A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1549: Internet

The cyber world, based on the new human Skynet communication terminal, is a fantasy world created by new human beings from nothing.

The wizard wizard who has always been aiming at the United Planet has never thought of the first real dialogue between two civilizations. It is actually in the virtual world, in this virtual world created by new human beings, even a true spiritual wizard. It is also impossible to suppress ordinary new human beings. This is a new and different world rule. In this new rule of the virtual world, new humans and Green face face-to-face exchanges.

In the virtual conference hall, there are only ten new human beings, there are men and women, and there are some old-fashioned faces. Green entered the hall with the clouds, and their eyes gathered.

This is the black terminator light brain ID played by Green as a new human Xu Qiaoling. After the second virtual projection, the virtual game exchange hall platform, commonly known as...games in the game!

"Even our Skynet network has also been invaded by wizards. Who can tell me where our new human hopes are, how can we ensure that our friends in the real world are really a new human?"

Seeing the "sorcerers" of the two new human faces, they swayed into the hall in the virtual network, with the smile of the winner, overlooking the people with the height of the winner. Although there are only ten people in the hall, this is a new human being. The core of the real leaders, each of them is the elite of the new human elite, and the special citizens among the special citizens who have been precipitated for a long time!

It seems that the reason why the black terminator once sneaked into the wizarding world was to see Green and Jinyun appear in the hall as a new human being. The old man with short silver hair was too sensitive, and the pessimistic color was not disguised.

New human beings can bear the great losses in the real world. There are some extreme new human beings who will not surrender to the witches for their dignity, even if they are genocidal, and they will make a swearing and swearing.

But new humans can't stand any accident in the online world!

As a civil society group, the new human race is completely completed through Skynet. Once there is an accident in the online world, surrounded by a large number of wizards, people lose their most basic new tasks, thus breaking up a social group. Countless individuals.

Obviously, in this old man's view, the wizards have already been immersed in the all-round penetration of the new human network world, as the black terminator of the wizard world in the early days of the war, and observed the every move of the new human society.

In the online world, the highly developed information exchange of new humans, the wizard can easily find too much information, almost no secrets!

"Two respected wizards, we are the negotiating committee group recommended by Vantage Quantum Technology. We have the right to negotiate the development of Huadi Quantum Technology and the new humanity. We will point to the contradiction between the current wizarding plane and the space starry plane. The future development of new human beings, and the negotiation of the world of witches that best suits the interests of new people, please sit down."

This female new human is relatively calm, the sapphire decoration on the earlobe is very eye-catching, although there are some wrinkles on the white skin, leaving some traces of years, but still can not hide the unspeakable charm, noble temperament, Clear eyes are like seeing everything.

If you are in the wizarding world, there is no doubt that this must be a powerful, knowledgeable, and knowledgeable master.

"I am the negotiator of the wizarding world. I have the power to persuade the new man to negotiate. First, before the negotiations, I need to declare to all of you here, this is the ultimatum before the last battle of the Wizarding World! The Japanese war of the human metal destroyers also brought a deep disaster to the wizarding world, but the result was that the wizarding world was victorious. The new human beings wanted to avoid the extinction of the last battle, only to surrender to the wizard's will, as for the conditions..."

After taking the cloud into the closed negotiating hall, Green looked around the ten new humans and said calmly.

At this moment, the reason why he can sit here, Green knows clearly, not because he sneaked into the universe of the universe, nor because he is not afraid of the power of the Vantage Commissioner!

Everything is just because since the war of civilization, thousands of thousands have gone to the revival of the great wizards, and the wizarding world has been pushed to the wizards of the victory of civilization!

It is the thousands of sorcerers who disregard personal life and death, pushing the front line of this war to the forefront of the great world of the universe, and Green has the opportunity to sit here and carry out with these Vantage Quantum Science and Technology Commissioners who represent the will of the new human being. Exchange negotiations.

At this moment, the seat under the body of Green is built by all the corpses of the fallen wizards for this civilization. It is these wizards who have regained their dignity and are no longer treated as so-called game monsters, every move and will of Green. Must be worthy of these heroic martyrs who sacrifice their lives for the wizard's will!

"All conditions must be negotiated within the rules of the Wizarding League."


After Green’s calm and indifferent discourse, a Vantage commissioner slammed the table.

He is just sitting right, there is no suppression of energy, just the unique temperament brought by the majestic eyes, but it brings the deterrent power.

"Witcher, do you think that the new man really has no power to fight, Vantage Quantum Technology has no deterrent, and we have a few old things here that you can only be at your disposal?"


Green looked at the new human being and sneered: "So what is the condition of yours? www.novelmtl.com~"

Representing the will of a civilization, Green is full of arrogance, every move is with infinite pressure. At this moment, even if it is just a word at the negotiating table, it may determine the fate of all new human beings in the entire universe of the next tens of thousands of years.

In contrast, the legacy of Green Master’s sister, although he has advanced to the fourth-level holy mark wizard, has withstood the long-term cruel baptism of the civilized battle, but at this moment the momentum will still look very young compared to Green, only as Green Followers, silently feel the glue of this negotiation, can not insert any words.

"My condition is that the new man must be equal to the status of the witch, and the wizarding alliance is renamed the Vanguard League. The new human beings have full autonomy in the future. In the alliance, the new human beings are equivalent to the number of destroyers they possess. The Sorcerer’s World Spiritual Sorcerer’s Right to Vote, and the resources needed by Vantage Quantum Technology, the Alliance must...”

"Mom! I can't help it! I want to be equal as a defeated party, and I will go to you!"

Xiao Ba Da shouted, interrupted the arrogant conditions of this Vantage committee member, and jumped from Green's shoulder to the negotiating table, smashing time, attracting everyone's attention. (To be continued.)

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