A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1507: Nightmare (24)

In the void, a ring of real spirits sees this, the hand has lost the glory of the fate lever magic wand, and now a glimmer of light.

"What do you want to do! After World War II, you are not much stronger than Pumi Rothius. After this war of civilization, with the omnipotent soul that you have left now, forcing the fate of the lever to forcibly participate in the war is likely to be devastating. Even delaying the Demon Hunting Expedition!"

The three-ring true spirit wizard wants to stop a ring of true spirit wizards.

"The element of the fading element is a pulse, and you need your support!"

"That is the eternal motive! If you can leave it in the wizarding world, the Destroyer civilization will no longer have the power to resist, completely collapse, and let the wizarding world take control."

A ring of real spirits, the old face is stiff and stiff, and the high-definition desperate lever magic wand releases the brilliance, like a beam of light running through the Milky Way, across the wizarding world.

"The elemental wizards lead the wizards. The essence is a more advanced system. We will once again stand on the top of the world with the advancement of history! Those are the things after the war. Now you have to arrive at the body of the ancestors as soon as possible. Changes, we must also try to ensure that the war is not spread beyond the area of ​​the Three-ring Santa in the Sorcerer's mainland. If it is only a loss of the Santa area, we can still afford it!"

Between the words, the fate lever magic wand fluctuates in time and space, and then the ring of the true spirit wizard is restored to a calm moment, disappearing without a trace, has instantaneously descended into the wizarding world, joined the Black Witch King, Perpetual Motion Little Emperor, Megatron Among the battle groups.

The four strongest existences are casual battles, and it is also easy to destroy the glaciers of the winter guardian seals and spread the landscape.

Even so, due to the struggle between the Black Witch King and a ring of true spirit wizards, the Little Emperor and Megatron are not proficient in time and space destruction, and cannot restore the time-space coincidence link between the Wizarding World and the Nightmare World.


When the Black Witch King closed the "Life and Death", he was taken away by the Yellow River. The Black Witch King used this powerful corpse as a container to seal the magic stone for later study. And even find the hidden nine breaths!

At this moment, the sorcerer and the Muyu Destroyer have been entangled in the corpse of the ancestors.

The sky's energy beam tilted and attacked, and the wounds that had just appeared in the body of the ancestors were repaired by endless mud and rocks, and it was impossible to pose a great threat to the blackest king's strongest corpse.

The corpse of the ancestors struggled slightly with the two destructors, and one of the rough beards became a flexible chain. The two destructors relied on their own flexibility to keep fighting around the corpses of the ancestors. Constantly, it is almost irritated by the dark red interface that keeps flashing. Although the sorcerer of the sorcerer avoids the beard attack of the corpse of the celestial body with amazing control, it is also greatly limited the range of activities.

prompt! prompt!

You caused 3790000 attacks, 4955000 attacks, 4.300000 attacks, -HP2700000 points, -HP3560000 points, -HP3200000 points, Dark Wizard King BOSS傀儡 Giants remaining HP247300000 points, Dark Wizard King Boss Giants Station for the Dark Wizard King Boss Giants In the Wizarding World, HP 1000000 points will be restored every five hundred quantum hours.

prompt! prompt!

The friendly NPC ghost stone giant dominates the battlefield support between 37,000 quantum hours and 40,000 quantum hours. The last day of the furnace plan leader, the purgatory giant Wang Aiba Dang, is expected to catch between 60,000 quantum hours and 80,000 quantum hours. To the battlefield, please try to cause a devastating attack on the Dark Wizard King Boss.

prompt! prompt!

The power of the infernal giant, Wang Aiba, is about to run out of physical strength, energy, and omnipotent soul. If the furnace plan fails, the copy of the dark wizard's main line will fail. The universe will be mad by the inexhaustible violent elite wizards and the dark wizards. The evil kills are drowned.

caveat! caveat!

The giant giant launched a left hook attack, which has locked your 30,000-meter range of motion trajectory. It is expected that more than 10 million degrees of physical destruction will be launched after nine hundred quantum hours. Please evade according to your own conditions.

A series of tips almost completely despaired the heart of the smasher.

"This giant attribute is more powerful than the Optimus Prime metal-fired space-based satellite ship giant. The only chance is to remove it from the wizarding continent and attack it. With its volume and power, I want it. It is almost impossible to forcibly remove the sorcerer's mainland from the physical nature. It is impossible to destroy it by yourself and the Muyu Destroyer. This is an impossible task!"

In the vision of the Deer's Destroyer, a series of energy flow data will mark the left-handed attack trajectory of the ancestors, the beard entanglement, and a series of data of their own speed and explosive curvature trajectory, with the reaction speed of the destroyer, one hundred quantum hours. Responsiveness is the minimum standard, not to mention the notification notice of nine hundred quantum hours in advance.

As a matter of course, the sorcerer shuns the scope of the physical attack of the left body of the ancestors!

caveat! caveat!

Suddenly, the Sergeant Destroyer received a warning again, and the warning to the five-level danger was so sudden.

Discover the energy tide caused by unknown causes, and find that the dark wizard always BOSS 傀儡 giant unknown energy source, energy tide will cause indiscriminate destruction attack, is expected to come after thirty quantum hours.

At the time of the 30th quantum time, the speed of the reaction of the destroyer of Esslerda could not be done too much, and it was overwhelmed by the overwhelming destruction of energy.

caveat! caveat!

You are suffering from an energy tide attack, -HP350000, -HP350000, -HP350000, -HP350000...

caveat! caveat!

Your energy is less than 7%, your energy is less than 6%, and your energy is less than 5%...

the other side.

After receiving a series of traumatic reminders, Mu Yu Destroyer finally avoided the scope of the tidal energy tidal attack of the ancestors, and turned to the head. Under the gaze of Mu Yu, the range of hundreds of thousands of meters from the body of the ancestors was raised. Decomposing the chaotic energy of the nature, the sorcerer plunged into it, and in a short period of time, the body from the outer energy armor was quickly decomposed at a speed visible to the naked eye.


In the end, even the remaining energy core of the Deer's Destroyer was completely decomposed, and there was no more thing around the body of the ancestors. The chaotic energy storm gradually stopped.

The sorcerer’s destroyer fell.

The pair of suffocating eyes stared at the Muyu Destroyer, the ghost stone giant, and the king of Eba Dang in the void, as if the wizard was on the mainland.


An earth-shattering ancestral roar, followed by the surging of the rock on the right hand of the ancestors of the ancestors ~www.novelmtl.com~ a short time to form a 10,000-meter mountain, this is really true Wanmi Mountain, thrown by the body of the ancestors Void!

The ghost stone giants who came here saw this, the bulky and huge body slammed away, the will wave was undulating, and when they were seeking the opinions of the King of the Infernal Giant Eba Dang, they saw an inexhaustible golden stream exploded behind them, and the void was instantaneously endless. Fire sea.

"This idiot, why not avoid it! The last hope of the Destroyer civilization is pinned on this idiot!"


The 10,000-meter mountain was broken into hundreds of millions of burning stones, throwing it to the endless void, holding the king of the Purgatory Furnace, the king of Eba as a flame star, and dive to the corpse of the ancestors who stood in the sorcerer’s mainland and looked into the void. It seems to have already The degree of life and death is completely out of the mind.

Wearing the ring of loss, comparable to the eternal soul of the eighth-class creature, but still in a short-lived battle of civilization, the Almighty Soul is exhausted, and you can imagine the trauma suffered during this violent domination.


PS: The second is around twelve o'clock. (To be continued.)

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