A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1627: The mouth of the world

The world of the earth, the endless ocean, the bottom of the deep sea, lost the mainland.

Millie and Green go hand in hand, which is very rare for the very busy Green, the opportunity to accompany Millie naturally cherish, the two have been almost inseparable for decades.

"It can be seen that there were many gods in this continent in ancient times. Although most of the remains have been annihilated, those high-level gods still have some grandeur."

Millie’s discourse, but let Xiao Ba swear: “For so many years, this lost land of the mainland has not seen a sea god!”

The small sea dragon that had always followed Xiao Ba, because of the betrayal of the dragon family on the mainland of the gods, the living conditions of the ethnic group have become increasingly severe, and have already flown back to the island of Long Island.

Green looked at the small one on his shoulder and shook his head. "This is the curse of the sea **** mouth. There is no sea **** who is willing to sleep here, but it is reasonable to say that although it is a cursed land, in such a vast sea area, There should also be a duty-keeping presence, which may have been missed during our search."

咕噜, 咕噜, 咕噜, 咕噜...

The seabed geological activities are extremely frequent. A large amount of energy is vented from the friction of the geological layers, forming dense gas bubbles, some of which are toxic gases, and some high-energy crystals. It is a crisis where both the crisis and the opportunity coexist for lower organisms. But for the wizards who are so eager to see the world of Green, they are too low-level.


Suddenly, the dimensional dimension ball flew out silently, followed by an inexplicable ripple.

"Well? This is..."

Dimensional Dimensional Ball, its most fundamental structure is the Thousand World Ball. In the Dark Portal, the Thousand World Ball adds a eternal attribute to the baptism of the time. From the artifacts that originally need to consume the power of the soul, the energy-consuming nature of the object is changed. It is like the gap between the seven-level creature and the eighth-class creature.

At this time, this inexplicable ripple is the power of eternal baptism.

“It’s really a time when the creatures are in trouble.”

The pale orange spot is clear and thorough in everyone's eyes. Anyone knows that the invisible light orange ribbon in front of it indicates the key node of the world, the mouth of the world.

However, the mouth of this world is different from what Green wants. It is not a whole crack, but it is intermittent.

"The chaos of the chaos, isn't it here?"

Millie asked.

"I don't know, the face of truth can't detect the following. It can only be faintly detected. It has not only been chaotic in time and space, but it is still going on. The time and creatures that swim in time have made this a historical place."

Green sucked his lips and licked the extreme abyss magic wand. The dimensional dimension ball seemed to shine like a bright light. Green's other hand held the book of Truth. With the book of Truth, "Flip, the hundreds of millions of runes gradually cover the gap between the time and space of the nearby world as a backup.

"I want to know if the Chaos Devil is hiding here, only to see it in person, Xiao Ba, Millie, you are waiting for me here first."

Said, Green step by step to the mouth of the world with a light orange band.

Very strange!

At the speed of Green's true time, it is clear that it takes only a moment to reach the light orange band. However, due to the chaotic time and space, Green seems to be on an invisible river of countercurrent, and the chaotic time offsets most of Green's progress. .

In other words, it seems that Green is on a super-large ship, trying to reach from the east to the west, but the whole piercing is going down from west to east. Green is walking on the super ship. Part of the energy is thus quietly offset by the river of time, or Green is too strong to be bound by the power of time and space of the super ship. There is no way to use the higher level of space and time as the reference target.

"That took me so much energy..."

The dimensional dimension ball rotates slowly, and the visible energy ribbon of a bundle is infused by the head of the green. As Green progresses slowly, the energy ribbon consumed behind him is actually drawn into a series of light and shadow, as if a cartoon frame is drawn. This gives Green a feeling that he is watching his own light and shadow.

As for Millie and Xiao Ba, in the eyes of Green, who entered the time circle at the moment, it seems that the people on the shore are very unreal. On the contrary, Xiao Ba and Millie seem to have no effect on Green, but they are only slowed by Green. The strange action was amazed.


After a small half hour of hourglass effort, as Green is getting closer to the light orange band, the mouth of the world reacts to Green's unparalleled energy. It is like a big mouth suddenly splitting, and Green is just retrograde. The difference was instantly remedied and entered the state of superconducting time. The sound of "咻" disappeared in the eyes of Xiao Ba and Millie.

"Wow, Green Beast, you don't get lost in the turbulent time!"

Xiao Ba’s voice, Green, did not hear it.

In this process of Green's “following the flow” time, one step seems to span a continent, a few blinks of time, in the chaos of the surrounding chaos, Green seems to fall into a pole cast for a time. The vortex hole slipped to the bottom.


The first time, the will of horror, is even an energy burst.

There are still some illusions of confusion, Green, the instinct of the stun process of the TV light and fire instinct to the extreme abyss magic wand, thousands of glaciers gathered, "嘭", will be saved under the chaos of the Devil's claws.

Although it still exudes extreme terrible pressure, its weak nature has been thoroughly exposed under a series of data messages on the face of Green Truth.

prompt! prompt!

The upper limit of the chaos **** HP is fifty-six percent at the peak period, the upper limit of the MP is forty-nine during the peak period, the flesh and blood cells are in a sub-health state, and the strength attribute is about forty-four percent...

In this relatively stable time and space, the front is a wall of fog, gray, as if the end of the world.

Green knows the rules clearly. After trying to get out of the middle, he will return to the starting point in the process of time reversal. This is a time mirror. Only the past wears the future, but it has never been worn before.

Behind this wall, Green sensed that a high-smart creature is observing himself. This feeling is like studying the historical relics. It represents the creatures of the past.

The sky is a galaxy. This is just a regular representation of the Chinese phenomenon, the mouth of the world that has lost the continent.

In addition, there is no material and energy in this stable time and space, empty, never ending.


Several sorcerers who protected the glaciers saw Green, and they were overjoyed. Because the mouth was blocked~www.novelmtl.com~Oh, I couldn’t speak, Green immediately removed the chaos and then looked up and looked up. The figure flying in the high-altitude star river is the magical devil who tries to spread the mouth of the world.

It’s awkward!

The light and the dark intertwined and twisted, and the three-color ray under the shadow of the face of Green Truth was particularly noticed. The black arc at the top of the extreme abyss wand chased the past. At the same time, Jiu Chongshan was falling from the top of the chaos. It was Green’s means of preparing for the forgotten world of cracks.

"Going to heaven, only my own respect, chaos, reversal... Hey!"

The chaos of the chaos is almost blasting, and it is unbelievable to look down at his wide breasts, bloody, and his chest is actually passed by the black scales of the first layer of wild instinct in the green, and the tobacco is chaotic and **** from the chest. The front hole is floating.


Insidious laughter, Green's left hand with relatively small body shape is inserted from the back of the chaos demon, and the low way: "The system of the gods, this is the end, your magic body plus the golden dragon dragon dragon body, can be quite precious offerings Offering materials, oh..." (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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