A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1565: Evil spirit empire

Under the heavy crustal plate of the gods, on the umbilical node of the world of Taiji magnetite, in this super-high-pressure lava flame, Greengreen's power ripples surged out, instantly extruding an absolute field space in the flowing lava sea. Push the flames around.

"Although the world does not have the main god-level creatures, there should be no more Gods who can have a battle with themselves. However, the energy recovery of the dimensional dimension ball is only a few months. If you don't care, let's take a look at it here. The core of the veins. Right, you can try to collect some soul power nearby, and summon the three feet to replace the exploration. The six-level biological level is also one of the upper evil spirits in this big world. Not bad."

Thinking like this, Green's right hand extreme awkward magic wand replaced the balance light, and the three-color light gaze upwards at the ground vein layer covered by the lava flame. The light suddenly bursts brightly, and the high-frequency shock ripples are filled with unknown signs and heart-rending. In the absolute field, the lava light is gradually distorted, as if it was swallowed up by the extreme abyss magic wand in Green's hand.

It’s awkward!

The harsh sound of the sound, the black annihilation arc rises into the sky, and instantly annihilates and melts the upper lava layer, and the unimpeded along the way, whether it is the rock crust or the surface of the soil, the violent power of Green’s easy attack is layered wear.


The edge of the gods on the mainland, the evil spirits empire.

Here is the place where the overseas dragon gods, the sea gods and the mainland gods gather together, and the place where the fish and the dragons are mixed, it is also among the forces of the three gods, some regional evil spirits that have been bound by the gravitational rules of the earth to accidentally fall to the mainland of the gods. This rooted, spread the faith, conquer the believers, and establish the kingdom of God.

This evil spirit empire is one of the gods established by hundreds of evil gods in the mainland of the gods.

The sky is forty-eight eternal time-space vortices, representing forty-eight small and medium-sized worlds that are adsorbed by the rules of the earth's veins, but it does not rule out some hidden vortices and special world-regular mobility vortices, or intermittent vortices. There may be more than a hundred small and medium-sized worlds adsorbed by the earth's veins. These vortices will often spurt some small and medium-sized world energy and even life.

In these living bodies, most of the lower living beings will be decomposed by the powerful gravitational explosion in the moment when they fall into the mainland of the gods. Only a small part of the three-level living body close to the sanctuary survives and integrates into the mainland of the gods. .

From the perspective of these small and medium-sized worlds, after achieving the world's sovereignty in their respective special rules world, they are invincible in their respective worlds, often leading the army to try to explore the so-called world door, and finally bound by the unbelievable gravity rules of the gods. The world has become one of the many evil gods in the world. It is intertwined with the forces of all parties and may be destroyed at any time.


Earth-shattering energy waves, the coastal humid land in the violent energy fluctuations, ups and downs, even with the ultra-high concentration of annihilation arcs, some large and small villages built by miscellaneous creatures within tens of kilometers are still in their moments. Wipe it off the map.

At this point, the quenching of the arc is also considered to be exhausted, and disappears after forming a twisted vortex in midair.

Fortunately, the lower living creatures in these tribal villages were killed in an instant by the annihilation of the arc, without any painful death.

Smoothing the passage of the mirror, the darkness is not at the bottom, only the strong people of the sanctuary flying in the air can experience the dark red spot deep in the ground in the hot and high temperature after a period of exploration, which is the core to the bottom of the earth. The hot lava, no longer deep in the three levels of sacred creatures can explore.

Slowly, the figure of Green flew out from the passage to the deepest part of the heart, feeling the familiar world rules of the impression, the power of various faiths, and the prayers of the gods to become the sanctuary of the mainland. Under the creature's main lifestyle, the three-color scorpion looks around for a week and looks for nearby soul resources.

Oh la la...

Green's left hand "Inflammation of the Soul" opened, and several nearby green annihilation forces blew through the surface, inadvertently erased the souls of several villages floating, not yet naturally dissipated, at this time in the soul of the real charm Gradually gathered, and then swallowed by Green.

However, it is not enough to rely on this number of souls to summon three-legged death crows, such as six-level creatures.

"The large number of souls gathered in the depths of the ocean should be the Poseidon system. The higher quality soul aggregates on the islands should be the dragon gods. The biological souls in the nearby poor soil are distributed in scattered tribal villages. Trouble, almost no decent city."

Muttered to himself, Green Twilight looked a little further.

"The only city in this area of ​​the power of faith gathering, I think it should be the temple of this region, oh, the number of souls is just right, use the soul here to open the door of time and space to summon the three feet to come. Yes, let's first explore what the temple is."

The distance of tens of kilometers may be quite long for the lower creatures, even if it is a flight time for the adult green scale dragon that has entered the sanctuary, but for the level creatures of Green. Words, but it is not the absolute field of attack between the hands.

With a slap in the face, a giant hand of 10,000 meters covering the sky will appear above the green scale dragon, and the 40-meter-long green-scale dragon will be caught like an ant, and then it will be photographed across time and space. Going to Green.

Just before the heroes and tribes, they spread Longwei and plundered all the golden scale dragons with golden illuminating treasures. In the blink of an eye, they fell from the sky into **** and witnessed the death of a tribe under the power of the gods.

Although he relied on the tyrannical dragon to survive barely ~www.novelmtl.com~ but still is the ant in the hands of this great unknown god!

Such a noble rule of power, so incredibly amazing, so magnificent, so powerful, which is this great god?

Even though the Golden Dragon God, who had the privilege of witnessing it at the Millennium Ceremony of the millennium, can not be as powerful as the unknown **** that is almost destroyed!

"The great unknown god, I will be your most loyal servant, guarding the majesty of your temple, asking you to forgive me for my kindness, letting me ignite the ignorance of a humble life."

The dragon squats at Green's feet, shivering, and fear from the heart.

"Here, what is the temple built by the temple?"

Green's low and calm voice, for this dragon, is the supreme and irrefutable supreme will, the majesty of the law!

"Returning to the great unknown gods, here is the kingdom of gods established by the temple of evil spirits. Some scattered porcupine tribes, goblin tribes, and fishermen's tribes are under their shackles and are sheltered. I can only wander around the edge of the godland near the coast. Collect some adult sleep treasures."

The most exciting thing in every dragon's long sleep is the golden treasure. Therefore, from the young dragon to the adult dragon, the most important meaning of the dragon is to collect wealth and accompany it to accompany your sleep.

"The **** of evil spirits on the edge of the gods, the grace..."


In the eyes of mortals, the green-scale dragon with tyrannical and sturdy body suddenly burst into a **** fog within the ripples of Green Power. The "Shenzhen Jingjing" obtained a relatively high-quality soul, mourning the inhalation of Green, but relative to The number of souls that Green calls for a three-legged death crow is far from enough, not to mention the soul required to summon a large elite wizarding army. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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