A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1508: Nightmare (25)

The corpse of the ancestors stood on the mainland of the wizard.

The huge body that extends beyond the void feels the invincible spirit of the king of the purgatory giant Eba Dang, and this little thing that was previously slapped into the void by himself has once again come back!

Representing the long-term and heavy sorcerer's will in the mainland, the ancestors of the ancestors who had just thrown the 10,000-meter mountain were slightly retracted, and they are gathering unbelievably amazing power.


As the king of the Inferno, the infernal giant of the Purgatory Furnace, is getting closer and closer, the singer of the fireball star is getting more and more smashed, and the corpses of the ancestors are once again slap in the face!

The giant hand of the sky is stirring the massive elements, it seems to be completely crushed by the Purgatory Furnace in the hands of the Purgatory Giant.


Infinite endless flames burst, the purest light and heat, but not in the narrow space, it is the imprisonment of the hands of the people, the inexhaustible power of the purgatory furnace is like a burning sun, but the body of the ancestors The flame light under the palm of your hand!

The two are deadlocked.

The beards are blown up by the heat waves. The skin of the steel and rock is mixed with the male bronze smell and the savage taste. The glaciers of the ancestors’ bodies are smashing millions of meters, as if they are in the deep mainland. The power of the ancestors of the ancestors screamed the horrible roar of ancient animals, the masters of the wizarding world who were slain by the ancient ancestors.

Finally, in the body of the ancestors, the power of the infinite endless power, in the deep support of the wizarding continent, even if the Purgatory Giant King held the full blow of the Purgatory Furnace, it eventually fell into disarray, and the ancestors The corpse of the corpse that covered the sky and the palm of the hand was gradually retreating toward the void, and was about to be slammed back to the void by the corpse of the ancestors!

At this moment, in the void, in addition to the Purgatory Giant King who confronts the corpse of the ancestors, there are Mu Yu Destroyer and the ghost stone giant.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

One after another, the real spirit sorcerer came from the depths of the void. Although the distance is still very far away, it is almost close to the level of life that the true spirit dominates. There is no more time to react to the three.

"I have a way!"

The ghost stone giant suddenly spoke to the Muyu Destroyer.

prompt! prompt!

At the juncture of the cosmic world life and death crisis, you are about to receive important clues from the friendly NPC to save the universe. Whether you can complete this mission is related to the survival of the universe, please do your best to complete this mission.

After completing the rescue mission of the Universe Great World, the mission rewards: the title of the protagonist of the new era of the universe.

After seeing the Skynet mission reward tips, Mu Yu Destroyer was shocked. There was no specific experience currency, no specific mission rewards, just a title, the new era of the universe!

Instinct, Mu Yu Destroyer knows that he must trigger the super-drama mission of Tianwang Guangyao. If this task can be completed, the future will only be able to achieve unimaginable development with the title, and the first guild president will also be It is not difficult.

"any solution?"

Mu Yu Destroyer asked the ghost stone giant, and his expression was never focused!

"This hidden dark wizard always has a giant BOSS, and half of the power is derived from the vast and innocent continent of the world. If we can block this power, with the power of that guy, regardless of the loss of the Almighty, Maybe there is a chance to temporarily counter this suppression of the giant, and then come to the wizarding world to open the furnace of the endless day, open the projection of the two worlds coincide!"

"How to stop it, with the size of this giant, we can't remove it from this continent!"

Mu Yu Destroyer eagerly asked.

"This requires your cooperation! This giant is now fully fighting against the Purgatory Giant King. The source is endlessly consuming this vast continent of earth and rock to restore the injury, and if I can mix my own ghosts, I can block the continent. The blessing power for it, what you have to do is to create other wounds in it now, so that my ghost spirit can be mixed in."

"it is good!"

The time is urgent, the task is urgent, and the Muyu Destroyer has no hesitation in the choice. After one bite, he will rush toward the corpse of the King of Pressure.

About three million degrees, you can complete the requirements of the ghost stone giant, causing the required injuries on the body of the ancestors.

After Aba Dang involved most of the corpse of the ancestors, the Muyu Destroyer was naturally able to easily do the job.

Compared with the Muyu Destroyer, he has been insulting and causing injuries to his ancestors. He is still standing still. The ghost stone giant has tough and many look, and he constantly separates tiny black particles from the black rock body. Like the mother who gave birth, the pain is hard to say.

"If you can use this incredibly amazing and powerful giant to breed a stronger soul crystal, maybe I can use the power of this world to stand at a higher peak. What is the point of joining the Wizarding League? If not, but lose some The soul of the soul is nothing compared to the omnipotent soul lost in the battle of civilization. Not worth mentioning!"

With the plot of the ghost stone giant and the Muyu Destroyer, it seems to have played some role. The corpse of the ancestors in the confrontation with the king of Ebdan can no longer be as strong as before, and even have confrontation Make some effort.

The king of Ebba, who was about to be drawn back to the void, once again barely stood up in the void and confronted the corpse of the ancestors.

Finally, the corpse of the ancestors felt that they were abnormal, and they looked at the ghost stone giant and screamed with anger!

The command given by the Black Witch King is to prevent all enemies from invading the Wizarding World. The first target is the Purgatory Giant King. It is necessary to guard the body of the ancestors. Although it is said that it is almost impossible to cause the corpse of the ancestors. The essence is threatening, but if the corpse of the ancestors is to lower the power, it is difficult to stop Aba from coming to the wizarding world, and the mission is a failure.

The ancestors of the ancestors roared, but they were helpless. The fireballs descending into the wizarding world in the palm of their hands became heavier and heavier, and their hands gradually became painful burning.

prompt! prompt!

The progress of the mission is 61%, the progress of the mission is 62%, and the progress of the mission is 63%...

Every time the Muyu Destroyer causes some injuries on the ancestors of the ancestors~www.novelmtl.com~ After being mixed into the repaired mud rock by the ghost stone powder, it will prompt the task to enter the situation. Now the task progress has been completed, the wood feather destroyer Simply ecstatic.

It turns out that the task of finally saving the great world of the universe is like this!

Suddenly, the surrounding temperature seems to have risen a lot. Through thousands of flying beard tentacles, the Muyu Destroyer saw a reddish glow, a phoenix burning with a blazing flame.


Leading the rules of summer, the phoenix on the phoenix, Mina's semi-naked robes under the skin as if the most beautiful glass, the waves of silky hair fluttering, the flame tattoo gradually spread from the heart part to the limbs, the flames seem to be burning everything .

"I am the guardian of the rule of the wizarding world in summer, and all the filth that attempts to touch the world of the wizard will be burned down in the flame of summer!"

The arrogant and arrogant light of the flames, without any rejection of the corpses of the ancestors, will burn the energy of the air in all directions, boiling toward the ruins of the wood feathers, and the two people are like rewarding the protagonist of different worlds! (To be continued.)

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