A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1446: Little pity


Free dandelion attached to the time and space around Green, at this moment, the incredible power of the mighty, shrouded by so many dominating forces, the voice was slightly scared. ≥≦

However, Green just slowly raised his right hand and pointed to the sky.

The violent thunder and thunder, the high-frequency oscillating sound waves swayed, the light and the dark twists were interlaced, and the black arc was ruthlessly torn. The two sides were destroyed, and the two sides were destroyed. The cockroaches, the cockroaches, the cockroaches, the cockroaches, the cockroaches, the cockroaches, the winds and the clouds, and the six beams of light were easily shredded. The black arc smashed and smashed into the sky, followed by Green's manipulation between the palms of the fingers, and a turn closed back and merged into the body.

The winds and clouds dissipated, the dilemma was still in the dilemma, but there was no black sun, and the power of the five dominions was wiped out.

The sky and the sky are empty, as if everything just happened is just an illusion.

In this regard, Green did not have any emotional fluctuations, it seems that it was only a trivial matter, the mussel environment lost black pearls, the black cracks in the sky were completely blasted under the support of the extreme abyss magic wand, and then a space was distorted on the shoulders. Xiao Ba appeared.

"Wow, what?"

Xiao Badong and Xixi looked at it and looked at it for a while. I didn’t see it.

The power of annihilation is the same. After the battle is finished, there will be no residue left. Green annihilates a blow, not only together with the power of the five masters, but also the black pearl itself.

"You...what did you do, why is this, the power of dominance, the enemy?"

Free dandelion appeared, turned into a human body, violently stunned, staring at Green like watching a monster, it was a fear that made her unacceptable, making her difficult to breathe, making her creepy.

Is this really the original, the annihilation tower of the sacred sorcerer who followed the people in the 22nd district?

"Wow, don't worry about my Green Beast, borrowing the power of dominance, in an attempt to hurt the real dominance? Forget it, let's take a good look at this mussel."


Dark world, Mingyu light source inside the boat.

"Rely, what to do, the body is doing what he is!"

Feeling that the rules of annihilation in the body are constantly dissipating, this source of annihilation, which is looking for the colorful beauty fox in the lonely boat of Mingyu Guangdao, was shocked. He threw away the flame flower in his hand and rushed to the place where Green was before. .

The source of the magic power will be different according to the degree of magic released by Green, the degree of magic stored, and the time of independent existence in the world.

This source of annihilation is only a few days away.


A group of light element elves like little bees are being chased by the flame monsters, causing the source of annihilation to be distracted, and stunned the flame birds, scaring the flame giant to open its wings to the far side. Fly around.

"嘭", a giant tree like a giant ganoderma lucidum, up to 100 meters, covering the sky, but was knocked down by the rampant source of annihilation.


The source of the annihilation that had already left hundreds of meters suddenly fell back step by step, widening his eyes and looking at the giant tree that was knocked down by himself.

"One, two, three, three colorful beauty fox?"

This turned out to be a three-tailed fox who was stunned by the annihilation source and stunned in the corner of the fire coral. The three tails were blue, white and red.

"Please, please don't kill the slaves, the slaves promise you everything, hehe..."

This turned out to be a small fox that was not deep in the world. He was hiding in the corner of the coral tree and shivering. The flame leaf of his body was torn apart, revealing the white and delicate enchanting figure.

"Hey, eat you? Are you delicious?"

The source of annihilation was asked strangely, and one hand dragged his chin, as if he was thinking seriously.

"Rely, eat what, I am not the body of the bad eight bad food! Oh, little fox, my brother said, you have any sister or elders, there are seven tails, rest assured, brother It’s not a bad guy, oh..."

Said, the source of annihilation actually smashed his hands, licked his lips and kept laughing.

"The slaves are all alone, not the people here, and the sisters have not followed."

The little fox is so pitiful that people can’t help but be pity.

"Is it a small eight wrong? Sancai beauty fox? No matter, take it back and say, right, where are you from?"

The source of annihilation was indiscriminately said, and the little fox was picked up by the waist, just like a light boat walking outside the island.

"The slave family is a demon repairer in Yulan. After thousands of years of cultivation, the demon has been removed from the fairy class, but I don’t know why I came to this place..."


On the other side, the three-legged death crow is there.

"Hey, both of you have a trip with the king, see which of the sorcerers you are looking at, let him choose!"

The three-legged death crow laughed, and the overwhelming death of the breath suddenly released, easily covering the two sides of the battle, whether it is the precarious dark stone monster, or the dark amputation beetle, all eclipsed.

The sorrowful heads of death breath gather, the sharp screams of the people, in order to express themselves in front of Green, in order to obtain a better family inheritance and opportunity from Green, to please Green, the three-legged death crow this time is completely I sold it myself.

At this moment, I used the strongest force directly. It was a hundred-meter-high giant claw, and it was the third death foot, and it was crushed to the two dark creatures below.


From the new to the dark world, the vast and endless vastness of the 6th.

Standing at high altitude, Green right hand holding the extreme abyss magic wand, the left hand "Book of Truth" kept flipping, the forgotten rune covered the ground mussels layer by layer, and then slowly income in the high air forgotten cracks.

"Wow? You guy, I really found a humanoid fox! I have just lied to you, Yeah, how did you find it?"

Xiao Ba flew around the three-tailed fox, and it was really funny to find a three-tailed fox for the source of annihilation.

"The name of the slave is called Xiao Pity~www.novelmtl.com~ In the fox mountain meal, the wind and drink dew has been repaired for thousands of years, and finally it has been cleaned up. It is in the fairy class, but I don’t know why it fell here three hundred years ago. You have let go of the slaves. Hey, for thousands of years, I have only eaten the Dongfeng warm sun and the sun, and I have never done anything to hurt the world."

The three-tailed fox can't see anything in the dark source, and he is terrified.

"Good poor child..."

A few dandelions floated to the side of the little pity, eroding the source of darkness, bringing some warmth, alleviating her nervousness, anxiety, and fear.

"嘭", Green's "Book of Truth" merged.


This is the second time Green heard this title. The first time I thought of the partner of Youquan Master Sister, the millions of cockroaches from the world of the fairyland.

"You are from the World Group of Fairylands?"

Green's voice was illusory, and suddenly there was an illusion of a small pity that shivered and bitter in the darkness.

"The slaves have little pity, come from Yulan Fanjie. They have already received the referrals and are listed in Xianban, but they have arrived here after flying."

The little pity in fear repeated his words again, and he shivered and was terrified. (To be continued.)

Ps: I will have a more chapter at a very late time. Everyone will watch it the next day. I apologize, sorry. It’s even worse, it’s my own mistake.

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