A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1433: The little emperor is angry!

The world of Purgatory Giants has ceased to exist.

The Wizarding Alliance swallows and integrates this world community with great speed. It is located in the world of the Purgatory Giant on the side of the original metal destroyer civilization. Under the circumstances that the main army has been completely eliminated, the wizard will be specially taken care of and completely destroyed. The Purgatory Giants ruled. Replaced by lava beasts.

The King of the Infernal Giant, Ebdon, originally used as the ring of the seven-ring true spirit wizard Titan's loss, is one of the strongest forces mastered by the seven-ring true spirit wizard, and also the seven-ring true spirit wizard as the breakthrough universe of the world, Vantage The key to the protective cover, nowadays, under the Vantage quantum technology, the anti-customer is the master of the seven-ring true spirit wizard!

Everything changes, it seems a bit too sudden.

Among the world groups covered by the metal of the Destroyer, there are not many endless masters, but there are also many outstanding ones. Nowadays, there are three people who are willing to follow the metal destroyer civilization. The King of the Purgatory giant Eba Dang is one of them. .

Red red purgatory flame, this flame giant of more than ten meters step by step to the high altitude, each step is stepping on a ripple in the air, the furnace on the shoulder drops from time to time, the moment is the kilometer fireball vacated ,

"Destruction, I want all wizards to mourn forever in the fire of purgatory!"

The narrow and long eyes bloomed with dazzling light. Within a few hundred thousand meters of the king of Eba Dang, everything was distorted, completely evaporated, and endless heat melted everything into the world of flames. It was a burning sun.

The black hole vortex is getting bigger and bigger, and the entire Asian world has become the ocean of the metal legion. The huge fleet, one after another, emerges from the black hole vortex.

"The Purgatory Giants dominate, Megatron President invites you to gather. This is a world near the Wizarding World. We must attack at full speed and not give the wizards any breathing space."

A pink crystallizer terminator, communicated in the language of the Purgatory Giant.

Only the crystallizer terminator can be slightly closer to the uncontrollable overbearing flame. The lower robotic terminator, even if it is a little closer, will be instantly evaporated by its natural tens of thousands of flame attacks, and the burning **** will not be burned. Left.


One figure after another, standing in the air, each one easily twists the magnetic field around the 10,000 meters.

These are the strongest forces of metal destroyer civilization to fight back, metal destroyers and endless dominance!

Between the metal destroyers, although the appearance is very similar, they are also strong and weak. The powerful metal metal destroyers easily distorted the magnetic field around more than 100,000 meters. The weak metal destroyers are more than 10,000 meters of magnetic field. The strength and weakness are almost overwhelming.

The king of Abba was standing in the air, even if so many strong people gathered, the rules of the world's clothing have been shredded, and the energy elements and the power of the void make the whole world in turmoil, but still very Eye-catching!

Wearing the ring of Titan's loss, the power of the infernal giant has reached a new level, that is, the height hidden in the depths of the void is the endless pursuit of life.


"I'm coming!"

The colorful time of the ancient dragon soars, the tuft of the head must be connected with the back humanoids, holding a dragon gun, carrying the light bow and arrow, the once famous world of the dragon, now the strength is weak, can only maintain the lowest level of dominance Force, if it is not the strength of its time, there are still some unique, I am afraid that it is not worthy of a look at the king of Aba Dang.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

The cumbersome ghost stone giant, the celestial body is black crystal, the purest dark power is concentrated on every spar of every inch of body. These ghost stone crystal particles are like gravel, crawling constantly, and the kilometer body is difficult to condense. The imaginary explosive force, the metal robot army along the way, all quickly opened a smooth passage, the ghost stone giant step by step to the many dominating gathering place.

"This flame giant is the new master?"

The king of Ebdon is full of hegemony and majesty. No one is willing to come near, and there is a lot of space.

This ghost stone giant naturally falls to the side of Ebbah. The regular magnetic field influences overlap between the two, one yin and one yang, mutual exclusion, and there is a dark wrestling meaning, and the ghost stone giant does not fall on the surface. .

In the narrow and narrow eyes, full of violent, destructive, angry eyes, slowly moving, the king of Eba Dangguang looks at this stone giant, the metal destroyer civilization, the friendly NPC elite leads the strongest BOSS.

If the Metal Destroyer is in the case of the NPC of the case, it is not a good task, it is blocked by the NPC, and it is not surprising that it is directly attacked by the NPC.

Recently, the king of Aba Dang in the metal destroyer civilization, the reputation is too great, known as the ultimate secret weapon of Vantage Quantum Technology, has made this ghost stone giant feel a serious threat!

I witnessed the peak and destruction of Xiahe civilization, witnessed the sudden coming of the world community wizarding world, and shocked the rise of the metal destroyer civilization. It has the long history and is the oldest eight-level creature in this world community. First, the real power of eternal existence, its existence years, even more ancient than the world tree, is a truly powerful life left by the baptism of time.

Although it has little reputation outside, it is enough for the NPC elite of the Metal Destroyer Civilization to lead the strongest BOSS title.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Oh...

Between the Purgatory Giant King and the Ghost Stone Giant, the regular magnetic field collision friction is getting more and more intense, and the other perceived metal destroyers are slightly far away. Suddenly, Ebba is shot.

The Purgatory Giant King, who never changes on exchanges, represents the most purely violent will, and will destroy all enemies in front of him with incompetent and incompetent!


The king of the purgatory giant roared, and even waved the purgatory furnace on his shoulders, throwing out the barbarism.

In the moment when Purgatory Giant King waved the melting pot of the Purgatory ~www.novelmtl.com~ its regular magnetic field almost in an instant, the incredible qualitative change, although the ghost stone giant also burst out suddenly, but compared to the king of the purgatory giant Aba Dang It must be much smaller.


The ghost stone giant did not expect that the flame giant's temperament was so fierce and overbearing.

As the living body of the ancient and long-lasting existence, the existence of the power of eternal time, the ghost stone giant will not be afraid of any challenge, once it is the enemy of the world tree life and death!


Suddenly, the tender voice is like a baby, and a bunch of milky white spots are in between!


The perfect body of three meters high contains explosive power. It is the metal destroyer known as the president of the First Guild, Megatron!

However, at the moment, it is a group of milky white spots on the shoulders, white and tender and cute, only 20 cm high, once the most primitive miniaturized family robot design, it was the beginning of the birth of Vantage Quantum Technology, with the spirit of Vantage The idea is to bring laughter, bring happiness, and bring easy family robots to the old man. It is called the spirit of Vantage and the light of Vantage Quantum Technology.

Later, when a scientist tried to save the old human race and tried his best to experiment, he accidentally touched an incredible force, a condensed beam of Huadi's quantum technology, which represented the division between the old man and the new man.

Its existence, similar to the people!

This is the second foundation of the metal destroyer civilization, the spirit of Vantage!

"The little emperor is angry!"

The little guy muttered his mouth and stared at the Purgatory Giant King. It was a cute and cute look that made people laugh. The purgatory giant Wang slowly recovered the Purgatory Furnace and ignored the ghost stone giant. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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