A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1361: 诡晶杀戮

The three-legged death crow "噗" slid into the world of the Tianshan Sea, and the world's complete rules of water and snow were oppressed.

"Good pure ice water and snow rules, well... it’s just that the king’s feathers are not comfortable all over the body!”

The pure water and snow rules have caused the death of the three-legged death crows to be oppressed, and the mourning heads that have been vacated from one to the other have become a layer of black smoke feathers.

Haven't slowed down God, even disregarding their own comfort, the shadows of thousands of kilometers of metal robotic regiments in the distance, the slaughter of wizards and fangs giants has come to an end, leaving only a few dozen elite wizards, fangs giants They are surrounded by the sorcerer's sorcerer and the fangs of the fangs.

Under the broad sorcerer's robe, the sorcerer's sorcerer's mouth braved the darkness, and several breaks on the robes were being repaired by the force of the element. However, the trembling of his thin and slender palm with his magic wand could not be concealed anyway.

The sinister sorcerer gaze at the three-legged death crow who finally came to this world. The corner of his mouth was slightly bitter, and he swung his magic wand, barely refracting the crystallized finalist's shock wave, an elemental moment. Moved to escape, but was smothered behind the shadows, and indifferent, was slapped to the ground by a slap.

With a bang, the sacred sorcerer smashed a pit of more than a thousand meters on the ground, and then a sound wave element disappeared and fled, but it was obviously seriously injured.

"The ultimate impact of fangs!"

the other side.

Under the real skin of Wang Baimi, the giant tooth of the fangs, there was a bulge bubble. It seems that something is exploding in its body. The handle axe bursts with pure golden brilliance at this moment, like a sun flare. The glass rune, accompanied by the fangs giant Wang Shusheng, seems to have been infused with the power of the world after the combination of the two!

Under this force, many injuries on the giant tooth king are healing.


The golden flame disappeared in place, and the next moment tens of thousands of meters suddenly appeared. After striking the virtual aircraft carrier, the t-stand was distorted and deformed to the limit. The explosion of "bang" was destroyed by the power ripple on the golden tomahawk. The device, the glare shock wave spreads.

It turned out to be a brute force, and the front side of the virtual mothership t position cover.

"Alarm! Alert! Elite geeks and giants, the ultimate impact skill, the degree and attack power increased by 30%, causing 200% damage to the first attack target, and the flexibility is 30%. Please mobilize the Crystallizer Terminator as soon as possible to kill."

"Alarm! Alarm! Elite geeks and giants caused the sr9oo1 mothership to be completely destroyed, and the crew combat robot lost 352."


When the giant tooth king hit the second virtual mothership, it was obviously not so easy. The t-stand was distorted and the whole virtual mothership was repulsed and traversed hundreds of meters, but it did not break through. t stand hood, hurting the fragile war art inside.

Hey! call out! call out! call out! call out!

Five silver-white metal terminators led a large number of metal robots flying. The low-level metal robots were deep in a string of data streams, mechanized indifference, allowing flesh-and-blood creatures to have instinctive resistance and fear, without any emotion, only to Skynet Act on the basic rules of action.

Compared with these lower metal robots, the liquid metal terminator has a 30,000-100,000-degree attack, which is enough to threaten the giant king of the fangs. The giants of the fangs have to deal with the madness. The axe swept the energy in all directions and swept it.


The gravel of the sky is turned into a pink crystallizer terminator, which suddenly appears.

"Looking for death!"

There is no doubt that this crystallizer terminator is a Skynet avatar.

Seeing that the second Void Mothership was in jeopardy, the Twilight Terminator right-handed the fist, and it slammed into the back of the fangs giant.

"嘭", the 终结 终结 终结 终结 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 獠 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结 终结Going out and hitting a ridge.

Oh la la...

A huge pit was knocked out on the ridge, and a large number of gravel collapsed, drowning the giants of the fangs.

Immediately after the gaze of the crystallizer of the crystallizer, there was no trace of emotion, Zhangkou, deduction of the gathering of energy and flashing light, a devastating energy shock wave descended, rumbling, dark red shock wave together with several nearby mountains steamed together A 10,000-meter-diameter hole is deep in the pit, and it rises in black smoke and rises.

"My king!"

"King the King!"

The remnants of the giants of the fangs are roaring and roaring, but even they themselves are being ruthlessly slaughtered. Is there any way to save their king?

"Jie Yue, you guy, how can you smash it without slag? If you can recover the body, you can get extra experience coins."

A common metal robot disguised by a Skynet black Terminator appeared next to the crystallizer Terminator.

"Just came the news, Amoco has solved three elite wizards, but there is a subsidiary blame, and the other squads have done a good job. Overall, the president made a raid. The plan is very successful. The wizards are mainly assembled in the vicinity of several big worlds. They use the leveraged space technology to facilitate large-scale offensive and defensive scheduling. The small and medium-sized world of the president surrounds the big world battle plan, and may actually have an effect!"

"Well, I don't want to be a mainline story mission. The difficulty is really exaggerated. I lost three big worlds in succession, and there was a crisis of perpetual motion protection cover. These virtual creatures are going to invade reality! But also, external pressure finally let All the presidents gave up their former suspicions and began to advance and retreat together. As the culmination of the new human evolution, we will definitely find the customs clearance methods for these wizards."

The crystallizer Terminator accepted the system reward of Skynet, while muttering to the guild partner, while the eyes looked at the evil sacred sorcerer, and the three-legged death crow affiliated small boss on the altar.

"Plus it, it should be enough for me to upgrade the experience currency of the 20th level. We are lucky this time!"

Between the laughter, the end of the crystal clearing disappeared.


“How long does it take for the Tower of Eternity to come?”

Even if the evil spirits sorcerer saves as much as possible ~www.novelmtl.com~ but only brought back more than ten hunting witches, the lower wizards float like duckweed, can not control their own destiny.

The sacred sorcerer stared at the altar on the altar, transforming the power of death and the runes into the high-level witchcraft on the altar. Frequently, he turned back and asked, and the voice was filled with repression before death.

"In order to annihilate the huge body of the wizard, how could it be as easy as this king?" But as long as you can find a way to get rid of this strongest crystallizer, it is enough to destroy the wizard's first step. Protecting us from peace. After all, he is a great annihilation wizard! Hehe..."

The three-legged death crow has sincerely adored the sorcerer and sorcerer.

Is it true that the three-legged death crow said that the annihilation of the wizard is not the same person as what he said?


With the three-legged death crow's runes completely covering the altar underneath, it seems to form some kind of communication in the underworld, similar to borrowing the power of mystery, borrowing a powerful force from the existence of some distant time and space. Let the sorcerer's sorcerer's skin be trembling with uncertainty and fear, and be bound by the incredible control within the narrow limits of the altar.

This, this power...

"Enough, go and bring the crystallizer to the end, hey, the wizarding world, I am back!"

The sullen and screaming laughter is extremely exciting. (To be continued.)

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