A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1550: End of war

The glory of victory shines on every face of the wizard who gathers.

Experience the brutal screening of the war of civilization, but the wizard who survived is undoubtedly fortunate. Standing on the bones of his former companions, he ushered in the glory of victory. As an ancient wizard who was worshipped by the wizards of the later generations, he enjoyed the praise.


The light of the fate that straddles the void is so beautiful.

A ring of real spirits and thousands of elements of the real body stand in the void, monopolize the overall situation, a large number of real spirits are distributed in the left, in this one another 10,000 meters around the giant, it is a hundred marks to thousands of meters of the holy mark The wizard figure.

Compared to these true spirits and holy sorcerers who open huge bodies, hundreds of millions of low-level wizards gather in one space fortress, each space fortress from 10,000 meters to tens of thousands of meters, slave monsters screaming one after another, machinery Quiet and silent, gazing at the beam of fate.

All the sacred sorcerers, whether in the forefront of the battle between the two sides of the war of civilization, or the rear of the wizarding world, whether he is an elemental wizard, a mechanical wizard, an abyss sorcerer, a nightmare wizard, or even a black wizard, all follow a ring The true spirit wizard will gather.

Oh la la...

The water curtains are swollen in the water. It turns out that the sea, the king of the sea king, the king of the mermaid, and the two masters are also part of the wizarding world.

"There has been a lot of gathering here, a ring, what happened to you?"

Tick, ticking, ticking, ticking...

Behind it is the eternal mechanical clock, the silver-gray flame, which has completely controlled the infinite micro-force of metal fire, with a hand sticking a magic wand and another metal fire burning, and the eternal round of real spirits asks.

At this moment, one ring and one round, the status between the two has changed unconsciously.

This is the peak period of the elemental wizard, and the final glory. The battle of civilization makes the elemental wizard lose far more than other factions.

In contrast, the eternal round of mechanical wizards who have obtained the infinite microscopicity of metal fires will soon gain more in the metal destroyer civilization, and will gain more than the other faction wizards. The growth rate will surpass the imagination and usher in A new era.

Many wizards have forgotten the history of the mechanical wizards who ruled the world in ancient times. Now it is a glorious round of true spiritual wizards. It seems that we have seen this day come again!

"Wait again, the tower of annihilation and the other side have been in contact for two months. From the ten committees to the referendum, the light of Vantage Quantum Technology has personally appeared. Now it is in the final stage. If the contract can be reached, the world community will be peacefully unified. We will reduce the elite wizards left by the battles of millions and tens of millions of civilizations. In the future, there will be one or two true spirits."

Regardless of the future, at least at this moment, the prestige of the true spirit wizard who dominated the battle of civilization has reached an unprecedented peak. No one dares to openly violate the will of the true spirit wizard, even if his power is with the soul of the Almighty. The amount of loss has declined.

"Speaking of it, the sorcerer's sacred sorcerer actually refused the fate lever magic wand inheritance, which is a pity..."

A round of real spirits muttered a sneak peek at a real wizard, but did not get any information.


Network World Negotiation Hall.

It has been two months since the contact with the ten Vantage committees. During the period, the new mankind conducted several referendums. There were some disputes and compromises. In general, the quarrel was greater than the compromise, but it continued to compromise under the general trend until ten days ago. The light of Vantage Quantum Technology, which claimed to be the Emperor, also joined the negotiating table.

The reason why the wizard chose to leave the metal destroyer civilization new human fire is precisely because of the light of this bunch of Vantage quantum technology!

When the new man is extinct, the light of the two characters of Vantage will disappear, and the beam of the Huadi quantum technology will be lost. The independent will of Skynet will be completely relieved. Compared with the metal destroyer civilization established by the new man, Skynet Civilization is likely to be a bigger problem for the wizards on the expedition.

It is for this reason that Green did not leave the negotiating table, and the new humans did not leave the negotiating table.

"Hey, the little emperor is a good boy who has been to your wizarding world. You are proud of what, as far as I know, there is not much time in your world."

The little emperor sucked a lollipop and pointed at the contract: "So the compromise of Vantage Quantum Technology is equal to saving the wizarding world. This is not only the loss of the wizard world after the concession, but also the calculation of Vantage Quantum Technology for the Wizards. The contribution of the world! So... If Lord Green insists on being the ruler of the future of the great universe, then the new human beings must join the wizarding system as a Skynet wizard!"

The conditions proposed by the Little Emperor are whimsical, and the debate surrounding this point has been going on for several days.

Skynet Wizard! ?

Regarding the new faction wizards that may appear after the war of civilization, Greene has long been prepared, but never thought that it would be served by new humans!

The sorcerer is not divided by bloodlines. Even though the black scorpion is a sorcerer, it is divided according to the exploration of knowledge and the inheritance of the will. If a new human being establishes a celestial wizard, it must inherit the will of the sorcerer.

"Cut, the great wizard will you think that you can join as you like, and the cosmic sky will be controlled by the previous will, and the transformation into a new human world is your way out!"

Xiaoba has no compromise at all.

"If you agree with our request, in addition to the promised construction of the perpetual motion energy response receiver, we will give you an S-class Skynet server. There are only four units in the entire universe, and it acts as the Skynet 725. One of the data exchange computing tasks is the ultimate center for maintaining Skynet computing traffic data. With it, you are the center of Skynet!"

The little emperor finally relented and put forward other conditions.

Green waved, indicating that Xiaoba came back and said: "Your considerations, I understand that it is a good choice to fully join the wizard system, at least the best choice without a retreat. This is beyond the scope of the Wizarding League. But for thousands of wizards, I can personally assume it and agree to this condition. Even the stellar orbital can choose to retain conditions, but the perpetual motion is secret..."


Ten days later, the wizard world was near the void.

In the gaze of hundreds of millions of wizards, a ring of real spirits held high the desperate lever magic wand and shouted: "The universe of the new world, Vanilla Quantum Technology, has officially signed the surrender contract, chose to join the Wizarding Alliance, and surrendered to the wizard's will! Since then The wizard will be the sole ruler of this world community, we won, and the war is over!"

Quiet, dead silence.

Many of the wizards were speechless, and the people who were already prepared for the cruel final battle seemed unbelievable and looked at each other. It seemed that they were shocked by the news that was suddenly announced, and they did not react.

It is the true spirit wizards who did not think of ~www.novelmtl.com~ the new world of the universe, who actually chose to surrender, the news came too suddenly.



"Witches will!"

"We have won..."

Hundreds of thousands of sorcerers’ screams of excitement swayed in the air, and they trembled in the void. Everyone was excited and cheered, cheering for the victory of the wizards to unite the world community, tears for the life of the civilized war, and roaring for their own lives. .

The battle of civilization is over!

This world community is officially named after the Wizarding World Community from today.


PS: Vantage Technology's first volume, the next volume, the gods of the mainland, the ultimate evil BOSS bloody, cruel conquest, destroy the world. (To be continued.)

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