A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1358: Swearing

There is no limit to the vast world, and the community gathers.

Between the endless voids, within a vast expanse of world communities, a full-scale war is taking place.

The two civilizations of different races, different evolutionary directions, different world cognitions, and different historical exhibitions, the winner is the king's all-out war.

The wizarding alliance with the wizarding civilization, the metal destroyer civilization created by Vantage Quantum Technology, the all-out war between the two!

The will of war has long been accompanied by the collapse of thousands of worlds between the two sides and spread to the communities around the world. Everyone in the world is at risk and is trying to avoid the war.

However, in the depths of the void, it also began to have a pair of greedy eyes, gazing into the place, out of the low sand, greedy for the massive resources occupied by the two sides, rubbing the two claws, waiting for the opportunity to move.


Tianshan Sea World.

The war against the invasion and defensive has been going on for three years, and a large number of wizarding corps are buried in this medium-sized world.

"Tell me, how many legions do we have in this world? How are other camps? How much time does the Alliance promise to support, how much time can come! The fate of the Wizarding World is the rule of thumb? Our true spirit wizard, **** Dominate!"

Deafening the sound of the roar, and echoing in this valley.

Surrounded by towering clouds and mountains, the mountains that have been covered with snow for many years, nowadays, they have never seen the trail again. It seems to have been destroyed by the amazing power of natural disasters. A large number of ridge rocks collapsed and were completely flattened.

On the relatively soothing slope, the green oily grass that was once smashed by the sea breeze was replaced by a squatting smog, and the black smoke rushed into the sky. It was a shock fragment of a virtual mothership, which was heavily mixed. The slave army's flesh and blood, as well as the sorcerer's robe.

Between the mountains, the only flat valley is scattered, with more than a hundred wizards and more than a thousand giants holding steel giant axes.


The king of the fangs giant, the battle axe in the hand, the "squeaky" of a muddy splash, five meters high and strong body, only a thin animal skirt at the waist, green skin covered with scars, ears on the The metal ring is a "clam dangling" crisp sound.

At this time, the king of the fangs giant, stared by many fangs, has a low-sounding sound of "Qianlong" and "Qianlong" in the throat, and the violent, unavoidable death battle makes it full of violent, and will soon lose everything. Reasonable look.

咔哒, 咔哒, 咔哒...

the other side.

The pale palm is slightly dirty, the long finger of the forefinger burns the flame of blue-gray magic, and the gray-nosed wizard who squats on the ground draws a dense magical rune on a simple altar that is accumulating with stones and cheekbones, one after another. Different attributes of the magic stone inserted between the gaps of the altar, revealing a strange and unpredictable atmosphere, the rough and rough altar in the room is releasing the mysterious power belonging to the wizard's incitement rules.

"Hey, are you afraid?"

The low, hoarse laughter, the mysterious wizard did not even lift his head, seemingly dismissive of the fangs giant who was in the rage.

In his body, wise and erudition coexist with cruelty.

"No! The giants of the fangs will not fear! Even if the robots win, the giants of the fangs will not be extinct, we can still survive and multiply in the colony, but your wizards are never possible. The wizard, what should really be feared is you guys!"

The fangs giant Wang saw this sacred sorcerer and hundreds of other low-level wizards present, surprisingly calm, and could not help but force themselves to calm down and conceal their ugly barbaric image.

"Hey, you are afraid. The sweat that I have secreted from your skin, from your heartbeat and breathing, from your panicked eyes, has fully felt your fear and uneasiness. Under your strong body, your heart is It is a helpless stray dog ​​that trembles in the cold winter, using his own arrogance to cover up the inner weakness."

"what did you say!"

"嘭", the fangs giant king pulled up the battle axe, and the earth seemed to tremble. The simple altar of the temporary arrangement was slightly shaken, and finally stabilized with the movement of a large number of magic runes.

"Witch, do you want to use your own witchcraft to bear the anger of the giants of the fangs!?"

"Don't dare to break the rules of the alliance. If you don't dare to leave me, close your mouth full of bad breath, don't dirty my magical altar!"

Undisguised disdain, this sacred mark wizard smashed a small figure, so he walked through the front of the fangs giant Wang, letting the heavy gasping behind him almost burst, but did not care.

After all, the sacred sorcerer walked round and round around the sacred altar, and the fangs giant with the steel tomahawk did not make any radical reaction. It feared and feared the deterrent of the wizarding alliance rules.

This is the power of the rules!

Suddenly, among the hundreds of silent wizards, a three-level wizard who was carrying a magical wand, fluttered in silence, and flew out from hundreds of wizards around the altar of Jane, to this name. Arrange the altar of the holy mark wizard.

"The sacred sacred sorcerer, the detective sentinel squad in the southeast is now a metal robotic corps."

After the mouth of the third-level wizard swallowed his mouth, he added: "A large number of metal robotic regiments, we..."

The sacred sorcerer who is arranging the altar and the giant fangs of the fangs are gazing at the crystal ball light curtain. Nearly a hundred and two thousand virtual motherships cover the sky, and the dense cyber robotic corps is like a tidal wave. Fall to the ground.

Even though the light curtain is separated by a crystal ball, the giant king of the fangs can feel the oppression and despair.

"Oh, the crystallizer is terminator."

The crystal ball light curtain scene is taken from the ground and looked at this huge army with a sneak peek, so that everyone can experience the impact more intuitively.

In front of this legion, there is a crystallized finisher with a pink luster!

The fangs giant Wang seems to have lost the heart of resistance. The Tomahawk in the hand once again slammed on the ground and tried to lift it again several times, but it was so weak.

The terrible of the Twilight Terminator is the nightmare of the Wizarding Alliance on the battlefield. For thousands of years, the Wizards of the World, the Lord of the World, the Holy Worship Wizard ~www.novelmtl.com~ I do not know how many fallen under the crystal of the Terminator.

"Hey, lost three big world positions in succession. The overall war of the Metal Destroyer civilization has been unable to compete with the Wizarding Alliance. Is it expected to reverse the situation through partial advantages?"

After seeing the crystal ball light curtain, the evil spirit sorcerer continued to accumulate the altar.

"The fangs giant king, tell you the truth, the nearby worlds are worse than here. The nearby voids have been completely surrounded by these metal robotic corps. We have no hope. However, instead of desperate and fear here, try these Robots cause even more damage, even if only a glimmer of hope is much stronger than your desperation, and the wizard will never give up until the last moment!"

Along with the evil words, the sorcerer suddenly snarled, and a drop of blood with a breath of death appeared between the fingers, and "嘀嗒" fell to the center of the altar.

It’s awkward!

On top of the altar, a thunder rushed into the sky, and in the clear day, suddenly the wind surged, and a large cloud of dark clouds swept through it, followed by a huge black cloud vortex, which was constantly expanding.

"Well? Success!"

The sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer exclaimed indiscriminately, and then apparently felt that this whirlpool seemed to be more massive than the summoning power of more than two thousand years ago. From the unknown unknown time and space power, the evil language sacred mark The wizard actually felt the desire!

This is the last attempt to escape several times and has been so changed. (To be continued.)

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