A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1363: Inhaling hell!

The streamer in all directions, that is the time and space for the foreign object squeeze that attempts to break through it.

Green appears in the human body and seems to be no different from ordinary wizards. However, in this kind of time and space shuttle, it is in the absolute quality of its own shuttle, the three-legged death crow has previously broken the door of time and space relative to this moment. For Green, it is really insignificant.

The tens of thousands of people's ancestors lived on the shadows, and the black flames burned, forming a head of python-like soul. They wanted to stretch but were squeezed by time and space and continually shattered.

Snoring, snoring, snoring...

Heavy gasping, Green's three-color light has been staring at the light spot in the distant side, the mobile phone will only be once, otherwise the time and space collapsed in all directions, it is likely to squeeze Green back to the dark world!

Across the world community, with Green's knowledge of time and space, even if there are three-legged death crows as traction, this is already the limit.

"Green, how did you do it?"

In the words of free dandelion, it is extremely shocking, bitter, and awesome. It is a look for knowledge.

Now, Green has stood on the top of higher level knowledge.

It is no wonder that the biological quality of time and space extrusion is almost a test for judging that a creature can control absolute energy. Although it is not an absolute rating of strength, it is one of the most reliable methods of judgment.

Compared with Green, the free dandelion is not too small, far more than the true body of the general six-level creatures. It is the gathering of hundreds of millions of dandelions, and it is so huge and true. A sufficient amount of support for the entire legion.

As for the theory, the free dandelion can no longer reconcile the Green at this time with the new four-level sacred wizard who has been following the crowd before leaving the World of Fire.

At this time, the vicissitudes of life, the ancient, the violent, the horrible atmosphere of the Green, the invincible and unstoppable vast waves, like the legendary life of the primitive wild, even if the free dandelion is recognized, the ruling of the most peak state The sacred sorcerer of the scepter is far worse than the scent of Green.


It is like a living spiritual wizard standing in front of himself.

But he does not have any rule power, but he has forcibly raised the level of life with the absolute power of the Holy Mark wizard.

"How to do it? It is time, in the ridiculous time of the streamlined back, enduring endless loneliness, persisting in the exploration of truth knowledge, never dare to forget the identity of the wizard, so that I can grow to this way. But for this reason I also lost a lot of..."

Green muttered, but the three-color glare suddenly brightened and looked up at the sky!

"Hey, come over for me!"

Green stretched out slender, delicate, pale palms, accompanied by gloomy laughter, and the palm of his hand seemed to have endless sucking power, grabbing the exit point of the light spot far away.


In the Tianshan sea world, the evil spirits of the sorcerer stood on the altar of the rune.

Close, closer, getting closer!

The sorcerer's sorcerer seems to be able to hear his heavy breathing, and the three-legged death crow follows the shocking end of the crystal, like a flame of the sun, breaking through everything along the way, it is necessary to compare the group A lot of black spots are drowning.

"Master, we..."

"You go first, go to the secret base to find a chance!"

The sorcerer's sacred sorcerer said to the hunter-sorcerer who had recovered from the altar's hopeful light, and the magical state had recovered. There is no confidence in whether or not he can survive the devastating war that is about to take place here.

These hunting witches are insignificant, so it is better to give them a chance to live. Maybe the future wizarding world will have one or two more marks.


Another energy shock wave passed by, the three-legged death crow was dangerous and dangerous, shouting and falling on the altar, standing side by side with the evil words of the holy mark wizard, turned and stared at the unstoppable pink light!

Although I have some knowledge of Green's power, I have even left all my bets on Green, leaving no back road, but putting my own life and death in the hands of others, or letting the three-legged death crows are extremely nervous.


Silent and silent, just in the moment when the three-legged death crow and the evil sacred sorcerer are about to provoke a counterattack, it seems that the finalist of the crystallization has completely entered the altar of the time and space, and in the altar of the foot, there is a torrent of will. . .

Absolute control of power!

The general gravitational ripples of the torrents pass between the two. At this moment, the two are like the reefs between the waves. They are flooded by thousands of torrents. They don’t dare to move, they seem to move and break the bones. The power torrent collapsed.

At this moment, the crystallizer terminator clearly perceives the change.

"Warning! Warning! Discover the dangerous mission of hell, destroy the altar of space and time, and reward 300 million experience coins!"

"Warning! Warning! This altar leads to an unknown time and space, in which it detects an extremely dangerous and powerful energy reaction. Please evacuate the scene immediately, dispatch all the regiments to block the world, and dispatch the nearest metal destroyers to destroy it!"

"Warning! Warning! You are suffering from an unknown magnetic field attack on the altar, and the remaining crystal energy is seventy-seven percent..."

A series of high-risk alarms, like the entrance to the altar, is the entrance to hell. This is the finalist who wants to kill the three-legged death crow and the evil-sacred sorcerer, and the body suddenly stops in the air, wanting to escape. But it is impossible to escape, and is struggling with an invisible giant.

Under the absolute control of Green Power, hundreds of millions of gravitational torrents form a giant hand, which is accurately captured by the crystallizer terminator.

Allowing this crystallizer to be blackened and struggling, there is nothing to help.

Both sides seem to have formed a temporary stalemate.

"Hey, come over for me!"

The sudden, accompanied by the altar, the deepest laughter in the space and time, seems to be the horrible existence. This has just launched the real power. The already blackened crystallizer terminator can no longer stand still, and is so vast. The majestic gravitational pull of the majestic pulls into the door of the center of the altar, which is like the door to hell.

"Do not!"

"嘭" a ~www.novelmtl.com~ the last struggle, the end of the crystal-clearing of a blackened palm, the death of the mouth of the altar.

However, the suction force underneath was too large. Several fingers made a few grooves on the altar. After the finalization of the crystallizer, they were pulled into the twisted door of time and space.


Although it was expected, but seeing this powerful crystallizer terminator in front of Green, even the force of resistance did not even pull directly into the door of time and space, the three-legged death crow could not help but tremble the calf, after a while afraid .

"It, how is it?"

The evil language sorcerer asked sillyly.

"Hey? What else can you do, sure..."

The three-legged death crow is talking, and suddenly there is a ripple in the door of time and space. The two look at it, and they are actually escaping from the blackened head of the crystallizer.

This blackened head fear expression is so rich, visible and easy to see directly inscribed on the face.

"Wow, haha, where do you run?"

"Don't grab it, this is the task that the ontology just gave me!"

Suddenly, a few kilometers of bone spurs in the center of the altar of the altar cover a giant hand, and the storm carried by the rough and savage palms will easily disperse the three-legged death crow and the evil sacred sorcerer. After the skull was caught, the horrified crying sound was pulled back into the door of time and space. (To be continued.)

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