A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1347: Smell illusion

"Is it caused by time and space? However, with the three-level life of the district spanning such a long and vast time and space, it seems that the mysterious world of the fairyland world has indeed happened."

Green frowned and muttered to himself.

From the Digestive Esophagus to the Jagged River World Community, the Nether Star World, the Suihua Division World Community, the Quanzu World Group, and now to the Diablo World Group, Green indirectly hears the various civilizations and worlds that are in contact with it, which is difficult to count.

Traveling is the best instructor. At this time, Green's gaze is vast, and it is no longer the master of the ordinary world. The sacred sorcerer can compare them, and some true spiritual wizards are far behind.

Every community in the world has its own unique theme of the main theme. There is no doubt that some of the worlds in the world of the fairyland that once was strong, decent, and rich in the mouth of the ghosts must have some turmoil.

"Is there a little pity? The true immortal in your mouth, I know one, hey, maybe you will be interested?"


Although the three-tailed fox could not see anything in the source of darkness, but heard Green say so, but instinctively felt very intimate, nervously asked: "Are you really a fairy?"

The little pity was placed beside the source of annihilation, and a pair of watery eyes looked in the direction of Green in the darkness.

The fairyland world community, the mortal pursuit of the mortal, is equivalent to the individual's pursuit of the master of the world, the formal wizard to establish the wizard tower.

That kind of qualitative change, let everyone go forward and desperately pursue.

"Immediate? No, no, nowhere, where I am, I am more accustomed to calling the true fairy a holy mark. You can call me the sacred sorcerer of the annihilation tower, but you must join the great, respectful prefix to show your knowledge. Awe."

Green smiled, the light of hope spread silently, forming a huge protective cover between Green and the little pity, dispelling the source of darkness.

"Come, tell me about your way."

"Yes, the sacred tower of the annihilation tower."

Little pity immediately changed his mouth and learned a lot.

"The way of demon repair is to wash the suffocating gas, to be kind to the heart, to drink the day and night, to extract the essence of the sun and the moon, to match the creation of the heavens and the earth, to pursue the avenue to return to one..."

The three-tailed fox tells the story of Xiuxian, but Green can't understand the mysterious and metaphysical vocabulary of the heart, the roots, the goodness, and the understanding.

The only mention of the creation, but the interest of Green, is not the airlift in the wizard?

However, compared to the preaching of the ghosts, the path of little pity is obviously much lower, even though Green can be easily distinguished.

"It's a poor child. When you get to the wizarding world, you can go to my wizarding tower."

Free dandelion seems to like this beautiful little three-tailed fox.

"Mom, I am betting on the dignity of the Witcher World Steel Bug, the world community is definitely a problem!"

Xiao Ba is squatting in the ear of Green.

After a while, Green nodded and wrote down the little pitiful sermons and looked at the two dark creatures caught by the three-legged death crow.

"Oh, annihilating the wizard, the king has already inquired, and the dark creatures led by the sacred ancestors are called new people here. And the many old sacred ancestors are called the old ones. Now this In the war, the old school has taken an absolute advantage."

The three-legged death crow is eager to express himself in front of Green.

Green did not say that he only looked at the more amputated beetle dark creatures.

"The beginning of the dark ancestors is leading the dark world group to the demise, the illusory phenomenon of random arrival has made this world community full of scars, it is a mad devil!"

Randomly coming to the illusion, similar to the dimension of the esophagus?


Seven months later.

The dark world is so vast and vast. After seven months, Green has gathered millions and tens of millions of dark creatures again. However, Green still can't feel the rules of the world. location.

Once Green was worried that he would be discovered by other Diablo ancestors, it seems to be superfluous at this time.

Most of the new Diablo sacred ancestors gathered around the Diablo World and had a strong confrontation with the scattered old Diablo masters. The two sides fought fiercely and engaged in an endless war around the vast and vast world of dark worlds. The dark world group is completely unified.

In other words, the entire dark world is actually a hollow world, which is ridiculous.

"Hey? It seems like something is wrong!"

In the team of Green, Little Eight, Three Foot, Free Dandelion, Little Pity and nearly one hundred dead crows, Xiao Ba first noticed that something was wrong, which made Green and others can not help but feel a little nervous, is it a super-guided fantasy! ?

Fortunately, the Diablo World is different from the Dimensional Esophagus.

Due to the plan of the beginning of the dark sacred ancestor, the super-inductive illusion here is deep and shallow. Before the encounter of Green and others, it was only a shallow illusion, and only lasted for a little while.

The strange and ominous atmosphere suddenly filled.

The high air began to linger on a large amount of free light, breaking through the dark source of the blockade and descending to the earth. The small eight-two words did not say that the first time flew back to the dimensional gap, and the other few gathered in the first time to Green.

Green tricolor light looks up at the sky, what is this illusory world this time?

Tick, ticking, ticking, oh...

A drop of yellow liquid seems to fall from the sky like a raindrop, giving off a pungent stench. Soon, a large number of translucent invisible and inferior creatures are entangled with dark creatures gathered in all directions. www.novelmtl.com~ smell Unreal world! ”

After seeing these initial signs, Green was shocked.

Once Green was in the wizarding world, he had been in close contact with a scent of world creatures, and he tried to seal a lot of scent creatures with time and space seals, but because of the powerful odorous creature that finally emerged as a giant tongue, the gel seal failed and the magic reversed. The city of Bisser was destroyed, and finally the guardian of Spring took care of everything.

Now, in this dark world, Green has once again encountered the traces of odor creatures, which reminds Green of his past events during the Three Wizards.

In the high-altitude, yellow, stinking raindrops, several giant tongues are like snakes, sliding and appearing, and quickly explored the hunting target on the ground.

"Don't worry, it's just a shallow illusory world, and it will pass in a while."

For today's Green, these illusory creatures that were once horrified are only the shallow, unreal world of Green.

"Forget it, just wait a moment."

Said, Green's empty left hand flashed out of thin air, Jiu Chongshan appeared, everyone in the Green urged to rush into the hidden Chongshan Mountain.

At first, the cappuccino's grandfather died under these scent creatures and has been the pain in cappuccino's heart. (To be continued.)

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