A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1434: Void

The sanitation fortress, based on the fragmentation of the miniaturized space debris, is the means of observation in the Wizarding World in recent years.

Since the independent will of Skynet reveals that the metal destroyer civilization Vantage Quantum Technology will raided the news of the invasion, the Wizarding World continues to associate its invasion method. It should be that Vantage Quantum Technology uses its own wormhole technology to pass the void near the wizarding world or some worlds. , open the time and space to contact.

This wormhole time and space connection may not be a general connection, at least not the time and space contact in the conventional understanding of the wizarding world.

Nalga drank a cup of aromatic coffee. This piece of space was presented in the form of irregular polyhedrons, most of which were embedded in the illusory space-time cracks, and the other part was in the void, and was squandered by the constant force of the void. With.

If there is no energy source to replenish this space debris without any real value, I am afraid that it will not take too long, and it will be completely smashed and digested by the endless world, and it will be attributed to nothingness.

"There will be a handover in the last six months. Today is the fifteenth year. I hope that there will be no accidents and peace."

In some people's eyes, the wizard's diary is more valuable than the experimental notes, especially those ancient wizards who have a long history, and their diaries represent a piece of history.

咕噜呱, 咕噜呱, 咕噜呱...

The frog screamed, and Nalga looked up through the glass window and glanced into the void. Nothing was found. A magical wizard like a thermometer was dragged from behind, and after seeing it, it was inserted into the shallow layer. In the illusory time.

From the corner of the lab bench, take out an energy stone, only the size of the nail, and feed it to the frog, a simple and boring life.

Over the years, the Wizarding World has thoroughly understood the source of the energy stone in the universe. 90% of the energy stone is derived from the processing of dark matter reactors, and another 10% is the surplus of the Vantage Perpetual Engine.

The Wizarding World cannot replicate the industrial technology of the universe, so it cannot produce energy stone. However, over the years, due to the large number of energy stone trophies, the use of energy stone has been quite deep. This high quality spar is in the possession of the wizarding world. The ratio is gradually rising, and the wizards have gradually fallen in love with this more pure energy spar.

Although Green had speculated that if the Civil War battles the Wizarding World victory, the greatest trophy of the Elemental Wizard is the energy application of the Metal Destroyer, which will push the Elemental Wizards to complete new changes.


Green still wants to be too one-sided. The wizarding world cannot build a factory. Otherwise, it is tantamount to digging the grave and cutting off the future of the wizarding world. Therefore, the energy source can only be carried indirectly through other world factories and even the future world of the universe, and it is necessary to compare it on the basis. The metal destroyer civilization is impossible.

"Hey, this war that has lasted for thousands of years, when is it."

The diary was put away, and the old wizard licked his beard and sighed. At this moment, the crystal ball in front of him suddenly waved, and the above-mentioned zero boundary stone was consumed at a rapid speed.


Nalga looked like a sneak peek. After taking a quick shot of the crystal ball, he entered the magic power. The image of a Dawn Wisdom Wizard appeared in the light curtain, which was extremely dignified.

“The Nalga Wizard in charge of the 644 Guardian Fortress in the AC area?”


After Nalga confirmed the identity information, waiting for the Dawn Wisdom Wizard to dispatch, apparently what happened.

"I will drive the sanitation fortress immediately, and report to the Wizards World Nine Rings Santa's secluded secrets. The Asian world has fallen. It is very likely that you will pass through the void that you are responsible for in a short time, and leave quickly!"

Narga was shocked. The Asian world is not a general world. It is also deeply rooted in the world of wizards. There are not many witches who have been stationed for a long time.

The Wizarding World really got intelligence clues after the metal destroyer civilization’s time-lapse, and the sneak attack plan of the Metal Destroyer’s civilization is likely to become a wizarding world.

"Yes, I know!"

Close the contact of the crystal ball, Nalga did not dare to delay, the first time to drive the sanitation fortress, "bang", "bang" noise, space debris inside a metal ball more than ten meters in diameter, this metal ball An enlarged version of the anti-gravity fortress like the Metal of the Destroyer, like the magnified version of the Star Wars, is probably a combination of the two.

The sound of "咻" went to the wizarding world and disappeared.


The emptiness of the sky, the wizarding world continues to release the light of the source.

The wizarding world distorts all kinds of time and space with its absolute quality, and gathers dozens of large and small worlds around itself. Through the general veins of the spider web, it controls the entire wizarding alliance and gradually extends to the whole world community.

"Look at it, that is the world of wizards. No trade unions have ever been here. We are the first legions to come here."

In front of a metal destroyer, the 3D imaging light curtain has drawn the light of the source of the wizarding world and the twisted magnetic field into a map of the energy trend, which is similar to the eye of the world of Green Truth, for the regular energy operation. Digital annotation.

"Unfortunately, the space-based starship can't follow through, otherwise our chances are even bigger!"

It is also the voice of a metal destroyer.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

It's hard to imagine a huge number of Void fleets ~www.novelmtl.com~ one after another, all the goals are for one, that is to break into the wizarding world and destroy everything!

Among them, the metal robot is only the lowest level of combat organization, liquid metal terminator, black terminator, and crystallizer terminator are difficult to count.

I am afraid that this raid will bring together nearly half of the forces of the Metal Destroyer civilization to carry out the largest war in the history of the new mankind.

“Without the dark areas covered by Skynet, we are the pioneers of this dark map area. Developing new maps means more advanced treasure rewards, hey, I hope we can return home!”

It is also the words of a metal destroyer.

"You'd better stop this dangerous idea, Gerdham, we are in a war, a war between life and death, forget the Skynet ID game account, Vantage Perpetual Motivation is not a true dimension barrier, he Can't provide us with eternal protection, I don't want one day, these wizards appear in the real world."

A wizard who appears in reality! ?


Although some people have fantasized like this, they have never been said. Until that day, after the seven-ring true spirit wizards actually tried, the metal destroyer civilization Vantage Quantum Technology had a qualitative change in concept.

These wizards are trying to break through the perpetual protection layer.

And, they have this ability.

"The little emperor wants to eat chocolate, I will eat the Orki brand, the little emperor does not care, the little emperor is going to eat now!"

The tender voice was uploaded from the shoulders of Megatron. No one thought that the existence of the metal destroyer civilization, the status of the ancestors, was still a small temper at this time. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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