A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1429: Thanksgiving promotion

"who are you?"

On the ring finger, wearing an emerald ring, the prince of nearly sixty years old, escorted by three knights and the old butler, came to the gate, followed by a group of pointing fingers, voyeuristic servants.

"Goats troubled by troubles, today is Thanksgiving Day on December 1. Use your compassion to do some good things. For example, let these hungry deer eat a hot meal and get some warmth. I miss you. The troubles will be alleviated, and your goodwill will be emulated by others, and the same goodwill will be harvested."

Green stood on the steps, did not show any power, just with his own language and temperament, a look of sorrow and sorrow, overlooking the mortal beings.

Several knights have long been stunned by Green's image of this god, and the Viscount also stumbled.

It can be seen that this viscount is not the kind of wicked guy, just a savvy businessman who is mixed up.

"Where is the mud leg, is he alarming the lord? Not rushing out!"

Behind the Viscount, the old butler looked fierce, an impatient look, waved his arm and motioned a few knights to drive Green out of the high platform. They immediately followed Green's behind Green and they couldn't help but step back. They looked timid at any time. May slip away.


This is a Viscount who has some bloated and rich attitudes, and both eyes stare at Green.

"Is troubled by trouble, do you know my troubles?"

"I saw a little lamb. His time seems to be running out, unless there is a real wizard who can give him some support through life witchcraft to help him through this difficult winter. After the spring, everything will recover and flourish. Life can continue."

Green said quietly, his voice was hoarse and full of mystery.

"Master, don't listen to this muddy leg." When I was young, I ran around and scammed the muddy legs and stalked the poets. I saw a lot, and many people were cheated..."

"All right."

The old butler's words were interrupted. After the Viscount's right hand turned a circle of left-handed emerald rings, he said: "Take them a break, prepare more food, Master, please."

The old butler wants to ask Greens to sit.

Green has perfectly concealed the identity of his own wizard. These people cannot recognize Green. Obviously, it is because of other reasons. Perhaps this is the hope that the Viscount holds one in ten thousand.

When people are helpless, they always have emotions to overcome reason.


"What does the master call?"

The viscount asked.

"Can be disciples."

Green actually used the name of the protagonist of Grimm's Fairy Tales.

"December 1, Thanksgiving Day? I have never heard of this festival, what other customs are there?"

The Viscount took a sip of the teacup and asked with doubts. Then he added: "What ritual?"

"Oh, it is indeed a custom from a distant city. It is said to be a powerful wizard with boundless magic. Some sentiments gained from the operation of the Sun, Moon and Stars have written into a "Grimson Fairy Tale", many of them. Although the place is not marginal, it is only taken for granted in the eyes of our mortals. The intrinsic meaning of some profound truths is not what we can imagine."

Green said, he actually took out a copy of Grimm's Fairy Tales from his arms.

"Adults are kindhearted today, and they will send an adult "Gregory Fairy Tale" with the beautiful pursuit pursued in Grimm's Fairy Tale. When you are confused, distressed, helpless, you will certainly gain something, and you can also use it as an enlightenment book for the younger generation. In which the mystery of reason may go deep into the soul and realize the mystery of truth, hehehe."

Green smiled and said, "Grim's Fairy Tale" was placed on the table, and the little eight on the shoulder seemed to secretly get instructions, and flew away from the room.


The Viscount picked up the Grimm's Fairy Tales and read the two pages at random. He put it aside and said: "I have thirty sons, so I have a **** single pass, and I will inherit the title of the title, but in Burke. In the Boss City War, the Cavaliers dedicated themselves, but fortunately left a grandson. Who knows that into the winter, this little guy does not know what disease, hehe..."

Said, the Viscount eagerly looked at Green: "Master, the magical boundless wizard at Thanksgiving, can you feel my kindness and help me solve problems?"

Said, the Viscount turned out to be tearful.

"You have to remember that a good heart will have a good report, but this is not a transaction, there is no contract, I can't answer it."

Green's answer, the Viscount seems to have expected, just nodded calmly, began to chat, listen to some of the strange travels from other places, and the so-called Thanksgiving miracle, etc., to carry out potential brainwashing education.

Time passed, and at night, the cold wind was even more embarrassing.

"Every winter, this time is the coldest time, we will kill some firebirds during this time to drive cold."

But obviously, this is just a noble life.

Outside the door came the footsteps of the knights, and our happy laughter, they not only ate a full meal today, but also washed a hot bath, which is simply unimaginable enjoyment.

"Uncle Uncle."

The little girl Green saw at first glance, at this time has been replaced with a new dress, it looks very spiritual, can not tell the refreshing.

The concept of Thanksgiving, for the first time in the heart of a little girl, can not be forgotten in life, and will pass on the information of Thanksgiving to everyone who has its origins. This is the promotion of the rules.

"Well, come and sit down."

Green laughed, and casually, in the eyes of Green, everything is the vitality of the wizarding world, the rich goats, the old fox steward who has no enterprising spirit, the Shiba Inu, who is shivering in these winters...

At this moment, the sound of flapping the wings came out of the door. It was Xiao Bafei who came back. Needless to say, things were done well. Xiao Ba did not attract the attention of everyone who was being enchanted by Green Thanksgiving.

Sure enough, after only a short while, the dark night sky, the elements waved.


The bright light element illuminates the entire small town. It is a second-level wizard. It seems to be looking for something over the small town. An element teleport appears in the Viscount House. All the knights are surrounded, but there is no What a person irritates unreasonably, people have long been stunned by the light elements that are lingering from time to time.

"I am listening to the grateful heart in your heart during Thanksgiving. Do you have any help?"

The next thing ~www.novelmtl.com~ is naturally developed, the wizarding world is really dedication, not Green to rely on their own efforts to maintain, but to let everyone consciously implement compliance, profitable, and make the wizard world better The direction of development.

After half an hour of hourglass.

"Thanksgiving, hey, thank you master!"

Holding a beautiful woman who is only three or four years old, about twenty years old, she is grateful to the wizard with tears in her face. Needless to say, it is also the most faithful believer in Thanksgiving.

the next day.

Green quietly left, just like a quiet arrival.


In midair, Green was low and sullen, and his body squirmed, splitting out a source of annihilation. However, this source of annihilation is only the strength of the three-level wizard, a look of sorrow and horror.

"Every year on Thanksgiving Day on December 1st, do your best to promote it. I have already connected you to the source of the magical power of the wizarding tower. If one era fails, it will be two epochs. After I complete the dedication, I will again Put it all in."

As said, Green's body continued to fly in the direction of East Coral Island, and this special source of annihilation slowly fell to the ground.

There is only one day of real promotion every year, and the true spirit is dedicated to Thanksgiving. The difficulty level, the years of demand, cannot be imagined, perhaps just to satisfy the solace of Grinn’s heart.


PS: Tomorrow is July 22nd. At one o'clock in the afternoon, "Unbeaten Legend" is open to serve. Interested wizards can establish a legion in Wu State. I don't know how many people are willing to fight together to fight the world? The new mainstream media game is looking forward to the list, and to be honest, I really look forward to it! (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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