A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1583: Destroyed Magic (7)

call out!

Green suddenly stopped at the high speed of the real time, standing in the air, between the movements, 15 incomparable.

Compared with the body of the chaotic demon king of the dark red chaos, Green is so small and insignificant, but it has produced a superb majesty and a sharp contrast.

"who are you?"

The chaotic demon **** has been bound by the mainland of the gods, and it has been more than 10,000 years.

In the past 10,000 years, the unparalleled gravity rules of the gods have made it impossible for them to leave the world again. They can only be trapped in this world. As the leader of the demon god, they are spiritually baptized by time and continue to suffer.

Fortunately, it is not alone.

In addition to the millions of chaotic demons that regard it as the spiritual pillar, there are some opponents that even the enemy that they should pay attention to, and the legends of the ancient relics that made him frightened but extremely excited. So, the chaos demon has completely integrated this The world, exploring the history of the world, exploring the space of the world and expanding the future of this world.

"Hey, who am I? You can think of me as...you used to."

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

Bang! Bang! Bang! Booming rumbling...

Green's voice is hoarse, low, full of ridicule.

Under the support of the dimensional dimension ball, even if Green stopped this a little, the unparalleled pressure brought by it has already begun to sink the mountains and rivers. The huge cracks spread along the mountain lines and spread in all directions.

Looking at the overall overlooking pattern, these uneven mountains and rivers are gradually being pressed into a vast basin by Green.

"My past!?"

After the chaos of the chaos stopped for a while, it seemed to react. From low to high, "hahahaha" laughed.

“Another intruder? Hey, the history of this world is very interesting. You still don’t know. Before I invaded the mainland, those overseas dragons were the first invaders in the world, but those big landers were more than The guardians of the world have tried their best to kill them, but they have been betrayed by the mainland gods and sea gods. The reason is that they do not need the world will. In their narrow and stupid eyes, here is the center of many times, all around The gods rotate on the mainland."

Perhaps the pressure exerted by Green is too strong. Even though this famous name is the chaos of the demon, the body of the kilometer is inflated, and it has become more and more huge. At this moment, it has become a giant of more than 2,000 meters.

This land has been nourished by the chaotic demon for many years, and has produced many strange and extraordinary mysteries.

In addition to those spiritual flames that are gradually gathering, forming a willing servant that is comparable to the five-level creatures, centered on the chaotic demon, a pattern of millions of meters spread gradually emerges.

This lion has a monster with arms and arms, and the four feet stand tall and high, as a living body with a super-evolution of mutation. In Green's view, this chaotic demon is stronger than the Vantage, enough to be with the ocean. Under the blessing, the ancient sea gods fight, even under pressure!

Even in the secondary esophagus, this existence is enough to become the leader-level existence of some gathering places. In the endless world, in addition to being dominated, rare existence can threaten it. It is really an extremely rare super life!

However, unfortunately, in this time and space, it hits Green at the peak!

Only one or two super-sorcerers can be born in the long history of the wizarding civilization!

The pressure of the chaos is getting bigger and bigger, and the unyielding gaze is like a bottomless black hole that devours everything in the sky.

"So, are you coming here to start from me and conquer this world?"

The dragon family is actually a corps that invaded the world before the chaos devil?

With such a clue, Green couldn't help but feel a little stunned, but he didn't think much about it. The face of Green Truth is constantly learning about everything about the Chaos Devil, from the outside to the inside, and even his core is thoroughly insightful.

"Just a predator?"

Green's oppressive force became more and more violent, and the chaos demon king has unwittingly expanded to a height of five kilometers. In this center of the basin, which was pressed by Green's inexhaustible oppression, it formed a prominent mountain peak.

"Is your motivation for this world limited to this, but I overestimated you. From the beginning you conquered the world? The arrogant guy, following the ancient giant snail, witnessing the destruction of this world, you can call me ... the annihilator! If you have the ability, protect the world from my hands!"

In the hands of Green, the extreme abyss magic wand suddenly fell.

Under the blessing of the magical power of the Abyss, the Extreme Abyss magic wand will instantly become a behemoth that surpasses 10,000 meters. As Green waves, the extremely cold crystal of the stick head turns into an ice peak, lingering with endless cold, if the basin As if it had been blown by the Korean Wave, the glaciers overflowed and even spread beyond the basin.

"Chaotic magic!"

Correspondingly, the chaos demon screamed and screamed, and the real body swelled into a giant 10,000 meters, which is more powerful than the true ancestors of the Greens!

In this way, this sphinx is the first demon of the lion's body, and it is so powerful that it has opened its arms and it has taken over the Green Abyss magic wand.

Booming rumbling...

The center of the vast basin is like a super storm. The surrounding mountain ranges are layered and infinitely cold, and are constantly being cut. Even the chaotic magical pattern that has been nourished by the chaos of the devil is also heavy. The glacier is completely sealed underground and difficult to play.

This is the scene!

Tens of meters of extreme abyss wands at both ends, Green's small and insignificant body squat easily, holding one end, and the 10,000-meter giant chaos demon **** is stunned, trying to do all the strength to hold the other end.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

The willing servants gathered by the chaos of the flames rushed to Green, which is equivalent to the five-level life force. Such a quantity is no less than a catastrophe for the general superior god, but for the moment, Green is just a sneer After glanced at it, the left-hand dimension of the Dimensional Ball rotated silently.


These magical flame monsters are irresistible, and they are getting smaller and smaller. In the end, they have become some dust cinders. They have been sucked by the dimensional dimension ball, and they have completed the suppression of the sub-yuan seal and become the low-order energy that is permanently bound in the dimensionary sphere. body.

After doing all this, in the face of the chaos of the devil, the core of the power of the core is super-violent, and the dark red flames dye the sky. This should be the highest level of the gods in the performance stage, close to the destruction of three million degrees. hit!

The power of dominance ~www.novelmtl.com~ No one can ignore.


Green is indifferent to this, the face of truth has long been the intensity of this attack, the level of reduction, direction prediction, special changes, attribute nature, everything has been thoroughly dialysis.

In this way, Green is like a prophet, walking between the shadows, cleverly avoiding this devastating attack, and then recovering the extreme abyss magic wand, a few small figures flashing, appearing beside the chaos demon, swinging out of the air .



Booming rumbling...

Green's pulsating power ripples, "嘭", slammed into the chaos of the chaos.

In an instant, "咔吧", the sound of the body's destruction is clearly audible, and then the 10,000-meter behemoth was so slammed by Green, and the shadow flew over hundreds of miles, and the "bang" slammed down. . (To be continued.)

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