A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1357: Insect sprouting

The sound of "嘭", the book of truth is closed.

Snoring, snoring, snoring...

Unraveling the ancestors and reviving the human sorcerer's body, almost invisible with a lifelessness, Green will fill the last omnipotent soul left in the sky, a little bit of reluctance, three colors of light In the depths, it is extremely exciting and very contradictory.

"I don't know the change that the dark sacred ancestor pursued for the Dark Portal. What kind of power will be added after the big world ball is also plated. It is a pity that the soul of the omnipotent soul that has been hard to earn is only the last glimpse. It is."

In the vast world, the potholes of the original Green people’s ancestors were melted into a deeper and more extensive pothole by the candlelight of the sacred ancestors. If it was not sealed by Green in time and space, it would be a little longer. The roots of the world will be destroyed.

"Hey, hello, this guy, why are you so unfriendly?"

Just as Green's thoughts, a sudden voice made Green's creeps disappear and disappeared.

Looking back, I saw a crack in the rice-only, narrowing down to the time of the worm, and sniffing with the tip of the small nose, the forgotten illusion behind the crack, is the world of forgetting, Green You can even hear the sound of sweat in the "嘀嗒" and "嘀嗒".

It even ignored Green's forgotten truth time and space seal!

This, in the end, this is a living body that exists!

"You...what are you, the living body that walks in time? I smelled the wild and barbaric from your body, and saw the footprint of civilization, and... the ability to ignore time."

After calming down, Green began to carefully observe the time worm that came out of the time rule, and tried to understand the cognition of this relatively unseen creature with his relatively low vision.

However, in the wizard's world cognition, ignoring time, shouldn't it be a higher-dimensional creature? ?

Obviously, this worldview has been broken at this time.

This worm, in any case, Green will not be considered a higher latitude creature.

"You space creatures have always been aiming at occupying resources for a wider space. They never end. It seems to be funny in our time biology. History is always repeating, knowing, but not changing." ”

The worm has already smashed the whole body out of the forgotten world and came to the world of the world.

"As for me, you can call me a lot, you can also call me a worm! You also saw, I am a lovely time worm, my job is to intersperse in these time islands, declare that it is still an endless world territory And occupy them, use their hard work to make these time islands into history, not to be forgotten by the endless world. Congratulations on knowing the cute insects, now it has been successfully integrated into history, hahaha, let me see the outer space channel How is it, it is really a rare and huge time island."

Said, the insect Meng Meng writhed the tail, and even ignored Green, easily flying out of the world ball!

"The insects are sprouting, what are the ghosts! Are they complicated? Is it the same as the annihilation, the end of the endless world of rules?"

Green's light flashed, and after confirming that there was no one outside the Dark Thousand World Ball, the time will have receded. Green controlled the big world ball and flew out.

"Really don't need to consume the power of the soul!"

Green murmured in surprise, confirming the new changes in his perception of the world of the world. This change is one of the pursuits of the beginning of the dark ancestors, but it is clear that Green has not yet been fully explored.

"It’s just amazing that the magic of consumption is so amazing. Obviously this is not the weapon of the world, the wizard that the holy mark wizard can control."


Inside the dark door.

"La la la la la, insects sprouting work, here is the place where the insects sprouted, I want to turn this into an endless world history node, the site of the insects sprouting, la la la la la..."

It’s like the first time I saw a puppy in the snow, the insects were so excited that the little bees squirmed and squirmed.

The orange-red worm kept moving the small tail, and in the dark door, a large amount of dark red rust was swallowed in a way that Green could not understand. It was the appearance of time condensation.

"The insects sprout, what are you doing?"

Green could not understand that these time rusts could not be grasped by the "space creatures" such as Green, and they could only be perceived by the naked eye, and only appeared after the loss of time.

"I am occupying the historical node, just like you have discovered a new world. Although it has become an island of time, as long as there is a worm, it will soon become a historical node for future time. Provide a foothold, or how monotonous here is here?"

This new insight is closer to the essence of truth, and it opens up the knowledge of the endless world truth for Green's knowledge.

Quietly, the world ball is flying around the green, no longer paying attention to the happy and exciting insects in the channel of the Dark Portal. Green comes to the edge of the through-door channel, which is a layer of willing condensation barrier, running through reality and illusion, will Changed the rules of time and space, let this dark door channel seem to become a illusory world, with a fantasy world running through reality and depth illusion.

At the bottom of the Dark Portal, it is very close to the Dimensional Esophagus.

Control one side of the illusory world!

In the hands of the seven-ring true spirit wizard, the ring of Titan's loss, isn't that the same?


Green found an unusual.

The reason why the dark sacred ancestors ignited the will of time and frozen the time and space here is that it is hoped that the rust of these times will be covered, and the door of darkness will be transformed from the natural rules into eternity, becoming a materialized and manipulable thing.

The Dark Portal is obviously successful.

However, at this time, Green found that there were three defects in this dark door, one of which was Green's original Thousand World Ball, one of the historical time nodes for the insects, and one for the dark door. .

These time creatures walking in the endless world history node, since they can't destroy history, mean that they can't leave these historical nodes. They make up for the lack of space by the length of time, even though they are in the endless world, but with most space creatures. In parallel insulation, it is difficult to recognize each other.

"Young Master, Young Master! Green Beast! Smelly Green!"

Suddenly, the voice of the little eight impetuous voice came from the soul. Green was a clever one. What happened?

At this time, the exchange of exchanges between Green and Xiaoba was only an emotional communication in the general sense, and it was impossible to communicate in detail.

Is it dangerous there?

"Bug Meng Meng~www.novelmtl.com~ I am leaving!"

Slightly regretted, Green wanted to know as much as possible about this kind of time creature, but it could not be realized. He hurriedly came to the Dark Portal, a node that was destroyed after the eternal world ball.

The space under the feet was distorted and stretched. Under the enormous pressure of all sides, between the two, Green came to the void of the small eight.

"what happened?"

In the first time, Green made a state of urgency, but did not find any danger. His eyes were swept away from the little pity, the little eight, the free dandelion, the three-legged death crow, and then the three-color scorpion squashed, no longer in the three-legged death crow. Moving, the face reveals a very pleasant surprise.

"Wow, fast, the call of the wizarding world, the wizards over there don't know what stupid, actually summon it again!"

Xiao Ba’s surprise shouted.

"Ye Ye, I am coming!" (To be continued.)

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