A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1566: Collecting soul

"what is that!?"

In general, the gods of the gods of the gods will long learn the rules in their own realms, condense the gods, and spend a long time, just like the relationship between the wizard and the laboratory.

But occasionally, the gods will also descend to the gods to display so-called miracles, to convey will, to cling to believers, to spread faith, and even to wage war for the resources of believers. On the macro level, there is almost no essential difference between the temple and the wizarding tower. .

The **** domain is a purely regular space shaped by the power of the temple's faith. Because of the relationship between the ancient sky city and the natural mystery in the wizarding world, the wizard has rarely studied this ability. Once the temple of faith is destroyed, the so-called **** domain will naturally collapse, so This kind of chicken ribs has been dismissed since the ancient wizards, but these exotic worlds are still inherited.

On this day, the **** of evil spirits happened to descend to the temple, to convey to the loyal Lord sacrifices the new will of the gods, to stipulate the development plan and belief plan of the Kingdom of God in the next few years. Suddenly, the noble law and the vast expanse of the distant sky Divine power, let this god, who is only the evil spirit of the next god, jump and scream, and a panic of panic is drowned like a flood.

"Which superior God came to the kingdom of God? Impossible, there is no large-scale interference in the power of faith, and there is no other power of great faith. What is going on here?"

However, the horror of the evil spirits is getting more and more astounding, and the fisherman's priests who are respectful and standing are seeing this scene, and they can't help but be afraid.

This main ritual, once a well-known third-class sanctuary strongman, the scar on a purple scale is a testimony to its innumerable life-and-death battles. Thus, this small purple scale fisherman scattered on the edge of the mainland, Only a strong sanctuary with the ability to fly in the air was born, and he was finally fortunate to be appreciated by the great **** of evil spirits and became the main sacrifice of the temple.

Therefore, the scalefish family has continued to grow and develop here, becoming the third largest group after the porcupine and goblin.

It is itself one of the top powers in the three-level sanctuary, and it has the majesty of the gods who summon the evil spirits. The main sacrifice of the purple-scale fisherman is the ultimate elite of the evil spirits. One of the reasons why the dragon did not dare to go deep into the territory of the evil spirits!

"What happened to the great **** of evil spirits?"

The purple squid was asked by the Lord.

The **** of evil spirits is a foreign double-headed bird, a force of evil spirits, the power of a spirit, falling on the mainland of the gods for thousands of years, from the initial stage, it was almost chased and killed by many gathered sanctuaries. To rob the godhead, to build an imperial temple now, to have a complete system of faith, to control dozens of strong people in the sanctuary, and every day the **** of evil spirits has been working hard.

Once upon a time, the lord of the world was arrogant and attempted to conquer a wider space to gain more believers. But when it fell into the mainland of the gods, all the moments were destroyed, and the once-invading army was instantly destroyed, and it became a The so-called lower god...

"Call the kings of the various tribes, the king of the stray, the king of the goblin, and the bones of the porcupine king to quickly guard the temple. All the high priests organized the believers to worship the evil spirits in the temple, and the evil spirits knights were fully armed..."

These preparations are the final preparation for the temple to cope with the war of the temple!

It is a pity that the time of the evil spirits falling on the mainland is too short. There are not too many believers in the gods, otherwise it will be regarded as a group of forces.

The main character of the purple-scaled fisherman sang the sacred will of this god, and the look turned away seriously. The previous fears have gradually become firmer, and it is not hesitant to sacrifice for the gods of evil spirits!

"What is the heart-wrenching rule of no ignorance, and the power of faith in the east is extinguished in a short time."

Among the four-headed birds, they are full of fear.

"It seems that we need to re-establish the temple..."

Thinking like this, the **** of evil spirits even bite his teeth and flew away from the temple without hesitation, intending to give up and touch the edge with the unknown and terrible god.


A tribe, ranging from a few hundred souls to tens of thousands of souls, scattered among the evil spirits of the coast.

On the way to the Temple of the Evil Spirit, Green is like picking strawberries in a strawberry garden. He specializes in picking up some big tribes and three-level creatures that enter the sanctuary. A tiny fireball that Green is free to wave is a tens of thousands of attacks. It is like a disaster.

The high-quality souls of these sacred strongs are enough to reach tens of thousands of ordinary souls.

In this way, after collecting thousands of souls all the way, where Green passed, there was a scene of flames rushing into the sky. The explosions of "bang" and "bang" accompanied the glare and gradually approached the evil. Temple of the Spirit.

"Respect and great unknown gods, here is the temple of evil spirits. What is it that makes the evil spirits touch your majesty? The evil spirits are willing to double the compensation and ask you to forgive with the generous heart."

The main sacred kingfisher of the purple squid stood in front of the temple of evil spirits, bowing his knees and requesting the grace of the unknown stranger of Green.

After the three colors of the green, the sky of the truth, after the data of the sky, the data of all the sanctuaries was converted into ordinary quality souls, and the number of 13524674 was obtained.

More than 13 million souls, plus the millions of souls collected previously, according to the degree of opening the door of time in the "Inflammation of the Soul", plus the altar preparation of the three-legged death crow, it is barely enough to summon Coming down.

"Oh, even your gods have given up and fled, betrayed your loyal faith, but you are still here to dedicate yourself to yourself~www.novelmtl.com~ sing its merits? Ignorance and humble life, you Living in this world... is sin!"

Green did not pay attention to this insignificant main sacrifice, but only made a will to all the creatures in the city.

Temporary gathering of more than 20 sacred strongmen in front of the temple, dozens of high priests led hundreds of thousands of worshippers worshipping the various tribes around the temple to gather the power of faith, the so-called shrine guards armed with full metal armor The so-called strongest temple in the presence of the main sacrifice of the temple, in the eyes of Green has been above the level of the six-level life, are just worms under the feet.

A yin and yang double-core ancient lamp, the fire of the soybeans ignited, the unclear and horrified light is like the radiance of the sun, sprinkling every corner of the evil spirits, the instinctive screaming of the timid creatures.

puff! puff! puff! puff! puff! puff! puff……

In the field of ultra-range alienation, countless lower living beings are divided by these supreme evil witchcrafts, becoming creeping organs that only instinct to swallow the will, biting each other, a city of **** in a nightmare, and soon there is no life. .

Ingeniously, in the field of Green Alienation witchcraft, after all life bodies die, the whole city is intact. Some people will come to explore in the future, and they will have the fear of being in hell, guessing what happened here.

As the foundation of an empire, if it is a general sacred sorcerer, maybe some valuable wealth can be found, but for the existence of Green, in addition to the historical details of the great world and the remains of civilization, there is no wealth that can enter Green's field of vision. .


The whales are so absorbent, and Green holds the "Inflammation of the Soul", inhaling the soul of the entire emperor with infinite suction. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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