A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1584: Destroyed Magic (8)


Although I saw the unbelievable horror of the sudden emergence of Green, the chaotic demon **** predicted that he was not his opponent, but judging from his induction, this horrible life was not promoted to dominate, and he was the most endless in the world. The ultimate mystery of the Almighty Spirit,

After a period of stalemate between the two sides, with the extensive carrying capacity of the mainland, it is said that there will be some turning points.

However, the chaos demon is obviously still underestimating the power of Green.

After being smashed by Green, the ground fell, and after the 10,000-meter real chaos demon **** cracked and spread a super squat, the chaos demon took a roll and struggled to stand up again.

With the special shock of its chaotic magical body, the earth's magical flame pattern formed a special resonance, which seems to be broken out from the glacier, the low-pitched sound in the throat, the glacier "咔嚓", "咔嚓", "咔嚓"Crushing.

On the other hand, Green is a few flashes, but it appears at a faster rate.

"The chaos of the magic, immortality!"

It seems that it is time to fight for the pattern of the squad, and the chaotic demon gods voluntarily fall off, forming two high-speed rotating cones, piercing the air, with super high-strength penetrating power, giving the impression It's like two new special creatures.

And its body, under the force of the vastness and chaos of the body, there are some special rules changes.

"I will never die?"

The mouth of the mouth showed a taunting arc. In the face of these two chaos, the green light flashed, and even stepped on the super high-speed rotating horn in the air, without any slight change, it was incredible to walk, such as flat Generally, after stepping on a wave mark left by the trajectory, it appears again in the top of the incredible chaos of the chaos.

Although the auxiliary ability of the face of truth is not a holistic solution, but the indirect force against Green, weakening the enemy's combat power, has already made Green in the eyes of the mixed demon god, equal to the incomprehensible mysterious phenomenon!

It’s awkward!

High-frequency oscillatory waves overflowed with palpitations and panic, and black arcs distort all directions of light and darkness from the sky.

In the face of the annihilation arc, the full range of attacking power is close to eight million degrees of destruction. The moment before, the chaos of the chaotic magical body is still eternal, but at the moment it seems to be a cat that has been stepped on the tail.撼 So powerful, no longer care about what the magic flame pattern, "咻", turned into a residual image disappeared.


Like a sword inserted into tofu, the black arc instantly melts the earth. Because the degree of attack is too strong, this annihilation arc continually smashes into the deep magma flow.

"Hey, don't you say that the chaos magic body will never die? How to run, huh?"

Green teasing ridicules the tone, and then the face of truth is an unknown atmosphere, centered on the panic of the horrified wheezing, and the petrochemicals in all directions, it is Green's vision of the petrified eye of the truth.

These petrified earths are reorganizing the mysterious structure of the earth truth in a occult manner, which is also equivalent to destroying the structure of the magic flame pattern, so that the magical land pattern of more than 10,000 years can no longer be effective and completely disintegrated.

In this way, the chaos demon god, in addition to thousands of followers, is equivalent to having completely lost the territorial blessing, becoming the dog of the funeral in Green's eyes, and is vulnerable.

The chaos demon is obviously aware of his situation.

Although there are still many means in terms of its strength, the so-called means are only used for the existence of the same class. In the face of this out-of-the-air, completely destroying the balance system of the gods and the unknown horrible life of the self-proclaimed dying. Any means is nothing more than a itch in the boots.

But even so, I have to do my best to resist!

"Snoring, snoring, snoring, chaos and devil!"

Standing on the vast expanse of petrochemical land, the lion's head monster releases its source of energy from its gas, from the perspective of the wizard, from its energy structure is a man-made similar to the black-seal seal Low-level space-time seals, these forces of time and space shuttle through nothingness, after locking Green, centered on Green, black tobacco forms a pair of giant hands covering the sky, "嘭", the Green is covered in the center of the hands, bound in the seal .

Dark red sky, gloomy and depressed, from time to time flashed two searchlights, sliding from the side of the green, quickly disappeared at the end of the horizon.

Sand, sand, sand, sand, sand, sand...

It is like a world of chaotic rules, but Green knows that this rule reshapes the rule space with itself as the center.

"Hey, little reptile, how dare you at my feet?"

At the foot of Green, a fish flying in the earth, in the mouth of the cat, questioned, its tongue turned out to be a rolling spring, spit out when speaking, and then shrank back after saying it.

吱, 吱, 吱, 吱, 吱, 吱...

A group of gypsum-like white bats, about a few hundred, with sharp fangs, and a "squeaky" sound. What is strange is that these plaster-like bats are constantly showing a single face, different. I want to get a look out of my body.

After discovering Green, these bats did not dare to act without permission, and surrounded the Green Aircraft, waiting for an opportunity to move.

The world consisting of this chaotic rule, the so-called land is composed of stone land, and there are some strange-shaped vegetation trees, but there are some characteristics of ice, showing a translucent shape, like the sea, rolling waves, so There is a "cat fish" that does not know how to live and intimidate Green.

Under the earth, the huge shadows of hundreds of meters and several kilometers are slowly moving, I don't know what kind of grotesque phenomenon.

"Oh, Mom, I am so scared, I have another monster!"

On the old bark, there is a little girl face ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ looking at Green in horror, this is such a ridiculous illusory world, the chaotic rules are still instinctively against Green, and want to integrate it.

On the other hand, after the three-color glory of Green looked around the world for a week, “桀桀桀桀” smiled low.

"This is chaotic Godland? The so-called chaotic godland should be based on the chaotic world, and it is a space secret. Now, with this space secret as a carrier, I will practice time and space seals." Hey, the rules are interesting, is the chaotic demon family born in such a strange world of rules?"

Although muttering in the fun of appreciation, Green gently waved his arm, and with the unparalleled pressure of the extreme abyss magic wand head gradually swayed, twisting the arc of all directions and the dark annihilation arc, the chaotic rules are like melting glaciers It crashed.

These chaotic rules are too low-level compared to the annihilation rules of Green's magic wand tip.

It’s awkward!

With the black arc coming out, everything along the way, regardless of everything, was completely blasted by the arc.

Just like breaking the illusory mirror, in this space-time passage that annihilates the arc, Green sees the other side of the blue-grey petrified earth at the end of the time, the chaotic demon **** who is fleeing to the depths of the mainland.

"Small things, where can you escape?"

Surrounded by chaotic gods, layers of layers are broken, and the gray-grey figure moves forward in the air, like a falcon overlooking the prey on the ground, waiting for an opportunity. To be continued.

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