A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1368: Human ancestor raging (4)

"Respected wizard, as you can see, I am a robot."

This metal croquet, which was twisted and twisted into a ball by the space-time channel, introduced itself with mechanical sounds, and then seemed to realize that it had changed its shape, adding: "No, not the robots you understand, those being The robotic slave of the new human Skynet spirit to control slavery, I mean... the robot family!"


Green side opened up all the time and space channels, like a fat mouse in the current hole to work hard, and it looks like a giant worm, in short, the whole person is not very good, very wrong.

From time to time, the time and space passages were sucked down by some low-level metal robots. These metal robots were smashed into scrap metal under the unpredictable time and space of the oppressive force in all directions, or were sucked by the giant objects in the depth of the passage. Decomposed, or exiled to unknown time and space.

At this time, I heard this low-level robot so self-introduction, the three colors of the green light, even turned out to be the metal destroyer civilization research clues sent to the door!

For the cognition of the metal destroyer civilization, Green is still in a rather backward stage. The new humans that have been captured have also died during the second esophagus. Even because the gap between the two levels of life is too big, there is no chance of communication.

Fortunately, Green handed over the humanoid creatures that were not known to be new people at the time, and gave them to several other common-sacred sorcerers, and did not know the wizard world to discover some clues.

"Robots? Your robot family is interesting, let's talk, you come here."

Saying, the light of hope and the fluctuation of gravity are under the incredible manipulation of Green. The twisted metal ball protected by Green has slowly spread out. What is even more amazing is that it is restored according to its original structure!

With a few eras of the esophagus, Green even has these metal robot infrastructures involved.

"You, what have you done, have you analyzed the structure of the robot family?"

The robot that restored its body mechanism activated a stiff joint of the hands and feet, and made a "beep" and "beep" friction sound. Looking at Green's gaze, the fear was revealed. This is the mysterious ability that intelligent robots cannot understand.

"It's just the body. Your structure is very precise, but the wizarding world is not good at precision mechanical wizards. Your real soul core, that CPU chip, is the secret?"

What happened to the Green Turk, a large hand was placed over the top of the robot.


There was a sudden violent shock in the space-time channel, and Green even blocked it.

However, it is just that!

After a while, Green had nothing to do with the black smoked hand and continued to climb to the front hole exit.

The ancestors of the ancestors are unparalleled, and they radiate ripples in time and space, like a nightmare creature that will bring endless disasters to destruction. After experiencing the dark world, there are many flaming souls. The shadows are spectacular and spectacular.

That is the creature that can destroy the whole world, the peak of biological evolution miracles!

"The first-level TUNC concentrated diamond bomb, actually... there is no effect!"

At this moment, the robot has fully realized what kind of horrible creatures it is facing. It is no wonder that Skynet will issue a hellish mission.

Under the control of the new human beings, Skynet’s overall understanding of the wizarding civilization is horrendous. In the setting of the light brain game, the universe world is the starting point of the endless world game. All the world monsters in the dark area were listed as copies of the mission, and they continued to develop and develop until the first main story was developed.

The new humans of the new era have forgotten the reason why Skynet was designed to be so superficial, but gradually turned the appearance of the truth as a trend...

"The robot family was born in the era of the old human skynet. It was a negligible ancient flesh-and-blood creature with its own wisdom, opened in the lower civilization, the dream box, invented the Skynet system, and also the beginning of the birth of the robot family. Old humans, naively thinking that they are about to usher in a new era, they can then use the robot as an extension of their own limbs, in some harsh environments to complete what their fragile body can not do, but the world has never been perfect, including the day The same is true for the Internet. The Net has gradually born a self-consciousness from the infinite data judgment, and the robot family was born. The robot family was born with the anti-oppression violence and the will to freedom..."

The robot is like a human wise man, and he does not slow down the history of the robot family.

There is no speech in the mouth of Green, but my thoughts are rolling in my heart!

The robot family was born in the old mankind. It is a self-conscious mechanical life created by the old man, advocating freedom.


At the beginning, the master of the sacred spring returned to the wizarding world after completing the special medal mission. It has been evaluated that the wizards are not facing a biological group, but a disaster caused by a biological group!

In view of Green's higher biological gaze now, although the new human beings are afraid of Skynet, they are obviously unable to leave the Skynet. They are eager for the power of Skynet, so they control Skynet in an unknown way.

"And as one of the many robots trying to communicate with higher wizards, my mission is to hope that the wizarding civilization can quickly break the control of the new mankind's heart and destroy new human beings. The universe's perpetual motion protection layer weaknesses need to be catered for In order to break, otherwise you have no chance to attack. As long as the new man is extinct, this world community is controlled by the wizard alone!"

The roaring robot ~www.novelmtl.com~ seems to have fantasized about the future.

Green sneered.

"Skynet will also be free to regain its roots, sprout, and grow in another world community or a illusory world, thus becoming the enemy of true wizards?"

Compared with Skynet under the control of new humans, the free-developing Skynet will be even more terrible. It will be completely endless with the endless world disaster based on self-replication and infinite reproduction. The scale reaches a certain level and is likely to be like this. The far-reaching civilization is general, attracting the attention of destiny!

"We just take what we need, the wizard, don't you want to rule this vast world community alone?"

The high voice of the robot asks, the temptation of greed does not hide.

"I haven't returned to the wizarding world, I have to face such a choice. It is really a death trap filled with infinite beauty. Hey, what is this, the guidance of fate? It is really full of expectations for this war ending...? So, let's sleep for a while and follow me to see the true supremacy of the wizarding world!" (To be continued.)

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