A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1555: Dimension dimension ball (top)

The two rounds of the true spirit wizard left the universe of the universe. It seems that it was only a short visit to the famous sorcerer of the towering annihilation tower in the war of civilization. There is no long-term intention to station.

For outsiders, the cosmic world still seems to be quietly developed under the control of Green. The witches of the various factions in the wizarding world are still brewing deeper contradictions. The time of the outbreak is still early. The Green of the Universe is still waiting for the parties to compete and decides to be the Emperor. Perpetual motion belongs.

"Mom, a little guy who advanced to the real spirit after the second civilized war. When I was a tens of thousands of years of eternal sky city parts, I just dared to be like a principal, and I’m here to take a perpetual motion machine? The will of the old bastard!"

After being awake by Green, Xiao Ba learned that the two rounds of the real wizards dared to be so arrogant within the United Star, and immediately defined the incident.

Perhaps it seems that Green, who grew up after the Second Civilization War, because of the factional interests, a mechanical wizard has blatantly threatened himself, which is simply unthinkable, but in the ancient times before the Second Civilization War, it was Normally, however, Xiao Ba has already gotten used to this kind of competition.

The wizarding world that once compromised for survival is too peaceful.

When external pressure does not threaten the survival of the ethnic group temporarily, in the absence of overwhelming advantages, the contradictions between the factions will gradually begin to rise. Once the rules of the Santa Claus are becoming less and less binding, the battle on the bright side is becoming more and more fierce.

The second round of the real spirit wizard has brought great shock to Green, who has been in the universe!

"Hey, if the two rounds of the true spirit wizard successfully guarded the Vantage eternal motive, the news was returned to the wizarding world, almost equivalent to the mechanical wizard and the elemental wizard officially declared war! It seems that the mechanical wizard is almost ready..."

Green muttered to himself, after this incident, Green was clearly aware of the seriousness of the matter.

"Oh, you can say that, you can use the power of one person to move the battle between elemental wizards and mechanical wizards. What are you going to do now? I figured it out, there are five true spirits on the machine side. The second ring of the element is retired, and the third ring, the fourth ring, and the seven ring are fallen. It is also exactly five true spirits. However, the old guy’s omnipotent soul is losing too much, which is estimated to be more than the 17th round of Pemirosius. A little better."

Xiao Ba said to himself, a pair of wings kept painting, and the voice was crying.

"Before the new generation of machine element wizards and mechanical wizards did not grow up, the mechanical wizards have already taken advantage. Together with the nourishment of this civilization, the potential of mechanical wizards may exceed the elemental wizards in all likelihood, oh... maybe the future Really welcome the era when mechanical wizards ruled the wizarding world!"

Looking at the look of Xiao Ba, no matter whether the mechanical wizard or the elemental wizard rules the world of the wizard, it does not matter whether it is a bird or a thing.

"Maybe the Black Witch King goes to the chaotic world and leaves the Wizarding World ahead of time."

Green's voice is a bit dull.

"Why, are you planning to leave?"

Xiaoba made a lazy gesture, leaning against Green's shoulders and swaying Erlang's legs. The passion fruit juice straw juice was in his mouth and looked at Greene with his head.

Green did not speak, silent, equivalent to the default.

"Wow, good, good. Anyway, I hope that the illusion will soon pass through the layers of illusion and completely fall into the wizarding world. We are now returning to the Wizarding World to convene the legions. There must be a large number of wizards who are fighting for elements and mechanical hegemony to follow the mainland." Oh, oh, right, hope is coming to the city of the sky, those mechanical wizards will definitely not miss this opportunity. And, ah... and what about perpetual motion!?"

At this time, on the side of the little Emperor holding a milk bag, seeing Green is looking at himself, and quickly replied: "Don't look at the little emperor, Tian Ge just promised that you can summon the little emperor in the universe, don't think the little emperor gives You help, the little emperor is a good boy, don't fight."

The average person drinks milk, tearing open the bag and sipping it slowly. The little emperor is going to open the middle part of the bag, biting a small hole and sucking it, pretending to be a cute and cute look. Even if the wizards are extinct, they will not care about the children.

"Rely! Don't pretend to be cute in front of the Eight Lords. I have already seen your heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, pretending to be pure and black. You must be looking forward to the world of the wizarding world, so that you can The status of new human beings instead of wizards, isn't it? No! Don't say, you must think so!"

Xiao Ba "噌" stood up, one wing pointed at the little emperor, yelling.

"La la la, la la la, the little emperor is a singer, the weather is really good today, and the birds are constantly arguing..."

For more than a thousand years, the quarrel between Xiao Ba and Xiao Di is not a day or two. It is almost a natural attribute restraint. No one knows who is not pleasing to the eye. There is no room for integration.

A month later.

These Tiangreens have opened the joint star Huadi Quantum Technology Headquarters from the future. No one knows what Green is doing. Apart from those new human beings who are cultivating the rich energy of the wizarding world, new human beings immersed in the online world will not care, the suspension cabin. It is everything about them.

"Yeah, the sixth one today, is the contradiction between the mechanical wizard and the elemental wizard. The contradiction in the wizarding world is transmitted to the universe world, and the complaints from the elemental wizard."

Compared with Green, who is busy, Xiao Ba is closely concerned with everything happening in the universe. ~www.novelmtl.com~ As the core of the universe, Vantage Perpetual Motive is protected by the entire United Star. It is almost impossible to get brute force, but as the ruler of the great universe, Green has the only key to master everything of Vantage's perpetual motion.

At this moment, Green's big world seeks the surface layer, and it is covered by an incredible and amazing energy protection cover. The protective cover is like the atmosphere of the planet. Its power is endless, beautiful and almost fantasy.

After a month of engagement, Green finally completed the combination of Vantage and the world of the world!

All this happened too suddenly, and Green turned out to be the one in the world!


The moisturizing things are silent, once the heavy sense of the world ball, every time Green activates it takes a huge amount of magic, but nowadays, it is a kind of blessing of energy bursting, and there is endless energy from the inside and outside. This will inevitably create an incredible elemental blessing effect on the truth balance magic wand!

"From now on, the name of the big world ball is more suitable for the dimensional dimension ball, and the truth balance magic wand head is completed."

The sound is calm, Green destroys the rules of the wizarding world, and the world is full of greatness, but it is a natural look!

At this moment, the Dimensional Dimensional Ball, which is composed of Daqian World Ball, Grimm's Fairy Tales, Dimensional Gap Seal, and Vantage Perpetual Motion, is in the hands of Green, as if holding the dimensional dimension crack!

Suddenly, Green felt the three-color gaze gazing in one direction.

"Six-ring true spirit wizard, is it also for perpetual motion? Unfortunately, it is late."

Green is like a greedy selfish person who has entered the devil, and has no regrets about his own rules of destruction and self-stealing. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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