A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1511: confusion

The fascinating power of the Netherland is based on the subtle rules between the two forces, using two different worlds in the virtual trajectory as the rule to sway the point, causing chaos in the running track, and after a correct and error-free calculation, a world collision occurs. Caused the world's cataclysm.

Xiao Ba’s plan is to combine the witchcraft and dimensional gap seals to move the annihilation tower’s secrets to the nightmare overlap of the door of the nightmare, and to apply the dimensional gap seal to complete the time and space.


Green did not get the heart of the mystery of the magical mystery, and the second time to launch this witchcraft preparation time is too long, although the secret of Green Tower is only a large space debris, far from changing the small world track hundreds of It is a millennium, but it will take at least a few decades.

For a long time, it is better to redraw the seal map, and the wizarding world has already been devastated in the war with the nightmare.


A sigh, Green and Xiaoba looked at each other for a moment and sighed.

"Don't say that the fate lever is the most powerful and powerful in the wizarding world. It has almost unlimited infinite space and power, which is enough to incite the wizarding world and become a chaotic storm in the chaotic world. The second civilization has never left a great ring after the war. The Wizard of the Real Spirit is in control. The mystery of the Tower of Desolation is also the world laboratory that I have been working hard since I achieved the Wizard of Demon. There are too many emotions and disappointments in it, and it is used as a dimension gap seal media. The rule of civilization may appear as the ruler of the past, but if it is used to block the door of time and space, it also means that the secret will be lost forever."


Xiao Ba asked, understand the sadness in Grinn's heart.

"The overall situation of the Wizarding World is heavy. Xiao Ba, you go to the secret environment to preside over the relocation of the laboratory. At the expense of the temporary relocation to the ice age secrets as soon as possible, the annihilation tower secrets will be spared. I will find a way to see the great magical wizard! ”

I don't know how Green is determined to say such a discourse.

But at this moment, Green's tri-color gaze gaze at the distant sky, which is the source of the infinite and ridiculous and ridiculous rules of the nightmare. The energy fluctuations of the real spirit wizard and the king of nightmare are coming, to the extent of the wizarding world, even by those who are the king of nightmare. It is also a great harvest to rob a tower or two.

According to the introduction of the main ritual of the grass and wood elves, the world of dreams and bones is divided into three parts: the southern desert, the northern bone desert, and the food wild hill. The original invasion of the grass and wood elves is the southern desert, and easily the four kings of nightmare. And this is obviously not the total number of kings of the Southern Desert Nightmare.

Each of the kings of nightmare, his majesty is similar to the three bones of the bones of the bones, countless bones, countless bones, each bone king is equivalent to the world's Lord, the sacred mark wizard exists, has a huge dream of the bones of the demon army.

If the Wizarding World is fighting against it, and the strength of the Wizarding World is still there, even if it is completely fearless, it will cause countless losses and delay the unification of the world community.

At this moment, the world of wizards is in a state of ruin, and if we can stabilize the unity of the world community as soon as possible and absorb the knowledge of the civilization of metal destroyers, the strength will inevitably grow explosively in a short period of time, just like the war of the first civilization. In the dark age of the wizarding world, there is no need to spend energy with the world of nightmare.

"Oh, well, I will go back and tell Rab and the thousand-eyed giant crab family. The old thing is awkward, but you are a member of the elemental wizard, and..."

After the words and the end, Xiao Ba left Green, fanned his wings and turned into a shadow, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Surrounded by dark red nightmare fog, a group of nightmare monsters, led by the tyrannical nightmare king, flew to the edge of the nightmare of the nightmare, searching for the more fertile areas of the wizarding world to plunder.

One hundred percent of the power is used, the robe of appearance plays a role, and the figure of Green gradually disappears.

In such an environment full of nightmare fog, it is inevitable that some nightmare monsters will see the robe of Green's appearance, but as long as it is not the king of nightmare, it does not matter, Green needs to rush to the door of nightmare as soon as possible.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

More than ten **** round moons in the dark red are unknown in the ridiculous fog, high and low staggered, many sacred marks wizards lead the huge hunting wizards, the slave monsters, the mechanical squad, and the nightmare of the nightmare, a space fortress The destruction of the cannons was swept away, and the large-scale dreams were destroyed by the destruction of the cannons.

Compared with the strategic weapon suppression of the Witchcraft civilization by the Metal Destroyer civilization, the Wizarding World and the Nightmare World War, except for those huge monsters, there is almost no strategic weapon in the world of dreams.

The sacred bones kings led a giant bone demon with a group of more than a kilometer. Thousands of low-level bone demons rushed toward the Scarlet Space Space Fortress. The Ming Sorcerer Corps stationed above launched a group witchcraft. These giant bones and demons were defeated. The spaceship extended a mechanical arm and held the energy light swords in front of each other. The main guns were "boom", "boom", "boom" and "boom".

The corpse of the wizard, the body of the slave monster, the wreckage of the machinery, and the wreckage of the spaceship are like rain. In this environment, Green is interspersed at low altitude and continues to fly toward the center of the battlefield. The tri-color ray has been able to pass through the dense fog. It is clearer that the energy ripples of a true spiritual wizard and the king of the nightmare are diffused, and the detached giants standing on the bottom of the nightmare.

"That is the body of the people?"

Green took a deep breath, so unobtrusive and powerful, it was a rare and rare one. The pressure of power was so far away that Green could not breathe.

“It’s incredibly powerful and powerful, even if it’s a sorcerer’s element in the peak period!”

唰, 唰, 唰, 唰, 唰, 唰...

Rolling black, a team of squid-like bones are staggered from the side of Green, thousands of, Green is well-deserved, is about to move forward, the top of the cloud, a Thunder After the eyes gather, look at Green.

"There is still a wizard hidden here~www.novelmtl.com~Shasha Shasha, grab it!"

As the eyes of Thunder lock Green, the infinite endless black fog gathers back to Green, and the low-level nightmare bones around them are like boiling water, and they are overwhelming to Green, including the group of squid that have just been staggered. Form bone monster.


Suddenly, the green surrounded by the overwhelming bones of the monsters, the ripples of the position, screaming, it is difficult to count the bones and demons suddenly broke apart, and the quaint lanterns bloomed with strange brilliance.

The tri-color gaze looks up at the Thunder's giant eyes, but a four-level dreaming bone king.


Waving the magic wand, smashing it, the black arc is distorted in all directions, and the high-frequency oscillating sound waves are scattered toward the giant eye.


Unresistable, this Nightmare King realized that the horror of this wizard's prey was a little late. (To be continued.)

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