A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1628: Galactic civilization

"I have seen the Great Tower of the Oblivion Stigma!"

The sorcerer who was chased by the chaos of the devil, a total of six, were all three great wizards. After being rescued by Green, the desperate heart once again saw the dawn of life, and could not help but be grateful to the zero, and they were most pious to Green. Wizard etiquette.

It has fallen to the side of several wizards. This kind of low-level life falls into the mouth of the world. The limited energy in the body will not be consumed for a long time and will be exhausted by this imaginary space, so that it can be completely digested by the endless world.

If non-Green is here, even if the chaos does not kill a few people, these people have no hope of survival.


As Green waved the magic wand, the glaciers that were originally used by Green to stop the chaos of the devil were re-assigned to the essence of the most basic elemental energy by Green, inhaling the dimensional dimension ball.

"You don't have to be restrained. You are willing to abandon the ancient world of the wizarding world. With this vast community of the world, you have fallen to this for the ancestors of the wizards. I am your strongest back at any time."

Inspired by the words, these low-level wizards were so encouraged by Green that they only felt excited, as if they had seen a strong, unified and idealized day for the Wizarding World.

The chaos of the chaos has been removed, and the second half of the task of conquering the world requires a large army of annihilation to take time to level out. After the final mourning in Grimm’s heart, the heart has eased a lot, and several low-level wizards have been appeated, indicating that the situation is temporary. Waiting behind him, Green step by step to the front of the rolling fog wall.

Extending the extreme abyss wand, Green tried to return to a reverse vortex.

Of course, Green failed.

"Master, behind this fog, an unknown creature from 350 million years ago was summoned by the chaos demon, and is peering over us. It seems to have the same knowledge and knowledge, a wise man."

A low-level wizard said to Green, unable to bear.

"Biology of 350 million years ago?"

Green's voice is low, hoarse, sinister, and clearly can't see through this layer of time, the three colors of light are always watching.

In theory, at this time, Green is in an absolute passive position. According to the time characteristics here, time can only move forward and not back. Therefore, Green can not form any threat to the fog, but it is the absolute initiative.

"Your ethnic group has aroused my interest, because we have a common desire, that is, the thirst for knowledge, the green heroes from the galaxy civilization, the strange life, what about you?"

The will words on the other end of the fog are very slow, just orderly, and seem to be full of insight and wisdom.

"Speaking, I don't know what we are like in the eyes of the light creatures that only crawl on the silk of time. Maybe we only know the ants crawling on the space plate? But I saw you, but there is a very strange feeling. It’s like... It’s like talking to a descendant who hasn’t been born yet, please forgive us for the interpretation of time ethics in these space creatures.”

Green line?


Mouth sneer at the corner of the mouth, Green Road: "The same feeling as you, the difference is, I have seen your ethnic group, I have now talked with the ruins. Although I do not know why you call the secondary esophagus, but I can tell you very clearly I saw at the edge of the dimensional dimension that your ethnic group was playing with high-latitude creatures and fought with a group of super-transformed barbarians."

"The end of the dimension...you! Can you see me?"

The creature seems to be more peculiar than the one that Green said at the end of the dimension. At this time, Green could turn back and see himself.

"To exchange knowledge that is good for your ethnic group, I will tell you the knowledge of my research, or your clues in the dimension dimension, choose one."

Green said, he even took out a light and a light light, hesitated a little, and carefully put it out.

"Now this bright light is just an ordinary light tool here, but the endless world is such a wonderful thing. If the clue of this bright light passes through the baptism of time, the content inside is seen by you, then it is a crossing. The eternal sacred object on the eternal is a time node that records the time and reverses the transmission. It may be some omission of higher latitude creatures. So, which one do you choose, what is your family's expertise?"

The other end of time and space fell into silence.

It is impossible for a few low-level wizards to understand what the annihilation tower sacred sorcerer is doing. This way of acquiring truth knowledge is beyond the understanding of these lower-level creatures.


Unexpectedly, the strange winds made Green's hair stunned and tried to force the calm. At the same time, several low-level wizards were unaware of this, and the instinctive teeth were screaming.

"Oh, it’s so cold."

A wizard muttered to himself.

Here is the time vortex in the world of the sky, the calm of time and space, where is the wind?

After a while, the other end of time and space is firm: "Knowledge, I use the basic knowledge of life and decomposition as understood by Green Runner, and exchange the way your people understand knowledge."

"Okay, the deal."

Taking a deep breath, Green re-raised the light of the light, as if he was afraid of getting into trouble. When he heard the other person's request for knowledge, his face showed a little easier.

It can be seen that Green is not really willing to exchange this.

Or what is Green trying to do?

But when I saw the inexplicable glimpses of a few little wizards, Green admitted that in that moment, he was really scared at that moment.

"The knowledge of the wizard is derived from the connection between everything, and the wizard calls it the rule. What the wizard does is to use the least force to manipulate these stocks to connect, to infinitely magnify the insignificant power, and to turn the ideal into reality. In the image metaphor, the wizard uses the knowledge cognition to gradually transform the imagination in his mind into the reality through the understanding of the essence of everything. www.novelmtl.com~, Green has started the experiment of the wizard apprentice, fire. The relationship between elements, fireballs and firebirds.

On the other hand, Greensman is also telling his own understanding of knowledge while communicating with Green.

"In the eyes of the Green Man, the existence of life is a kind of resistance, and it is a rebellion against the mechanized law of this dimension. If there is no life interference with the material energy of this dimension of mechanical operation, then all the laws of motion of this dimension dimension must be It can be expressed in the form of mathematical formulas. Then, why does life come from? Finally, the Greensmen use this as the root and discover the unknown function hidden behind the law of life, that is, the higher latitude consciousness, that is, you Now fear, the life and decomposition power of Green Runner comes from the clumsiness of unknown functions, the self-healing it designs the loopholes of life art, the contradiction between complexity and simplicity, please forgive my arrogance, in the green man In the eyes, it is just a clumsy craftsman."

Green's sorcerer's knowledge explains that the Green Singer is tantamount to interpreting the Bible, and vice versa.

Surprisingly, the two clearly can't understand each other's explanations, but they have a lot of benefits, and they are very excited. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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