A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1496: Nightmare (13)


"Master Green."

Green passed through Hessau and Silvana, and the two should fight against the third and fourth broken dreams of the king of the bones, and Green greetings, saying that they can cope, "en", Green crossed the two and flew toward the fifth and sixth giant eggs.

"Rush, the Green Beast, tear them apart."

Xiao Ba stopped in midair and watched Silvana with a million soldiers to encircle the king of nightmare, while yelling at Green’s screaming, adding: “Crushing each of their bones.”

In the sky, thousands of lines of milk-white silk are linked to each other. Today there are only four, which are connected to the projection of the four kings of nightmare.

Green Twilight looked at the fifth giant egg that was about to break through the shell. The sound of "嗡" was not yet present, black gas spewed out, and a rotating warhammer smashed toward Green.

Still maintaining the second layer of wild instinct, Green, the three-meter strong body is full of spurs, the body contains amazing explosive power, and the depth of the throat is "squeaky", and the extreme abyss magic wand is fully swayed. After tens of thousands of meters of ice, the warhammer slowed down a little bit in the glacier, and was immediately caught by Green's left hand.

It’s awkward!

The light and dark staggered and twisted, the black arc exudes an amazing high-frequency shock wave, and the flashing lasing is directed to the giant egg that has not yet fully hatched. The giant egg is damaged and the black mist is slightly resisted for a moment and then penetrated by the black arc. The sound of "嗡" followed by the black arc and the giant egg penetrated together and went to the horizon, disappearing without a trace.


Centered on the annihilation arc penetration, the giant egg collapsed and spread, and it was wiped out by Green beyond the 3 million-degree blow.

At the same time, the last king of nightmare projection broke out.

"I didn't expect to open the door to such a degree of nightmare. The Pirates of the Nightmare Demon has already invaded the past, but here is the point where you are."

This is a humanoid skeleton with a crown, a scepter holding the right hand, and a scepter at the top of the scepter. It seems to replace the humanoid skeleton with an empty eye socket to look at the world from another perspective.

Green did not pay attention, the extreme abyss magic wand in the hand waved again, smashing, the glaciers bursting into the ice crystals, the black arc twisted in all directions and the darkness disappeared, the target pointed to the sixth king of nightmare.

"Oh, useless."

Under the crown, the humanoid humerus mandible is one by one, and the "咔咔咔咔咔" smiles non-stop. The scepter's head on the head of the scepter is staring at the eyes, giving off a circle of dark red halo, and the worms spew out the skylight. The silk condenses into a beam of light, colliding with the force of the black arc annihilation, and the two screams dissipate.

Then, the crown of the top of the skull was flashing. The vast tens of thousands of worms in the vast space were obviously more violent, and they made a "squeaky" sound. The speed of mutual engulfing was obviously faster than that!

Glut, whisper, whistle, whistle...

The hunter's heart beats fiercely, and the king of the nightmare jumps up and falls on the top of the hunter's heart. A layer of light wave field sweeps over, and some of the forgotten runes that were originally attached have been dispelled a lot.

"It’s a wonderful heart. Even with my knowledge, I have never seen anything that affects the rules of the world. Look, it’s as beautiful as a nightmare, if it can bring it to the nightmare world. The scene of the **** moonlight, the rain of the moon, the cry of the nightmare of fear, not only the plucking of the bones and the soul of fear, but also the blood... Oh, I am so excited that every bone is shaking. !"

On one side is the king of nightmare projections, and the other side is the intertwined of the light and shadow of Green, which flashes in the shadow of the king of the nightmare.

Obviously, this king of nightmare does not have a powerful close-fighting function. In the three-color light of Green, this king of nightmare is inextricably linked with the illusory space. It is very likely that the entire illusory space is the king of this nightmare. The domain that is shaped by the avatar is the coordinates that the unintentional hunter contacted during his lifetime.


With the help of the eyes at the top of the scepter, the space of the tens of thousands of worms is controlled, thus controlling the heart of the hunter. Suddenly, a layer of blood enchantment traps Green, and the extreme abyss magic wand "咚" One sound caused a violent shock in the entire nodule space.

The enchantment shocks along the hundreds of millions of ray, and is transmitted to hundreds of millions of worms. These hundreds of millions of worms that are swallowing each other are oscillated and transmitted. One and a half of them slammed and exploded instantly, but this did not affect anything. The other worms swarmed up and swallowed up the broken worms, killing each other again.

These worms are significantly stronger by killing each other, and some of them even reach the secondary biological level.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom……

Every time Green struggles in the blood cell, it will cause a large number of worms to explode, and then be swallowed up by other worms. Green's struggle has promoted the speed of worms' mutual engulfing, three-level worms, four levels...

"Useless, hey, no one knows more about everything here than me, the nature of the transformation between energy. You have the same attributes as this heart, swallowing you, it will grow into a complete body, From then on, the world of dreams will be the blood of crying, oh..."

"Mom, this is too arrogant, the laughter is still so ugly, and there is a lingering death, the Green Beast, you will quickly launch the ultimate evolution and die him!"

The same attributes?

Standing in the same place, Green did not pay attention to the small eight, three-color light gaze at every inch of space in the enchantment of the blood, the surface spurs slowly into the body, while the three-meter-high body gradually contracted and returned to normal form.

Stretch out the long sleeves of the long sleeves, and touch the enchantment with your fingertips.


When Green unloaded the heart of resistance, when he touched the enchantment, there was a feeling of touching his skin!

"Oh, hey, interesting, it’s so interesting. The reason why I just used the "Book of Truth" space-time seal instead of forcibly destroying it is actually my own instinct!"

I saw Green's fingertips touching the enchantment, and silently made a door. Green took the small eight on the shoulder and swayed out from the door. He was holding the scepter's "咔咔咔" and laughing. The projection of the king of nightmare, stunned.

"how come……"

"噗", Green's left hand inserted through the chest of this nightmare king, the gray-white face reveals a cruel smile~www.novelmtl.com~! ”

But see the scepter in the shadow of the king of the nightmare, the strange eyes violently vibrate, and then slowly ossified, "哗哗啦啦" broken, the body was captured by the crown of the green head, slightly surprised, smashed, a black arc Chasing the crown, the speed of both is extremely fast. After a small moment, Green's control of the power of annihilation reached the limit and was escaped by the crown.

"Ah! You have ruined my eyes of omniscience, the wizard, I want your soul to fear in my mouth for 10,000 years!"

The king of nightmare projection roars, and there are only a few tens of thousands of worms left at this moment. They are condensed into one by each other under the urging of the King of Nightmare. They grow into a kilometer monster, like a giant lizard, **** skin, full of With explosive power, the head grew on the tip of the flexible long tail.

The strength of the monster does not seem to be worse than that of the thousand prisoners. The "咚" sound falls on the side of the king of the nightmare of the angry and violent nightmare because of the loss of the eyes of omniscience.

"kill him!"

On the one hand, the king of nightmare condenses the power of nightmares. It seems that he is preparing other nightmare power for Green. On the other hand, he urges the monsters around him and entangles him.


An amazing scene appeared.

As soon as lightning, the monster's flexible long tail flashed, and the **** giant mouth swallowed the unprepared king of nightmare, and heard the chewing sound of "嘎巴" and "嘎巴".

"Oh, it seems that what is lost is not just the eyes of omniscience, but also your wisdom, idiots."

Green smirked and stroked a monster that was as docile as a kitten. This monster that had just swallowed up the king of the nightmare was under the touch of Greene, revealing a very enjoyable look. The body of the kilometer was so soft that it seemed to want to get Green is more touching. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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