A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1512: 1 chance!

As Green is getting closer and closer to the door of the Nightmare World, the corpse of the ancestors will become more and more clear.

"By continually engulfing the will of the wizarding world, the ancestors of the ancestors can grow to such an extent, and it is incredible. It is no wonder that the underground abyss sculpt the sorcerer has been spying on the sea."

call out!


As the sky above the head of Green's head was sullen, a five-level female sacred sorcerer slid a fierce flame in the dark red mist, falling from the sky, followed by an ugly monster with four bones flashing in the back, half A dark red energy ball of light is gathered in the mouth of the lion's body, which is about to be launched.

For the lower wizards, Green can be indifferent, because there are so many low-level wizards in the battle of civilization, and Green has been able to calmly and completely cold storage.

But a sacred mark wizard, and in the end of this civil war, Green can not be indifferent to life and death.

After all, Green, who is getting closer to the center of the battlefield, can't help but show up.

Invisible, gently waving the extreme abyss magic wand, a repulsion to lift the witch from the sky silently, 100% control of strength, taking into account the physical strength of the witch before the body , remove its buffering force.

After the Civil War between the Void and the Metal Destroyer Corps, the witches were summoned by the Six Rings Spiritual Sorcerer to return to the Wizarding World as quickly as possible, and joined the sudden war, while the enemy was not the metal robots, but some Unexpected nightmare monster!

The magical emptiness is lacking. After a few bone king attacks in a short period of time, the witches’ space fortress has been damaged and fallen, and the mechanical shackles have been lost. The slave monsters and the demon sorcerers have been captured by the amazing number of nightmare bones to gain the soul of fear. .


I thought that the war of civilization is coming to an end, and I am about to become an ancient wizard in the mouth of the later generations, and to pry into the path of the true spirit in the songs, but I did not expect it to be like this.

Staring at this dreaming bone king who follows the dive, it is also a five-level existence, but this dreaming bone king is no doubt in the five-level creature, plus physical strength, better than his own state I don’t know how much, I have no time to escape to the Sixth Rings, and I have no chance to escape from this battlefield. I have no chance...


As the unbelievable magical fluctuations suddenly erupted, and the body that fell from the sky was lifted, the five-level witch stunned awkwardly, and the desire to survive made it irresponsible for the emptiness of the magic, and boosted the potential for the situation. Layer guardian witchcraft.

"Which master!?"


At the same time, the dark red energy light ball erupted in the mouth of the nightmare of the nightmare, showing the amazing energy ripples falling from the sky and instantly drowning the witches.

After a while, the energy ripples dissipated.

The four-winged four-winged four-winged scorpion king was gazing at the empty eyes, but saw a wizard who was swaying the three-colored glare on a gray-white face. He was holding the slender waist of the witch and holding it against himself. Hold the magic wand in one hand and stare at yourself.

"The Tower of the Tower of Eternity!"

Nowadays, Green is famous among the wizards of the Wizards of the World, and it is not surprising that he is known by the female sorcerer who is in the state of magical counterattack.

Green glanced at the pale and weak witchess, and his magical anti-phasing state was at least for a thousand years, and nodded slightly.

"Give it to me here."

Seeing the sorcerer's peace of mind, it is like a trembling lamb in the cold wind to find a home. The witches snuggle up beside Green, enjoying the protection of Green, rising to the sky, in the case that Green does not cause large-scale energy ripples as much as possible. After a short moment, the king of the nightmare was killed by hands.

The witches experienced personally, and they endured the weakness of the fainting, and the depths of the eyes were shocking.

Just Green has hardly used the magic power, and he will completely kill this bone king who has almost killed himself. What kind of monster is this!

It’s no wonder that people are honored as the annihilation tower's holy mark wizard for the future ten rings!

"I have to rush to the battlefield center to complete an important task. With your current magical reversal state, you can no longer participate in the battle here. Go to the World of Sanctuary, and there are fewer nightmare monsters in this direction."

Green pointed the way for the witch.

Because Green is the source of six annihilation sources, five of them are used to guard the secrets of the 22nd District of the Second Ring Road, and a source of magical power to maintain the level of three levels of life, promoting the Thanksgiving rules in the Wizarding World, so can no longer Divide a escorting sorcerer.

“Masters have to go to the door of the world of dreams? I can help the master to contact the Six Rings Spiritual Wizard!”


Green looked at the witches in a strange way. The witches had a very similar relationship with the six-ring true spirit wizards.

After half an hour of hourglass.

The six-ring algae rule is a terrible life body created inadvertently from the experimental beaker, a life body that violates the rules of life, and destroys all living creatures as a horror life body. It is evaluated by the wizarding world as more dangerous than the abyss moss. The body of life.

It is for this reason that in order not to be bounced by the balance rules, after the promotion of the true spirit wizard, the six-ring true spirit wizard has almost no progress, even when needed to suppress his own strength, afraid to be noticed by some terrible things, this is It has been calm and quiet for several times.

The seven-ring true spirit wizard who has been promoted to the true spirit has made great progress, and even is rated as the most likely to replace the position of a true spiritual wizard, but the six-ring true spirit wizard is still the six-ring true spirit wizard.

Honeycomb eye masks, dense eyes swaying, mummy wood entangled, from anywhere in the darkest fog, it is possible to appear out of thin air, as if the diamond is hard, with black air, against the six rings of true spirits This king of nightmare is the first terrible existence to pry into the wizarding world from the door of the nightmare.

In the inertial medium space, the seed of the king of nightmare is one of the most difficult to deal with.

The six-ring true spirit wizard is still the same as before, but it seems to be inexhaustible and constantly suppressing himself. The level of his own power depends on the strength of the enemy.

At this moment, in the higher-level perspective of the six-ring true spirit wizard who is fighting against the king of the nightmare, a small power ripples quietly passed through the chaos, during which some secret exchanges were carried out.

"The tower of annihilation, are you sure your plan is workable?"

Green has already left the six-ring true spirit wizard, but even the six-ring true spirit wizard, the will is still incredible, and asked once.

"Yes, I am sure!"

After receiving the exact answer, the six-ring true spirit wizard suddenly said: "Good! You don't have to rush in, I will contact you!"


Just a short moment later.

With an unprecedented amount of time and space, the power of time and space fell to Green, and the space of the whole world in Green's eyes was stretched and shortened. Step by step, it has already come to the door of the nightmare, and the power of the nightmare is overwhelming. Under the hood, only black and dark red are left.

"Your instigation of the secret space to display the dimensional gap seal to make up the plan ~www.novelmtl.com~ How sure?"

Old man, Green can hardly believe that this is a true spiritual wizard! ?

"Seven points to grasp, one point of fate."

Green firmly answered.

"is it……"

A ring of true spirits seems to be talking to himself, a short silence.

"As you can see, we really don't have much choice. If the summoning alliance dominates the time and space of the wizarding world, I am afraid that the elemental pulse will not be able to stand the peak of the wizarding world after that. Then... give you a chance, Also give the element wizard and wizard world a chance."


PS: Happy Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese traditional festivals, Chinese culture, reunion, moon appreciation, happy blessings, eating moon cakes is to respect traditional culture, will inherit, not extravagant etiquette, move hundreds of thousands of moon cakes . (To be continued.)

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