A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1620: Metal continent

"Wow, my dear, the Green Beast, haven’t thought about the Lord for so long?"

Green's shoulders fluctuated in time and space, and a small toothpick appeared in a small mouth. He glanced at Green's small eyes. This made Green, who has been smashing the gods for many years, killing countless creatures. Smile.

"I heard that you and Ye Ye quarreled, what happened?"

Green continued to fly over the endless ocean, and it was not surprising that the sudden appearance of Xiao Ba.

"Wow, you don't mention the menopause of the menopause. I think she is a very itchy skin! Hey, I can bear him for a long time, I don't want to say anything, I am mad at me! Right, not the world body. In the mainland part, how do you run on the ocean side?"


I didn't expect Xiao Ba to say so, the temper is a lot bigger.

Green glanced at the angry guy and said: "The world, a total of six gods, spent a lot of energy in tens of decades to annihilate these leaders. Fortunately, there is no rule left, I am chasing the last chasing demon of the powerful, I haven't found it on the mainland, so I have to try my luck here. Right, Millie is also responsible for this."

Xiao Ba slowly nodded, his eyes slid and turned a circle, and the thief's eyebrows described it as it is now.

"Oh, this way... yes! Green Beast, I told you, hope that on the metal continent, these years because of the loose management of the organization, the lack of competition awareness, brought up by those Skynet wizards If you are not hurricane, you will know how to play mahjong every day. After you go back, you will issue a decree to the Universe..."

Not to mention the relatively relaxed environment on the Green side, the metal continent is another busy scene.

Compared with the vast and endless void of vastness, even the metal continent of the wisdom and pride of the ancient wizards is too small and insignificant. It has formed a unique ecosystem within itself, inheriting the rules of the wizarding world and experiencing a long period of void. Going forward, I finally crossed the wizarding world community and the vast emptiness zone, and came to the miniature community of the world.


The thick metal continent travels between the world of the earth and a small world, searching for a balance point in the rules of gravity of the micro-world community. The unique wizard rules of the metal continent compete with the rules of gravity, and emit a thick and shocking sound.

As a platform for the Wizarding World, this is the true continent.

"I have eaten enough of these **** mushrooms, I hate mushrooms!"

The three-meter-high slave monster squats, resembling a big-headed doll, green skin, skinny, grumpy look, and other slave monsters around him are very afraid.

In the sky, a group of strange birds and beasts walked between the metal towers, and the shadows flickered. Through the heavy energy protection cover at high altitude, it was faint to see a gray world, and the metal continent was constantly approaching. This is metal. The mainland has no unique phenomenon in the long empty sky, but the wisdom of the slave monsters can not even understand these changes.

咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻...

Although only 20 low-level wizards slid quickly through the sky and flew to the wizarding tower, many of the slave monsters on the ground screamed and screamed, fearing the supreme majesty of the wizard.

"Oh, hey, today I don't know how many wizards have passed. The atmosphere is a bit wrong. There must be something in the wizard tower. What do you say?"

In the densely populated monster group, a fang porcupine squats on the skull and warhammer, squinting at the sorcerer, looking silly.

"Take him, there is no indication at the wizard tower. There is a big guy over there. It should be the old turtle king. Walk around, let go, what to eat at night?"

咚, 咚, 咚, 咚...

Although the hope is a metal continent, it only says that its structural support, the surface is still rock and stone, and the same as the general continent, from the perspective of the tremor of the earth, there is a terrible behemoth coming from afar.

A dragon turtle of more than 30 meters, slowly swallowed, but it is already a three-level peak creature, the most peak of the slave monster exists, it is the explosion of the horror must also avoid its edge, let the road open.

On the metal continent, the vortex of the magic source at the top of hundreds of wizard towers forms a twisted cloud. It is the temporary foundation of one and another sacred sorcerer, and the wizard will radiate the entire metal continent.

"It’s finally arrived, evil spirits and evils... I don’t know if we follow the screaming screaming sorcerer, which group will be assigned!”

The old witch was turbid, riding on a broom, and an ugly "squeaky" on the shoulder called a non-stop. The old bark was covered with a smile on his face, and the laughter changed with too much excitement. It is extremely mad.

"Across the world community, since the glory of the ancient wizards, it is an unprecedented feat of the wizarding world. The old body can follow the great annihilation tower. The sacred sorcerer experienced this glory. Even if he died here, there is nothing to be pity. evil……"

Next to the old witch, a young wise male wizard, also showing the color of pride, staring at the gray world that the metal continent is constantly approaching.

Although with the ability of this third-level wizard, you can't understand the specific rules of the world, but you may wish to make some guesses about the world.

"Yeah, our generation of wizards, experienced the third war of civilization, experienced the most tragic times, ushered in the rare heroes of the history of wizards, and indeed deserve our pride. Now it is close to the world of the earth, but now Judging from the distribution of space fortresses, the task of following the screaming sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer is likely to be on the mainland of the gods. I heard that all the corps that are assigned to the subordinate world are equipped with space fortresses or virtual motherships."


Suddenly, the source of the magical power of the wizard tower is whirlpool, and the magic light column rises to the sky, reaching the space fortress protection cover~www.novelmtl.com~ is the screaming sorcerer. ”

"I am finally coming!"

"Oh, I really can't wait."

Tens of thousands of wizards, a group of groups gathered from all directions to the hurricane whistling witch tower, and such a wizard tower, the metal continent full of hundreds of wizard towers, all are in the final preparation before the battle!

On the basis of the rich combat experience of the wizarding world, different assignments were made to each wizard tower. Hope is the command center of this vast battle, and the expeditionary army is commanding.


The screaming whistling sorcerer followed the magic light column and rose.

Open the elemental body, the whistling whistling sorcerer gradually turns into a giant of hundreds of meters, in the sky, the sacred sorcerer overlooks the hundreds of thousands of hunters and wizards surrounded by the sorcerer's tower, the infinite and endless slave monsters are approaching in all directions, remote sensing should To other holy marks wizards. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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