A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1621: Great expedition


The humming sound of the melodious horn gradually swayed with the low-frequency sound waves and was transmitted beyond the distant horizon.

After a long period of time, through the vast and empty world of shadows, this metal continent is full of elite wizards and slave monsters after the end of the civil war, and came to this remote micro-world community.

With the unquestionable conquest of the deepest part of the metal continent, the source of the magical power of each of the wizarding towers on the metal continent is skyrocketing. The hundreds of millions of wizards and slave monsters have felt the awareness of the call and gathered together.

The sacred sorcerers have opened hundreds of meters to the real body, guiding hundreds of millions of low-level creatures, or opening the door of time and space to the mainland of the gods, or boarding the space fortress and the virtual mothership, where the spirits are boiling. In the roar of snarls, these space fortresses, which are full of evil and cruelty, are empty from the metal continent, drifting toward the small and medium world around the world of the earth.

Here, every space fortress and virtual mothership means that thousands of wizards are experiencing the hunter-destroy expedition experienced by the Green official wizarding period, but on this metal continent, there are nearly a hundred!

"I want all the creatures of this world to die in my own blood! I want the heart of this world to be the supreme tonic of the great wizard's will! Go, the children of the Wizarding World, destroy this with your wisdom and cruelty. A weak world, let them truly understand the cruelty of the endless world, the power of the wizarding world!"

Deep in the metal continent, the blood and rain are snarling, and the will is high, and the invasion of the metal continent is hoped.

The blood of the majestic water is like the roar of the sea, the turbulent waves, the waves rising into the sky, the steady stream of red blood rushing into the door of time and space, summoning along the altar of the sorcerer on the mainland of the gods, descending to this ancient continent.

"Meat! I want to eat meat..."

The slave monsters of more than 50 meters open their wings, and the huge shadows are fleeting. The tyrannical powers make the underground billions of millions of secret monsters shiver, which is the true top of the slave monsters. It is enough to crush the mutant creatures of adult dragons. Fortunately, there will be one or two in one world.

However, on the fortress that was squeezed by the slave monsters, this monster is like a hound under the wizard's feet, and has been completely domesticated to become the master of the wizard's will.

Even in the eyes of those sacred marks, these slave monsters are just a collection of slightly worthy ones after they have conquered one world.

Gradually, one after another space fortress, one after another, a virtual mothership is getting farther and farther away from the mighty metal continent floating in the void. It will not take long before the round symbolizes the unknown and ridiculous **** moon of the wizard invasion. It will appear in the so-called subcontinent of the gods of the mainland, and will be plundered and conquered.

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

The metal robotic corps carries an energy rifle and walks neatly into the door of time and space.

From time to time, the odd-shaped metal robots produced by Vantage Quantum Technology are interspersed in the middle, similar to spider self-propelled guns, biomimetic predators, full-spectrum camouflage life-saving devices, energy fortresses, and so on.

The Skynet Wizard system, composed of new humans and a few wizards, swiftly passed over these metal robotic regiments.

The wizards are divided into the sorcerer and the sorcerer, the sorcerer and the dark sorcerer, and even the Dawn Wisdom and the Demon Hunting Organization. The combat power and the combat mode are very different, and the slave monsters are also divided into three or six.

Among the hundreds of millions of slave monsters, there are such a group of slave monsters, which not only receive the courtesy of the wizards, but also have the ability to act autonomously, which is unique in the entire metal continent.

They are the soul-hunting thousand-eyed crabs!

As the guardian of the great annihilation tower of the sacred sorcerer, the sacred eye-catching crab family has been rising with the status of Green in the wizarding world, and its status is also constantly improving. Nowadays, the ultimate goal of the soul-hunting thousand-eyed crab for the slave monsters The guardian of the tower is getting closer and closer.

"Children, our chances are coming! The history of the Guardian Thousand-Eyes Crabs as the Guardian of the Sorcerer's Tower of the Sorcerer's School can be traced back to the Great annihilation tower, the sacred sorcerer, before the establishment of the sorcerer's tower, even earlier dating back to seven During the period of the Black Sota..."

Red fluff, dense eyes, more than 50 meters of body-thickness, thousands of eyes, giant crabs are working with their companions, indulging in blood counts, instilling the loyal dedication to the annihilation tower.

It is foreseeable that once Green is a true spiritual wizard, after the establishment of the Holy World, in addition to the dementia, the one-eyed crab will become the guardian of the tower. As the patriarch of the dementia, the giant-eyed crab and the supernatural crab are likely to Become like the giant tortoise of the Seventh Ring of the Holy Heaven, as the owner of the Holy World!

The low-level creatures have advanced to the world's lords, and such opportunities are unique.



The metal continent is relatively empty, and the other side is the mainland of the gods.

The shadow of the death crow slipped over, but did not find the guard eye of the ground grass camouflage.

With the help of the eye of the guard, the white cow shaman gaze at the base of the extinction established in the once evil spirit empire, feeling the more unstoppable pressure that exudes, and the heart is shocked.

"What are they doing? I feel a very evil will, and I am going to vent. It is more terrible than the annihilator. The annihilator can only kill the gods, but it can really destroy the world, who Can you stop it?"

Deep in the base of the extinction, it is the source of darkness that the light of the gods can not radiate.

It not only resists the infiltration of the number of times the gods have counted in the morning, but also spreads its own darkness and expands its own power. The terrible rumors about the wizards have appeared.

In the recent period, the wizards who secretly sneaked around the mainland have returned, and the bases of the ruined bases are so strict. They can feel the terrible energy sources gathered there far apart. There is no doubt that the wizards must be preparing. What conspiracy!

It’s awkward!

The original sunny sky ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ suddenly a storm, a dark red arc cut through the sky, so that the white cattle shaman can not help but instinct to look past.

"Red cloud?"

Whether it is the gods or the demon gods, there are not a few rules about killing and blood. However, like this red and naked, the law of divine power can easily spread to the great existence of the whole evil spirit empire. But one is not.

This is definitely not what the upper **** can do!


In response to this, in the depths of the base of the extinction, there was a burst of cheers and roars, like a giant ceremonial success.

“What is it? You must notify the headquarters immediately!”

The treacherous fear of the white cattle shaman is getting stronger and stronger. This uneasy whim makes it try its best to intensify the eye of the guard, wear a layer of energy guardian and space enchantment, in an attempt to peek into everything farther away. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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