A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1497: Nightmare (14)

Compared with Hessian, he has been fighting against the projections of the three kings of nightmare. With the help of many celestial soldiers, Silvana has already poked the fourth king of the nightmare.

"How does the annihilation tower master plan to deal with this hunter heart?"

Silvana stared at the nightmare monster next to Green, originally the sixth nightmare king's card, but now like Green's pet, feeling the amazing power of this monster body, Silvana is full of anxiety.

"This hunter's heart has a peculiar attribute. I intend to seal it now. After the end of the war, I may be able to discover the secrets of the coincidence between the two worlds. Hey, even if our generation of wizards did not invade. In the past, leaving behind the legacy, maybe the future generations of wizards will be interested."

After responding to one sentence, Green himself opened the Book of Truth and branded a layer of forgotten runes on the heart of the hunter.

On the other hand, Hessian is standing above the Nether Star. This Nether Star is the supreme treasure left by Hessota II. It brings together the wisdom of Hessota II. It is prepared for the darkness. The heart of the world, hundreds of millions of runes gathered, and even once collided with the king of the Inferno, the infernal giant of the Purgatory Furnace.

If the remains of the soul wedding dress in the world are the yellow spring trees on the other side of the secret, then the biggest legacy left by Hesota II is this empty star.


Hundreds of millions of stars are lingering, and the stars surround the black cord around a circle. The left hand stretches out to make a claw-like depression. The hundreds of millions of stars linger across time and space and press down.

"Witcher, I am eating the wild hills and smashing the punishment, who are you!"

Huge gimmicks, a pair of batwing wings, three tailbone stalks scattered from the spine, dripping venom, a pair of golden giant bird claws contain incredible power.

The projection of the king of nightmare has seen that the projections of other kings of nightmare have been sealed or killed. At this moment, they have already been suppressed, and they are afraid that they will be fierce.

After all, it’s just a projection. I’m not proficient in the technique of transplanting and smashing. It’s the limit to have the power of the body.

With this power, it is naturally suppressed by Hessian. It can be said that the projection of the seven kings of nightmare is slightly tricky except for the sixth and seventh. The other five belong to the three wizards who can be stabilized.

Glut, whisper, whistle, whistle...

Being suppressed by hundreds of millions of stars, the king of the nightmare of the sinister stunned projections, and suddenly the "snap", "smack", "smack" bubbling up, a black flame ignited, these were purgatory The softened land squirmed and turned into a burning element of the purgatory fire, and it was swept away.

After half an hour of hourglass.

The black seal of the world seals again, in the twisted spiritual power shaping the space and time, the ruined tower, the ground stalks like a tentacle, the projection of the king of the sinister nightmare, the high altitude of the cold and round Month, as if a huge eye is in the mouth of the bottle, overlooking everything inside.

The indescribable amount of suction, the starburst of the external space, after all, in the scream of the unwilling roar of the king of the nightmare, was sucked into the darkness.


After fierce battles, after completing the seal, the black cable magic can not help but show some emptiness, looking at the magic wand to see the green of the forgotten rune.

Xiaoba flew over and landed on the shoulder of the black cord.

"How about the mentor, how long will it take to seal?"

Holding a toothpick, Xiao Ba Dao said: "It is estimated that it will take a day or two. Your tutor has other things to do besides the seal. With the current peak of your tutor, you can play against the real master even in a short period of time. Winning and losing is still unknown, don't worry. This heart is a bit special, it is the rule of the nightmare world. Now, under the power of the wizarding world and the power of the nightmare world, it has formed such a physical state, and with you The tutor is inextricably linked, and maybe this is the most precious treasure of the war, hehe!"

The little gossip laughed.

The hunter's heart is forgotten by the runes, and the green is completely set. At this moment, sitting quietly at the top of the heart, the extreme abyss magic wand stands, as if sitting in the meditation and quietly sitting.

咕咚, 咕咚, 咕咚, 咕咚...

Glut, whisper, whistle, whistle...

One side is the beating of the hunter's heart. It is the gathering of the power of the wizarding world and the power of the nightmare. The essence is the heart of the Green Hunter unintentionally copied. The other side is the heart of Green's body, which is constantly silent.

Although there are some differences between the two, the essence is a kind of water-milk + blending closeness, which is the inherent sense of blood cells. Green is gradually controlling the heart of this hunter through the mysterious connection between the two. Let it mistakenly believe that Green and its integration ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ two hourglass time, Green has not yet awakened.

"You are!"

At high altitude, the sun's aunt broke open and cracked in time and space, and witnessed such a ridiculous scene in the secret world, suddenly anger was impossible to add, and the narrow slogan flashed a look of grievance, but because the cracks in the space that could be torn open were too narrow, even if some of the powers were It is difficult to infiltrate and return, only to be able to dispatch an endless nightmare to the bones of the Demon Legion, from the crack into this space.

"Tear them!"

Every minute and every second, there are hundreds of thousands of dreams, bones and monsters pouring into this space. For a long time, Silvana and Hessau looked at Green, who was still sitting on the hunter's heart, and sighed secretly.

"There is a lot of work here."

"Guard the mentor."

The two men with a large number of celestial soldiers will rush to the surviving nightmare monsters, perhaps because the cracks are too narrow, even a slightly stronger bone king did not appear.

one day later.

Even if Hill’s goodnight’s celestial squadron will be smashed, and he’s already dead, he will have to summon some elemental monsters, but it’s just a drop in the bucket.

Fortunately, in addition to the two, there are hundreds of millions of worms around the green nightmare Guardian, so do not have to worry too much.

At this time, in the depths of the secret, a golden spot appeared, one of the two golden terminators who guarded the unintentional hunter, and another Vantage commissioner.

"This is really troublesome."

Hess stared at the golden terminator and muttered.

"It's better to give it to it. With its combat power, it should be able to compete with it."

Hill Goodnight stared at the giant kilometer around Green, low and clear, apparently not confident to face the power of the Golden Terminator. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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