judging from the mysterious actions of these wizards, the construction of this huge war base clearly has a deeper purpose, and it is likely that the cause of the planet's extinction.

What exactly is it……

"The fourteen princes, the initial measurement of the diameter of the artificial planet, is enough to rival the inferior planet formed by nature. At most, one day will come, and this miraculous project can be built. Their technology is afraid to have reached an incredible level. Our scientists want to study the wizard's scientific knowledge in depth, can they negotiate with the wizards on this matter?"

Molly came to Sakajita and whispered.

Although there is no difference between men and women in the Saiyan combat level, the female Saiyan has an extremely deadly feature, that is, the combat power will plummet to a very terrible level during the breeding period, and after the production, the combat power is almost impossible to upgrade to the original level. However, the female Saiyan combat strength after repeated births will inevitably fall to the level of the second-class Saiyan, so the number of female Saiyan is far less than the number of male Saiyan, which also seriously affects the Saiyan reproduction. .

Otherwise, the potential of the Isaiah, if it can survive indefinitely, it is hard to imagine what ethnic groups can really compete.

"This matter has already been negotiated with the annihilation of the wizard king. According to the annihilation wizard king, all knowledge of the wizarding world is tradable, but for the sorcerer knowledge is invaluable, so they want to learn their advanced technology. The price you have to pay will be incredible."

Without looking back, Saqajita added: "I have checked it, it is true, even if there is very little exchange between the wizards, not to mention our foreigners. And their knowledge system is very mottled, without their foundation. The scientific system, we want to rely on buying and selling to create this kind of combat power, I am afraid to give them a star-sized star in the Saiyan domain, this is impossible!"

The two were slightly silent.

Undoubtedly, this exiled Saiyan army also needs to survive, multiply and grow, and as the closest to the superior Saiyan in this legion, it is also the second generation potential of the young prince. Molly has become almost a matter of knowledge in the Queen of Saia. So, in the deliberate arrangement of Bibi, the contact between the two will become more and more dense.

In this context, even Mo Libi's temper can not help but show some embarrassment during the initial contact process.


Mo Libi said: "From the artificial planet, the giant Bibi Luo vaguely sensed the extremely terrible oppressive force. It seems that there is an unprecedented combat force coming, you see?"

"It is the black witch king. According to the annihilation of the wizard king, it should be one of the few ultimate elders in the wizarding league. The status is more noble than the annihilation of the wizard king. You tell Bibi Luo, when you pick up the plane and observe it, this one How much has the black witch king’s combat power been achieved, compared to the strength of several ultimate fighters in the Saiyan family.”


Mo Libi retired.

There is still a long time to go to the young prince, and I still have a long time to prepare.




Cappuccino and Anderse Seymour, as two disciples of Green, prayed separately and got the permission of Green to stand side by side.

The destruction of the earth's world, at this time, Andersi Seymour has obtained the key to the advanced six-level holy sorcerer. After returning to the wizarding world, it only takes ample time. The advanced six-level sorcerer is almost a matter of course. The three disciples who Green once valued the most will complete the counterattack, surpassing Cappuccino, chasing Hessian, and really did not let Green disappointed!



Can be called Green, except for Millie, it is the leaf of the sacred sorcerer Lulian, Ye Ye and Xiao Ba stood on the left and right shoulders of Lulian.

The demon doll, the **** rain, the Bibi Luo, the colorful dragon and the dragon, the three-legged death crow and the sorcerer of the sacred marks formed an unprecedented grand lineup behind Green, and even the whole base was destroyed. Specially arranged.

Green looked up and looked at the metal continent that had occupied the sky's horizons, and was gradually shifting from a gradual decline to a smooth buffer.

It’s awkward!

Lightning thunder, this is the wizarding world rule that overflows from the metal continent of hope, breaking the silence here.


The savage winds, the wizards at the base of the extinction smelled the familiar taste at this moment. It was the fragrance of the motherland, immersed in this wonderful rule, and every wizard was intoxicated.

In contrast, the magic doll, the three-legged death crow, the Saiyan, and the dragons are shocked by the fact that the metal continent is coming to influence the rules of the world. This is already a real world!


The city of the sky will not come completely, like a space fortress, generally parked in the sky.

Losing the world of the Earth's veins is unparalleled in the gravitational magnetic field. The city of the sky is moored at high altitude, and a thick and long shock is emitted. It is like a rolling thunder. It is “rumbling and rumbling” and is transmitted to the end of the sky. It is completely net.

On the metal continent, many small blacks are constantly scattered, and some have gradually been able to see the specific form. It is the sorcerer family and mechanical spaceships.

In the sky, the Scarlet Space Space Fortress and the Void Mothership are slowly approaching the metal continent. In contrast, these space fortresses and the Void Mothership are like a piece of sesame on the biscuit, which is insignificant and insignificant.

Some of the wizards on the ground also couldn’t stand the incitement and flew towards the metal continent...


Under the leadership of Green, many elite and powerful people seem to be ray-like, "咻", "咻", "咻", "咻" flew to the sky, and as they gradually approached the metal continent, Green waved and followed. Many legions also followed the fierce stop.

Endless darkness!


The suffocating despair of laughter echoed.

At this moment, whether it is a magic doll or Bibi Luo, only the surrounding air seems to be completely solidified, the world is only black and white, the body becomes extremely stiff, the blood freezes, every cell is shaking, shouting fear, danger warning .

what is that! ?

Other lower creatures have instinctively avoided this sky, so they have not received much influence. Only the followers led by Green~www.novelmtl.com~ have been oppressed by this indescribable rule. The power is shocked.

The wizards are still better. For the first time, they face the black strong kings of the alien kings. At this moment, the turbulent waves in the heart are shocking!

The magic doll is motionless in the sky, and Green knows that this is the ultimate battle preparation for burning the source at any time, and the combat power will multiply.


Bibi Luo’s combat force detection glasses digital “嘀嘀嘀嘀” has risen at a high frequency and has risen to a high level that Bibi has never heard before.


"嘶", the combat force detection glasses turned out to be quiet and silent, and the overload was destroyed.

"Impossible, impossible... impossible! The upper limit of the combat force detection glasses is based on the king of Sai Ya, and its combat power has surpassed the king of Sai Ya, this is impossible!!!"

Bibi's eyes stared at the boundless black smoke, the figure that gradually came out. (To be continued.)

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