A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1554: 2 rounds of real wizard visits!

Time passed, fifty years later.

Green frequently deals with trivial things in the universe, dealing with wizards and Vantage committee members who come to the wizarding world for various purposes, and on the other hand, exploring the infinite micro-knowledge with the help of the nano-world built by Vantage Quantum Technology.

With the volatility of the scepter becoming more and more intense, Green knows that the world of hope is farther and closer to the world of energy and material, and the time to go out to the gods is about to mature, waiting for the result of the power of the wizard world.

On this day, an unexpected visitor let Green know that it is not far from the time to get the final result.

"When God created the world, there was always something missing, but we didn't find it. This is what the great Einstein doctor said after discovering the perpetual motion. The scientists are necessarily atheists, and they find that everything is between the things. Objective law, but with the discovery of perpetual motion, when we intuitively face the factor of God, we finally understand that our superstition of science hinders infinite cognition and infinite imagination."

Green walks in the core area of ​​United Star Huaquan Quantum Technology, which is the center of the universe.

A 3D projection of Vantage is in front of Green, explaining some of the history of perpetual motion. Through the insignificant daily communication with one and another Vantage Commissioner, Green has been understanding the new human beings in the universe of the world for more than a thousand years. Depth, in the world of wizards, has long been unparalleled, and the wizards involved in the whirlpool of power have unified the world community, and their attention has gradually shifted from the war of civilization to the struggle for the rights of the wizarding world.

From the essence of evolution, this is also the final preparation for the hunter expedition.

Only the most powerful and most advanced wizarding faction is qualified to lead the wizard's will, and to complete the hunting demon expedition even better. The faction dispute is in full accordance with the evolutionary law of the historical cycle.

“God factor? Should it be the high-latitude mysterious power coming from the wizard system?”

The visitor behind Green is now the second round of the Wizarding Wizard of the Wizarding World!

Used to be a mechanical wizard, there is always only one round of true spiritual wizards. It is as if there is only one black witch king in the wizarding world. When the eternal round of true spiritual wizards really liberated the rules of the sky city, the machinery dedicated to the eternal dedication After the liberation of the real wizard, facing the four mechanical spirits that emerged from the wizarding world, Zhuo Zhuo's aggressive posture, the disadvantage of the elemental wizard in the power struggle has become more and more obvious.

At this time, the first thing that breaks away from the eternal sky city of the world's second round of the real spirit wizard is to come to the cosmos big world joint star!

This unknown mechanical wizard who was promoted at the same time as the Sixth Ring and the Seventh Ring after the Second Civil War, is not visiting Green, because the city of Eternal Sky, his contribution to the Wizarding World is too much. The time of humiliation is hard to say. The only purpose of coming here is knowledge, everything that can be absorbed by mechanical wizards!

There are many wizards stationed in the universe, and more than half of them are concentrated in the United Star. In constant contact, the wizards have gradually thought of several ways of close contact with new humans, but these wizards are only holy marks and low. Waiting for the wizard, the true spiritual wizard who wants to be stationed for a long time, the second round of the true spirit wizard is the first.

"Masters may be misunderstood. In the culture of the universe, God is the founder. Compared to the truth and destiny of the wizarding world, if it is necessary to make a metaphor, perpetual motion is probably equivalent to the power of the Book of Destiny. However, the utilization rate is wider and the side effects are lower."

Under the leadership of Green, after one level and one level, the two came to the front of Vantage.


It is a group of eternal rotating ball of light. When you look closely, there is a kind of texture that is moist and silent. The intertwined is not the rule, nor the mystery and blessing. It represents the loophole, the flaw of the world, the game. Bug...

Regarding the nature of Vantage's perpetual motion, no one knows the true spirit wizard. The reason why Green guards this place is not to guard this perpetual motion, but to guard the unique nature of perpetual motion, or the bug nature of the endless world dimension dimension. .

As long as this perpetual motion machine stops rotating, the same principle can be used to shape a new perpetual motion machine anywhere in the endless world, and in the endless world it is impossible to have two identical bugs at the same time. This is the only nature of perpetual motion machine!

"It's really like the legend, it's too beautiful."

The second round of the real spirit wizard is a low and thin person with a height of only about one meter and five. The body is slightly awkward, the thin body is very thin, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and the sound is clear.

“Fun is beautiful, vast, infinitely magical, and looks perfect on the surface, but it represents the flaws of the endless world.”

Green responded with no expression.

Suddenly, the two rounds of the real spirits turned around and smiled at Green: "The tower of annihilation, after you say that the perpetual motion machine has stopped, is the Garfield inside still alive, time to stay in front of its permanent movement?"


Green thought for a moment and replied.

"Oh, compared to guessing, I would like to see for myself, verify the guess, the master of the tower of annihilation can you see if it can stop it?"

Almost without hesitation, Green shook his head firmly: "Before the forces of the wizarding world did not reach a compromise, I was the guardian of the perpetual motion, and would not lose its unique nature because of any situation. Hey, the master still should not waste time here. It is."

"If I must, the annihilation tower sacred sorcerer? Tell you the truth, the sorcerer's world abyss and the sea war have been opened, elemental machinery is only the last step, you better make a wise choice! In the eyes of others, you are a rescue wizard The hero of the world, what are we, you just have better luck!"

There is no sign, this old man who is one and a half lower than Green, staring at Green's voice is cold, his mouth sneer.

For the city of eternal sky, he was imprisoned for several eras, and even the war of civilization could not participate. Now Green is famous in the world after the war of civilization. Compared with it, the pain of the two rounds of true spirits is no longer clear. !

The three colors of Green are bright!

"The rule is the rule. The perpetual motion machine is guarded by me. It will only be delivered to the wizard world rules compromise or rule winner. The master wants to break the rules? Despite the try!"


Suddenly ~www.novelmtl.com~ After the body of the Green, the blood and rain avatars gradually gathered together, and the **** eyes in the dark shadows stared over.


Two rounds of true spirit wizard, hp: 24500000/24500000, skill: unknown. Exploring the mechanical heart in the body, the blood is rich in high-energy flowing liquid, high-quality unknown material bones...

With the data of truth on the surface of truth, this is based on the mystery of the truth of the truth in the face of truth. With the eyes of the gamer overlooking, any living body detected by the face of Green Truth will be suppressed by the dimensional horizon!

Open the left hand, the dark world ball slowly rotates, and actually formed an energy interaction with the perpetual motion machine, a bunch of twisted energy integration, under the infinite pounds of energy blessing, a virtual shadow slowly appeared.

"Hate, the little emperor is taking a nap, disturbing the nap, the little emperor will not grow up!"

The light of Vantage Quantum Technology shouted, and was summoned by Green by the World Ball.

In the eyes of the two rounds of true spirits, the eyes of the sorcerer suddenly burst into anger. (To be continued.)

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