A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1364: The beginning of a full-scale war!

"Jie Yue? Jie Yue!"

The trade union legion channel, other light brain players witnessed the crystallizer terminator as if it was sucked noodles, inhaled into the scene of the altar of time and space, can not help but blow up the pot, chaotic, sincere and fearful.

Vantage Quantum Technology, Skynet Game Union, according to the size of the union, senior decision-makers are often composed of a metal destroyer guild president and a number of union elders, but also the elite crystallization terminal in the wizard.

Except for a few unique places, as well as some special rules of the world, Skynet is like the wizard's will, covering every inch of land extended by the metal destroyer civilization, every corner, rarely missing.

Zha, Zha, Zha...

However, at this time, in contact with the guild, the elite light brain ID player responsible for this virtual aircraft carrier army, but only the electromagnetic interference of "Zi La" and "Zi La", although only involved in the door of time and space In the middle, it seems that it has been dragged into the **** that is not a reality, and then can not be contacted.

Or, it has been completely destroyed.

"Warning! Warning! Triggering the Hell-level mission, destroying the altar of time and space, preventing the unknown enemy of Vantage Quantum in the altar from coming to the world of Tianshan and assisting the dark wizard civilization."

“Hint: As a random-triggered hell-level mission, low-level light-brain players can get the rights of the union elders, and dispatch any Sky Robot Corps to the sky.”

"Alarm! Alarm! Ai Si Momo's light brain ID player SSYX45456241511 Skynet account has been returned to zero, in the universe of the world, the Emperor Quantum Technology headquarters freshmen, automatically joined the Ajismo trade union. The time and space altar has an unknown change, is expected thirty-five When the energy structure changes in the seven hundred and fifty-six quantum time, please destroy the altar of time and space in time."

The thirty-five hundred and seven hundred and fifty-quantums are not long.

In such a short period of time, in the face of Skynet’s publicly released Hell-level mission rewards, other light-brain ID players who were still hesitating for the encounter of the Crystallizer Terminator, suddenly burst into unprecedented brilliance!

As long as you can complete this task, these low-level players can go beyond the elite player level to become a trade union elder!

In addition to the rights and status in Skynet games, it is able to obtain the special citizenship of Vantage Quantum Technology, and even become the decision-maker of the development direction of new human civilization!

Suddenly, no matter whether it is a leisurely low-level metal robot, Skynet ID is a light-brain ID player, or some metal terminator Tiannet is involved in the metal robotic corps, but even a few sporadic Black Terminator Skynet is a light-brain ID player, and all of them focus on the altar of the three-legged death crow and the evil-sacred sorcerer.

Destroy it! ?

The three-legged death crow and the evil sacred sorcerer are still shocked by the horrible bone spurs that have just emerged from the altar of time and space. Although it is only a moment, the crystallizer finisher flees back and then shrinks back, but that The real existence of time and space twists the ripples and does not destroy the sturdy body...

At the moment, the two can rely on it, and only the altar is under the body!

And to use this altar to confront the army that is so dense, obscuring, and oppressive.

Can you do it? ?


"Senior Alert! Urgent Notice! Tianshanhai World has discovered a time-space energy summoning altar. Now the Ajismo Labor Union has issued a mission to destroy the enemy of the Metal Destroyer. Destroying the altar will raise the union rating."

With this higher-confidence letter, through Skynet, across the space, the army that led to other Tianshan continents in the Tianshan Sea world, even across the world, passed to several nearby Legion of Alliesmo to launch a full-scale world war. Suddenly, the entire trade union is boiled!

Obviously, this altar destroy mission has been rated by Skynet as an important node that will affect the success of the Achilles Morgan trade intrusion plan.

Among the emptiness, between dozens of small and medium-sized worlds, an incredible and surprisingly large metal giant, surrounded by endless metal robotic corps, stands in the emptiness of the emptiness.

That is the art of the peak war of the metal destroyer civilization. The cutting-edge wisdom technology of Vantage Quantum Technology, the charging base of the metal destroyer, is enough to tear the rules of the small world and completely penetrate the destroyed space-based starship!

Without it, the metal destroyer is no longer a metal destroyer.

"Tianshan Sea World?"

As the initiator of the emergency response to the sudden incident, the founder of the Ekismo trade union, the leader of the small and medium-sized world surrounded by the war planners, the metal destroyer sitting in the iron throne IQ, opened his eyes, and the vision seemed to be through the void. It falls in the world full of pure water and snow rules.

The medium-sized world with perfect rules is one of the important goals of the metal destroyer counterattack!

"Hell-level missions, improve the evaluation of trade unions, what did Skynet find over there?"

The metal destroyer fiercely stood up from the steel throne, as if he wanted to go quickly and personally, but suddenly thought of the presidents of the guilds whose light brain ID was zero since the war, half of which was because they were far away from the sky. The base star ship did not receive energy supplements in time, and was killed by the wizards.

Those evil, violent, awkward wizards, like the most treacherous ghost devil, will not miss any chance!


Sinking, the metal destroyer beckoned, and a dedicated intercom device was placed in the hall. This is a honeycomb device surrounded by two colored halos, like a galaxy, full of science fiction.

"Aikesimo Hunting Team, aiming at the Tianshan Sea World, destroying the mission altar in this world."

The so-called Ajisimo hunting team is the guardian of the squadron of the squadrons of each guild. These are the guild presidents who use a large amount of experience coins to buy directly from Skynet. They are task props and the most important part of the union. One of the means to quickly clean up low-level tasks.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

In the void, the vast space-based space-star ship was transferred to the ship's head, and when thousands of virtual motherships drove slowly to the Tianshan sea world, a cold pink figure broke through the void and rushed out of the void. The flow range, with its own unique energy fluctuations, is the first step to the Tianshan sea world.


Tianshan Sea World.

"The tower of annihilation!?"

Facing the overwhelming metal robotic army like a bee-like bee, the three-legged death crow and the evil-sword sorcerer tried their best to call the door of the altar of time and space, but they could only feel the "咕噜" and "咕噜" inside. The energy fluctuations of the outbreak cannot get any response.

There seem to be several fluctuations in the energy of these "咕噜" and "咕噜", just struggling at the other end of the door of time and space.

"It’s time to annihilate the wizard. Don’t scare the king. It’s not fun!”

The three-legged death crow sounds swaying, facing thousands of virtual motherships that have completely blown up their nests, an energy missile with long tail marks, a particle beam gun that is about to erupt, and a three-legged death crow. Do not doubt, even if you can't use two rounds at this time, you will be smashed by this huge army!

"I will go out first!"

"Don't grab it, I will go out first, otherwise everyone will not go out!"

"If you don't go out, you won't go out~www.novelmtl.com~ Anyway, today I am not going out first, no one wants to go out!"

It turned out that it was a few sources of annihilation that were crowded with each other and rushed at the exit of the altar of time and space, completely blocking it!

Deep in the door of time and space, Green's body seems to perceive the changes outside, a low voice, seems to be desperately suppressing his own anger: "If you don't want to go out, then don't go out, give me back."

"do not!"


"Run, the body is angry!"

There is no more competition for the mind, "噗", "噗", "噗", "噗", and the six sources of annihilation are rushed out of the door of time and space.


After the first time, the six avatars discovered that they had been attacked in the air, and they squatted a little. This is a full-scale fire bombardment of a virtual airship corps cast by metal technology! (To be continued.)

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