A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1430: Left 13 ring

East Coral Island, Zelato Harbour, this is just Green's inertia title.

In fact, the town port has long been renamed with Zerato's death, but it does not make sense for Green, and it continues to use its former name.

The same is true of the towns and ports. Although the wizards passed away, the town plans formulated will continue to be passed down.

Green walks in the Zarato harbour at dusk, and in the distance is a group of soaring seagulls. The sea water flows with the tides and spreads to the back of the burning clouds. The sea level is half-sunset, more than 100 large and small Helens are moored, and the lighthouse is on duty. The old man is trying to keep the whale fat in preparation for the vigil tonight.

Once here, Green, Josh Chris, York Lianna, Lafite, and Bin Hansen opened the wizard journey, innocent, full of fantasies about the wizarding continent, do not know what will happen tomorrow, what new things will happen.

"Uncle, buy a flower of Ai Manduo."

A little boy carrying a flower basket with big eyes and looking at Green, Zeratto harbour is a temperate maritime climate, and now Green has crossed the half of the wizarding continent, there is no winter cold.

"Ai Man Duo Tuo?"

Green picked up a bunch of Ayurvedura flowers, put them on the side of the nose, closed their eyes, and sniffed gently, it seemed to be very enjoyable.

"Flower is beautiful, do you know that you have the same breath as me, that is the first time that the spring breeze has passed over the face, the little guy, think of the roar of the sea outside the island, the end of the rainbow, buried ancient Treasure!"

The little boy stared at Green with his big eyes and yelled: "A vine blossoming flower is a copper coin."


Green took out a copper coin to the little boy, the little boy no longer cares about Green, and the wind ran away.

"Wow, he made you crazy."

Green eight turned toward Greenway, Green shook his head and went to the seaside with an unmanned pier. In the crack of the stone, a green seedling grew up, looking plain and impermanent, and the infinite wizarding world was a humble creature.

"The great guardian of spring, this time I am coming to the wizarding world, I hope to query a world coordinate through the eyes of the world."

Green is actually talking about this green seedling.

The speed visible to the naked eye, the top of the seedling gradually released a flower, and the elf with a green wing lying inside, only the size of the nail, very inconspicuous.

"You are such a powerful sacred sorcerer coming to the wizarding world. This is just to inquire about a world coordinate. I am blessed by the guardian of the summer. I feel some uneasiness from your body. You have some very bad things on your body. ""

"It is an illusory atmosphere. I have been trapped in a few ecstasy of deep illusion. The time flow of material energy has been affected."

Green explained it casually, and then said: "This world is the coordinates I accidentally got in the deep illusion. It seems that the other party has a very urgent matter to communicate with the wizarding world. Coincidentally, I happened to pass the world during the wizard apprenticeship. The eyes have been associated with the world."

"What world?"

Asked the guardian of spring.

"The world of the spirits."

The elf shook his head and did not hear the world. He cautiously said: "Since you have reached this level, you should be clear about the security of the wizarding world. The Eye of the Wizarding World can accurately find the eyes of the world through some coordinates. However, this kind of communication is easy to expose both sides. The Wizarding World is fighting the civilization. I hope to avoid some inconvenience."

"No, I think, it must be very important, very important."


Green's repeated insistence on the final use of the world's eye trial qualification, this is the difference between the higher wizard and the lower wizard.

Green has gradually approached the hierarchy of rules, which is the beneficiaries of the rules.

A mouthful of dark wells is located in the yard, the moonlight is scattered, and a piece of sycamore leaves sway, like a devil's palm, revealing a mysterious atmosphere, Green knows, it is an occasional mating of the world of disorganized time and space, disturbing This time, the wizard's world time and space rules affect the representational cognition.

A young man and a woman came to admire through the dark wells and the exotic creatures, laughing and amazed. As the crowd gradually dispersed, Green slowly emerged from the shadows.


The wooden door opens, and the guardian of the spring of the humpback old witch image slowly walks out.

"These little guys won't reveal the world of the wizard, but you are different. You will be exposed to the wizarding world, and you will be exposed to the wizarding world for the first time. You should know that this was the most feared by the ancient wizards. In the unlikely event that the abyss of the abyss and the ancient devils follow the coordinates of the swarm, the wizarding world will be completely destroyed, so the official wizard does not allow the rules of the eye close to the world to be passed down to this day, has not been deliberately changed."

The old witch walked to Green's side by step, and sprinkled some sand of time. Then, a lot of illusory creatures appeared in a dark hole, and they swallowed these sands.

No, they are not illusory creatures. They are time and space creatures, walking in different time, not the material world walking in more space~www.novelmtl.com~ Similar to the insects sprouting in the Dark Portal of the Dark World .

"Go, I use the time node to minimize the impact of the wizarding world."

"Hey, what the **** is there, even if you see a wizard in the second eclipse, you have to talk about it, and there must be something big."

Xiao Ba communicated with the soul of Green, and Green took a witch coin from his sleeve.

A total of six, after the six-pointed star rune on the witch coin, the above wizard will be absorbed by Green, and then the six wizard coins will soften softly and become six small dragonflies, "咕咚", "咕咚", "咕咚"The fall into the well water."

With Green's subtle power of time and space, the well water gradually formed a vortex. After a while, it seemed that the exact coordinates were found. There were many wills to contact, and Green confirmed that there were seven.

"The twelve-level spirit class summons the holy teacher!"

Soon, Green determined that the 12th-level astrology summoned by the ancient heart summoned the sacred priest when he was in the second esophagus, leaving him with the six-level peak creature of the world of the stars.

"You have returned to the Wizarding World from the Dimensional Esophagus! Finally... finally connected to the Wizarding World!"

The excitement of this astrological summoner came, Green calmly said: "The last time in the second esophagus, you only have time to leave the world coordinates, now I have returned to the wizarding world, what is it?"

"Thirteen Rings of Real Spirit Wizards, the thirteenth ring of the Wizarding World, has been sleeping in the world of the spirits for several eras. Let us find the coordinates of the wizard world. He hopes to bury his body in the world of wizards. ”

The guardians of Green, Little Eight, and Spring were stunned by this sudden news, an ancient spirit that was left in the exotic world! ? (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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