A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1360: Fleet legion

"The Tower of the Oblivion St. Mark Wizard!?"

Hearing the name of the Green, the sorcerer's sorcerer, the sorcerer, stayed a little, remembering the battle of civilization that participated in the radiant world three thousand years ago, and once fought together, the mysterious sorcerer wearing a gray-white mask.

Remember, it seems to be the Second Ring St. Marks Wizard.

"It turned out to be him? Great! Where are you in time and space? I can use this summoning to come to the reverse channel and try to escape. With my physical strength, there should be no small chance!"

The evil sacred sorcerer actually said that the three-legged death crow spewed out an old blood.

The third death foot has opened up the cracks "嘎嘣", "嘎嘣", and "嘎嘣", and the death scorpion is anxiously staring at the huge metal robotic corps that is constantly approaching in the distance, and roars.

"You think that we are safe here!? Compared to the horror we have encountered here, you are just a play game. The annihilation tower sorcerer wants to return to the wizarding world. You actually I’m going to run backwards, it’s ignorant and fearless!”

The three-legged death crow is really scared, but don't make any more trouble.

Now the death crows inherit and inherit the fate, all in the hands of Green, the three-legged death crows are afraid that they have not completed the task of the sacred sorcerer of the annihilation tower, and the death crows are thus angered by the annihilation of the wizard.

Hearing this death crow even released such madness, and noticed that it has been greatly improved compared to the past, and the evil spirits are not in doubt.

The annihilation tower sacred sorcerer exiles in foreign time and space, which is acceptable to the evil sorcerer.

After all, in the battle of civilization, the fallen and sorcerer of the fallen sorcerer, the exiles countless, even the Samsung Stigma Wizard, the four-ring true spirit wizards in this war of civilization fell, the intensity of the war can be imagined.

However, the evil language sorcerer can never imagine how the annihilation wizard will change.

After all, 3,000 years ago, Green was still just a new five-level holy mark wizard.

"Witcher, fast, that little guy is going to die. You should go and help the little thing first. Try to hold it down. Don't let the altar destroy the altar. I have to come to this world for a while, and then... ""

For a four-level world lord, the three-legged death crow is already qualified to call the "little guy."

Through the Black Gold World War, the three-legged death crow has thoroughly understood the horror of annihilating the wizard. It is an unstoppable invincibility, all-round, three-legged death crows and even more than once suspect that the annihilation tower sacred witch has achieved dominance. But it is suppressing itself for some reason.

The sorcerer's sorcerer's silence was silent for a moment, and then he glanced at the three crones of the big sorcerer, and finally made up his mind to look like it. Between the words, there was a smoky black smoke in his mouth, which looked very evil.

"That is the end of the crystal, I can only support for a moment and a half, as soon as possible!"

Immediately, the last four wizards on the altar side rushed to the sky and rushed toward the huge fleet of distant sky forces.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

Thousands of fangs giants of the first, second and third grades, hundreds of hunters and slayers, facing this huge void fleet and dense metal robots, only to block as much as possible with their own flesh and blood It’s gone.

Even though these ghost figures continue to swim, but in the face of a full-scale gunfire attack, they will soon be sparse and slaughtered.

The three-meter-high body of the Twilight Terminator is insignificant compared to the giant body of the giant tooth of the hundred-meter-meter. However, this pale green folds the skin of a huge creature, but it is almost always on the verge of dying, the giant axe in the hands of the crystallizer It’s that cumbersome.

Sometimes crystallized, sometimes sand, the end of the crystal 缥缈 缥缈 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合 聚合

The giant fangs of the fangs suddenly collapsed into the size of the tip, and the shadow of death shrouded.

At the beginning of the millennium, the elemental sorcerer's elemental teleport appeared near the crystallizer's terminator, waving a magic wand, and the seven black baby's heads screamed with screams, forming a colorful fireworks-like long tail mark, rushing toward The crystallizer terminator turned out to have hundreds of metal robots shrouded in the vicinity of the screaming screams.

"Get away!"

In the roar of the sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer, the scorpion giant Wang, who was locked by the singer's terminator, instinctively shocked, and the space under his feet was undulating, while the figure was sideways, "bang", a dozen The meter-diameter light column scatters the fangs of the giant fangs and falls behind the ground at the end of the field of vision. In the shock of the rumbling rumbling, a peak of snow-covered mountains is wiped out.


The seven black baby's heads are a kind of witchcraft that interferes with the spirit, the will, and the mind. They are powerful for the simple and flesh-and-blood creatures of wisdom, but they are only general for the influence of the crystallizer.


"Nobody should grab the experience coins! These two elite monsters plus the copy of the previous brush, after returning, I can at least improve the level 30, become the guild elders."

The so-called guild elders are the elite crystallization terminal in the mouth of the Wizarding League. The degree of attack generally exceeds the existence of the general crystallization terminal.

For many of the six-level sacred sorcerers, the elite crystallizer terminators have been more or less encountered on the battlefield. The highest explosive degree is about 800,000 kWh, some are even close to a million degrees, and some are more Rare advanced mechanical technology emerged.

Skynet union channel.

"The president, the wizard is calling the higher level BOSS through the altar, and it is about to come. This should be the hidden ability of this elite wizard!"

The guild channel, a Skynet player roaring, apparently has discovered the three-legged death crow that is about to complete.

"Oh? Ah, hahaha, that's great! We are now a complete union legion, enough to brush any blame that has not reached the elite level! Although these summoned creatures generally don't make special rewards, we are now in short supply. It’s the experience coin. Don’t rush to kill this wizard’s elite and affiliated elites, so that the ceremony is interrupted, and wait for this little BOSS to summon and brush it!”


"Oh, it’s still the last point!"

The three-legged death crow uses a pair of wings and three claws to work hard to open the crack. The body breaks away from the door of time and space, and the body's dark green and dark black time and space runes are vivid, which was carefully drawn before Green's departure.

The huge army led by the distant crystal squadron has surrounded the giants of the fangs, the sorcerer of the evil words, and the last remaining low-level wizards and fangs giants~www.novelmtl.com~ but for unknown reasons, there is no big killing As if the cat and the mouse are playing.


The three-legged death crow noticed an inconspicuous corner near the crack, and there was an ordinary metal robot looking up at himself, surrounded by no one, so abrupt.

Hey, disguised black terminator? Skynet is a avatar?

I have participated in the civilized war between the Radiant World Wizard and the Metal Destroyer. For the ability and level of this metal life, the Ice Cup Green is constantly embarrassed, and the three-legged death crow is also generally recognized.


This awkward metal robot smashed the neck toward the three-legged death crow, sneered away and let the three-legged death crow glimpse.

"You don't have to pay attention to these jumping clowns, go to the altar, and bring the strongest crystallizer to the end."

The hoarse voice came from the cracks in the space that was healing behind him. (To be continued.)

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