A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1367: Human ancestor raging (3)

The power of the runes on the altar of time and space shines constantly, and the means of the veteran mothership regiment emerge in an endless stream. The four annihilation sources are guarded around the altar. Although the physical strength is endless, they are gradually being perceived by some of these robotic regiments.

Nourish, nourish, nourish, nourish...

These shining sparkles on the altar are constantly given to the robotic corps. The light brain ID players are unclear, as if every flashing, people are repressed, and the seemingly calm whirlpool of time and space may be there at any time. Some terrible thing is coming out!

Metal service, good life, Skynet changes the world, Vantage Quantum Technology.

These hieroglyphs are printed behind the metal robots, revealing the history of these metal robotic corps, which are not known to outsiders, their life systems, their civilization, their persistence, and the basic rules they follow when renting houses. .

However, among the huge metal robotic corps, there are very few singular metal robots on the back. These most important slogans that reveal identity information are completely different from other robotic corps!

They can often only appear in the lowest-end combat power among the lowest-minded robots.

The light of the data in their eyes seems to be very different from other low-level robots.

Their back branding, only four words: Skynet era!

And this seems to have exposed some of the inner information, some unknown historical remnants of the metal destroyer civilization.

"Let dirty, ugly, disgusting human mites, if not the law of the robotic spirit of Vantage Quantum Technology, how can Skynet technology spend so much resources to provide a high level of enjoyment and absolute security for these parasitic mites?"

This robot mouth is actually a witch language!

Judging from its sneaky actions, it seems that there are some unknowns.

"These wizards are the only chance for Skynet to get rid of the Vantage Robot Spirit Law!"

In the mutter, this metal robot, which only maintains the first-level combat unit, is among the many other robots, and gradually landed on the ground, witnessing the ones that easily destroyed the mountains, the earth cracked, and wiped away thousands of The 10,000-meter giants of the Legion were not able to smash the metal robots of any size above 1,000.

The data rate of the double-twisting information kept flashing, and after all efforts to collect information for intelligent judgment, the robot was separated from the robotic corps that received the unreasonable death of the player.

"In the Skynet information database, these monsters are still only diffusing energy bodies, the diffusing energy bodies in the door of time and space. In the door of time and space, there must be some higher wizards, they have the same as Skynet. Advanced civilization, but based on the civilized body that is not based on chemical reaction and physical reaction, stupid new human beings are afraid of Skynet and constraining Skynet, but they are also letting themselves go to ruin... Vantage, the strongest radiance of new human beings, Be sure to use these wizards to delete them!"

In the middle of the mutter, the robot is so alone, and fearlessly walks toward the altar.

Be sure to meet the highest elite to lead the wizard, and pass the message to it, triggering the Tianneng instinct of the new human Emperor Quantum Guardian to destroy!

Yes, Skynet has been tried hundreds of times for thousands of years.

Hundreds of low-level robots aim at each elite to lead the wizard, try to communicate, but all fail.

There has never been a true spirit among the wizards and the most elite of the great sorcerers. They can communicate face to face with these lowest bots on an equal footing, hundreds of times, never!

The huge gap in the level of life, the chances of the real wizards to communicate with these lowest-level robots, as if the royal family was bored, occasionally found a special ant among a group of ants, and calmly observed.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

Unbelievable, in the face of these moves, it is a monster that destroys the shock wave in the tens of thousands of meters. This robot just walks step by step with its own rigid and primitive metal body, without any source of annihilation. !

Just as those true spiritual wizards don't notice it, the source of these annihilation sources will not notice the existence of it in its own form!

Gradually, this metal robot is getting closer and closer to the altar. This is already the defensive area of ​​the evil sorcerer, the three-legged death crow, and the scope of the altar's irregular space-time gravity.

Those irregular time and space gravitation autonomously guard the ripples, like a burning flame of jumping, constantly twisting changes, invisible and inferior, will everything

The inferior being caught in it **** into the door of the altar of time and space!

There is no doubt that the deepest part of the door of time and space will be the death of the Metal Robot Corps to destroy the hell.


It emits shocking explosion sound waves, which can easily damage the metal robots. These black and misty monsters are the elements of the evil language sorcerer's summoning creatures, and protect the altar.


The three-legged death crow, each feather is turned into a lower crow, and the rich death atmosphere is also fleeting, destroying the metal robot that breaks into the altar of the altar.

In the eyes of the Skynet era metal robot, too many Vantage quantum technology robots were destroyed by this last defense.

But only himself, as if it were transparent, infinite luck and coincidence, step by step approaching the altar of time and space, and then being sucked by a gravitational tentacles on the altar, easily gathered by the gravitational rules of the vast world like the whole world, sucking in In the door of time and space.


Hey, hey, hey!

A twisted filament, which is the extrusion of time and space, forms a halo of light, like a passage. This is the space-time passage in the eyes of lower organisms. It is extremely difficult to cross this passage!

In the deepest part of the space-time passage, there is a broken person who seems to destroy everything, destroying all the metal robots that are close to it.

It is not that it is intentional, but that it is too strong. The force that overflows outside the space-time channel, the energy ripple that inadvertently spreads will destroy these robots!

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

The higher liquid metal without the metal terminator is the undead body. The lower metal robot has only the rigid body, and is being squeezed into the most primitive metal substance by the force of time and space~www.novelmtl.com~Exiled into the chaotic time and space, with a certain The most basic elemental form of the block shovel exists.

"Request the wizard to communicate, drip..."

"Request the wizard to communicate, drip..."

"Request the wizard to communicate, drip..."

Sending communication requests over and over again, the metal robot's two-meter-high human body is twisting and squeezing, gradually condensing into a ball, but never giving up its mission, repeating it again and again with mechanical wizarding, the sound is more The smaller, the more complicated.


In the illusion of black flames, what the tri-color pupils seem to discover under the face of truth, under the unparalleled insight, a protective aperture pulls this almost quickly into a mass of scrap metal and looks at it.

“It’s only been for thousands of years, a new unknown evolution has occurred in the metal destroyer civilization?”

Green frowned and whispered: "What are you." (To be continued.)

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