A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1420: Round table (middle)

Elemental wizard, mechanical wizard, black wizard, abyss sorcerer, nightmare wizard, sea master, seal the magical wizard in the city of eternal sky!

As a member of the elemental wizard, Green is humble and silent.

On the ceiling, the Wizards Alliance member world map, compared to Green's endless astrology map obtained in the Digestive Esophagus, more practical and practical wizards, just choose to map the world map of the world of the Wizarding World, including the general trajectory of each world. At this time, the Wizarding League has occupied this world community.

Large and small world light spots, like an endless starry sky, in this mysterious light, around the round table mysterious figure, is the master of this world community, the real master!

"Oh, the war situation is good. It seems that the victory is just around the corner. This is inseparable from the merits of the ring and has undertaken all the strategic arrangements for this war."

The black mist is lingering, the blurry and faint figure, the sound is like two walnuts that are constantly wiping, the frightening figure, the deepest horror in the heart of Grinn, every cell is shaking, not just for that The power of desperation that can be resisted is even more because of its essential power of life!

The oppressive soul and physique, Green is just gazing, even giving birth to a baby-like feeling, what kind of monster is this.

The beginning of the dark world of the wizarding world! ?

"Mom, this guy is more powerful!"

Xiao Ba stood on Green's shoulder and stared at the Black Witch King. It seemed to be shocked by the mighty black witch.

When Green’s power for the Black Witch King was overturned, the Black Witch King turned his head.

"But... a ring! The dominance of war is handed over to you. I hope that you will focus on the overall situation, instead of using war as a tool of self-satisfaction. By the wizard world, the crisis of life and death will strengthen the elemental system! Oh, no matter what the process is, but I see It is after the war that the elemental wizards are getting stronger and stronger. The members of the round table have already occupied eleven seats. Other systems, especially the abyss sorcerer, have weakened a lot. One ring, you have to explain? ?"

The words of the Black Witch King suddenly made Green heard from it.

Sure enough, the world contradictions of the wizards have never disappeared. Fortunately, there is a round-table meeting where there is a quarrel. There is also a Pumilo-modified hunter-destroy plan. The various witch-sector factions are mutually restrained, and the contradiction is not transformed into war.

"The survival of the fittest, no need to say much. Although the overall strategy is arranged by me, the proportion of elemental wizards in the fallen wizards has never been lower than that of other wizards. Even the four rings have fallen. Is it true that other system wizards have not achieved true spirits? Is the elemental system a lot of realism?"

A ring of real spirits sneered, and then looked at the seven-ring will.

"At the beginning of the seventh ring, the weak click-break plan was placed in front of us. In the end, only one of them chose to try. It was also the choice of the elemental system. Now the wizard world only leaves this will to prove that he has not fallen. Who dares to say that the elemental wizard loses? Not too heavy?"

The projection will, relative to the ontology, is generally not very powerful. It is extremely rare and powerful like the source of Green's annihilation.

The seven rings of virtual shadow sighed.

"With the preparation of the ontology, it is indeed a well-planned plan to decide to go out. Now, although it remains, I can see that the state of the ontology is very bad, I am afraid it will be at stake."

"All right."

Impatient voice, from Pumirosius!

It turns out that the city of Eternal Sky is only the outer space of time and space, a mouthful of crystal coffin floating, inside is a savage and savage ancient wizard, self-sealing.

Until entering this space, the true core of the Eternal Sky City, Green finally understood why the mechanical wizard did not have a new Santa Tower.

Because they are in the city of eternal sky, this is the dedication of these mechanical wizards!

When the time is ripe, the number of mechanical wizards will be in full swing, and then compete with the elemental wizard!

In every crystal coffin, there is a true spirit after the war of the ancients. After the brutal war, there is only one last omnipotent soul. In this self-sealing crystal cymbal similar to Titan crystal, you will be able to survive in these years. Nearly the humiliation of the dead!

The same is self-seal, the commander of Xia Heming is completely isolated from the world, trying to escape the fate of the truth and blaming himself. It will not appear on the day when the problem is solved. What is different from complete death?

These ancient wizards really avoid the baptism of time, keep their own breath, and wait for the moment when the wizarding world needs their own, bursting out the most embarrassing light and heat!

"The world of wizards is at stake. Our most important thing is to save the world of wizards. Now we are at the point where we can defeat the metal destroyer civilization, whether it is the energy source of the elemental wizard, the mechanical technique of mechanical wizards, or the abyss sorcerer. The passive evolution of the Stone of the Sage will bring us unprecedented opportunities! The Hunting Expedition is so close, I will never allow any accidents that destroy the Hunting Expedition."

In the crystal cymbal, Pumirosius is unusually tall and full of three meters, which is very similar to the shape of the metal destroyer.

Amazing coincidence ~www.novelmtl.com~ or does it contain some mysteries?

Black Witch King, One Ring, Seventeen Rounds, the real three giants of the Wizarding World gather here!

"So, before the completion of the Demon Hunt, the dispute between the various factions and the survival of the inferior will never be mentioned. Whoever dares to go out is equal to the enemy expedition!"

"Hey, Pumirosius, the last time the black war that was provoked by a round, your punishment seems to be so good."

The black witch king did not care.

Indeed, the establishment of the nightmare wizard itself is in conflict with the black wizard's ability to collect despair. Like the elemental wizard, the contradiction between the two cannot be adjusted, but the result is that the nightmare wizard is defeated and the black wizard is lost.


At this time, it turned out that the Sea King Festival suddenly interrupted.

"Looking at this round table, I feel that there is something that must be complained about. Six hundred years ago, in the Gutham world, one of my tribes fought bloody, but the end result was that one star really swallowed it. The body of the corpse strengthens the strength of his ancestors!"


A group of elemental wizards and hunters of the expedition to seal the wizard, instantly caused an uproar, and this kind of thing! ?

"Oh, it has fallen, the world is about to be destroyed, and it is not a waste, it is better to make full use of it. This is also its contribution to the wizarding world."

A star spirit wizard, of course.


PS: I am an advertising prince. "Unbeaten Legend" will be tested on July 22, and will send 10 million starting coins to support genuine reading. Support genuine, play "Unbeaten Legend" together. The egret also responded to the call to see, in the Wuyue District of the Sun and Moon District, interested in the copy of the brush can play, set up a wizarding corps, named "XX Wizard", to fight the Quartet. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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