A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1419: Round table (on)

The Eternal Sky City, the ancient seventeen-round true spirit wizard Pumirosius, with mechanical wisdom, unites all the cities of the sky, providing eternal protection for the true spiritual wizards who have only the last breath after the war of civilization. Demon Hunting Expedition!

Unremarkable figure, Green appeared in front of the mechanical clock of the Eternal Sky City.

One after another, a low-level wizard, felt in front of the mechanical clock, and some even fell into an eternal time freeze, which Green had experienced.

"Sure enough, it is the origin call coordinates."

In the hands of Green, a golden scepter, that is the scepter of hope to summon the hope, a world of wizards specially made, the city of the ancient sky dominated by the sacrifice of the light of hope.

Green needs the sand of time, the amazing amount of sand of the time, summoning the ancient city in the esophagus of the second dimension to the wizarding world, as the battle platform for the Greens to fight the Quartet.

This level of time sand, low-level means of collection can not be completed, only through the Wizards Roundtable, from the resources of the wizarding world to allocate resources, the distribution of resources for Green.

"The ancestors were born in the wizarding world and can be engulfed by the murderer of the world of sorcerers. The eternal mechanical clock is the heart of the ancestors, the essence of the world of wizards. It is here that the time itself has its basis. You have not seen the ancient times. During the period of elemental mechanical hegemony, the eternal mechanical clock was almost a legendary sacred object for the elemental wizard, but now it is so bright and right.

Xiao Ba began to trace the ancient past.

"The matter has been unclear. Why has the mechanical wizard never born a true spirit since the War of the Ancients? The same is true of the Dark Wizard. After the birth of the Black Witch King in ancient times, the black witch spirit has never been born."

Among the tens of thousands of wizards in front of the Eternal Mechanical Clock, Green hurriedly walked around and asked the little eight on his shoulder.

"The black wizard I know, because the promotion field conflicts with the wizard's true dedication rules, but no one has the opportunity to sacrifice the biological group as a true spirit. Plus the black witch king's holy tower, collect all the black The power of the wandering human desperation, gathered in itself, will have such incredible power, which also inhibited the birth of other black witch kings."

Save the biogroup as a true dedication?

By analogy, a three-legged death crow may have the opportunity to achieve dominance in a similar way after a long time?

"In this, there must be a real heritage of the wizarding world, the secret of civilization, we are no longer a little wizard."

Said, Green interspersed between the young wizards of these young people, Green's existence, did not cause these small wizards who are being half-stepped, true time perception, quaint impermanence step by step, toward the eternal sky city of Santa Go.


Every round table is held in a top secret situation.

The conditions for the round table must be that every true spirit and master of the wizarding world must be present, at least the will to be present. This is a top-secret meeting to resolve the internal contradictions in the wizarding world and delineate the trend of civilization. Held in the city.

Because each time it is held, it will be built around a huge round table, so it is called a round table.

Alliance aliens also know that before the Alliance Conference, there will be a top secret meeting in the Wizarding World, known as the Little Black House resolution, and the extent of the Holy Mark Wizards’ knowledge of the Round Table is limited to every secret meeting. A great turning point in the wizarding world, those powerful sacred wizards with a wide vision will prepare for this.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven!

"One to nine rings of true spirit, except for the two-ring true spirit wizard, the five-ring true spirit wizard, the rest are the projection of the will."

In the mechanical Santa, the elemental wizards first gathered, and Green inspected the present wizards, especially the four new rings of the Fourth Ring, Eight Rings and Nine Rings. In addition, the one standing behind the Wuhuan Spiritual Wizard Witch, should it be the ancient wizard who just returned to the wizarding world?

The witchess maintains a beautiful appearance. Every inch of skin is very delicate and smooth. It is covered with a layer of sly elements. Green has found a familiar civilization from her body. It is the atmosphere of the fairyland. The three-tailed fox has a pure heart and a desire to breathe!

Very strong, the level of threat that Green feels from her is close to some of the deepest monsters in the secondary esophagus, and Green needs to be taken seriously.

Many elements of the wizard surrounded a circle, due to the reason of the coming of the will, in addition to the Second Ring, the Fifth Ring, Green and the newly returned ancient St. Mark Wizard, the rest of the true spirits are elemental form, blurred.

Turbulent, a ring of real spirits looked over.

"This roundtable, in addition to the powerful sacred marks of the four wizarding worlds that are most likely to advance to the true spirit, clears the obstacles of true spiritual dedication, and is some important information of the sacred sorcerer of the annihilation tower."

Everyone looked at Green, waiting for a ring of true spirits below.

"The tower of annihilation, the information you provided to the Second Ring Road, I have a serious understanding of it, this round table is very necessary. In addition to this information, what other things do you have?"

"The sand of time, a lot of sand of time~www.novelmtl.com~ I need to summon a city that was left in the illusory ancient sky, and use this war platform to fight for the real spirit."

Green said in a low voice, the three-color gaze gaze at a ring of true spirit wizards.

"Summon a city of the ancient sky! What is the ancient city of the sky, in what degree of the illusory world?"

A ring of true spirits did not ask the number of sands required by Green, but directly asked the illusory extent of the city of the sky to directly estimate the amount of sand required.

"The deepest illusion, the streamlined back to the secondary esophagus!"

Suddenly, the hall was silent and quiet.

After a while, a ring of real spirits said: "To summon a city of the sky from the illusory degree! It really needs a lot of sand of time. I hope that the Skynet independent will robot that you brought this time can The Wizarding World brings some surprises. Rest assured, even the conspiracy of the Metal Destroyer, our elemental wizards will gain enough benefits for you from the information about the abyss world, and the guy inside should be more aware of your abyss intelligence. interest."

Saying, a magical wizard will wave the magic wand, and will transfer the many wizards in the room to the city of eternal sky.

"Hehehe, Silvana, this is the sacred sorcerer of the annihilation tower of the Grimm's Fairy Tales before your "Psychic Heart", the heroic genius wizard born after the Wizarding War of the World."

The five-ring true spirit wizard introduced the ancient wizard in time and space.

"Unbelievable, I have felt from him the horrible, murderous wizards that have been cultivated by the rules of the Dark and Dark Wizards. Such wizards have written "The Grimm's Fairy Tales", maybe there is really a secret inside." To be continued.) If you are a book, the book friend's house! Unique URL:

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