A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1289: Jinghong appeared

It has been a few days since the two sides fought on the crater mine. ???? hunting?? text????

It can be seen that with the help of the imagination of the Xinghe civilization, the attack of the female nest insects failed again.

The secret of the source of the mine!

Greening is a virtual shadow, quietly following Bruel, as if a trivial mystery summons the virtual shadow, the crystal spider is getting closer and closer, and the three iron royal guards chasing behind him see the secret sorcerer cloth. Lulu, the cold dark moon metal mask runes and looks different.

Two meters of body, under the control, the top of the female iron warriors, full of strength and strength of the body, did not release the iron body.

As the direct guard of the Iron Queen, the Royal Iron Guardian combines power and strength, and has the right to meet Her Majesty the Queen. Apart from a handful of the most powerful male iron judges, the Iron King is the strongest under the Iron Age elders.

And this existence, even three of the team to chase the insects of the polar body crystal spider, can imagine the pressure of this crystal spider!

Three iron-blooded warriors, with the **** royal sword guarded by the blood.

The dark moon mask is cold and cool, and a small particle cluster gun on the shoulder rotates flexibly. This iron royal guard looks at Bruru, and in the distant place, Sen cold will not resist the threat and threaten: "Sui Shishi Your stupidity is making you choose to die!"

Another imperial guardian who is armed with a crescent moon is more exclusive and indifferent: "You don't have to talk nonsense with him."

In the end, the hand-held double-edged spear-blooded royal guardian was taller and reached a height of two meters and five. The mask was on the sound of "嘀", "嘀", and "嘀", and then the road was low. "Three death stars and one The blade of the worms meets. After solving this problem, we need to send the legion back immediately. We must dig out the following secrets as soon as possible. If the three sides fight again, the empire is likely to be under pressure. We must share the following secrets."

In fact, behind the three iron guards, there are tens of thousands of swordsmen and iron-blooded hunters.

However, the lower creatures also need carefully calculated followers to resist each other. But during the period of higher biology, it is only a concept.

Perhaps in the battle of civilization, those spiritual wizards and endless dominations, but also the extension of the huge legion as the will to rule the vast margins, and the body of the rules, the new potential of advanced dominance?

That level. Green is not far away.

On the one hand, the pursuit of the three royal blood guards, on the other side, is the joy of escape from the crystal spider.

"Suihua Division, we jointly resist these iron-and-blooded royal guards. The powerful Blade's Nesting Legion has already been on the way. It will take too long, and these iron-blooded regiments will be completely destroyed. By then, the Suihua Division will share with the Brood. Share the secret of this empty star and the big world!"

Bruel, the curse of the sorcerer, took out a flute and flew toward the crystal spider.

The flute is green and green. Hundreds of bamboo leaves linger, unspeakable fresh mood, and Bruru's heart secretly thinks about how to deal with it.

At this time, I added the mysterious weaver sent by the Fool elders to save the worm, and strive to maintain balance, and strive for the day when the elders of the Fool's elders are arranged.

However, I don't know how to arrange the mystery, when to arrange it, and in what way to arrange that day!

As for the secret weaver who was sent, it was only one person. Although the elders of the fools have the ability to determine the direction of the civilization of the sect, there is no right to practice.

The wise man is the power controller of the Suihua division!

How to do?

According to the arrangement of the mystery textile machine, the Suihua division civilization has joined the civilized battle at such a high cost. But you want it! ?

Everyone's mind is different.

Including the hidden behind the shadow of the Bruru Scarecrow, the darkest horrible monsters in the second dimension of the esophagus sneered, and gradually disappeared from the figure by the robe of the figure.

These four were separated from the main battlefield of the Death Star crater, and gradually separated from the burning red cloud. It was the sea of ​​worms burned by blood ray, and the shock wave from time to time. It was the explosion of the iron and blood warships.

Experienced the battle of civilization in person, Green knows that for the lower creatures, the horror of this scale of battlefield may be horrified by a powerful commandment at any time.

However, I don’t know if it’s because there’s no original ruler, the two legions are all devoted to all the forces at once, instead of radiating the world’s round of the holy base, and the metal destroyer’s civilized space-based starship, both sources Incessantly investing more power to extend the anomalous civilized war for several years.

At this time, the war has only just been going through a few days. The overall victory and defeat of the two sides has already been resolved. In terms of real scale, it is far worse than the real civilization.

So good!

In the sneer of Greene, the legendary monster, the deepest layer of the esophagus, hides behind the Suihuashi straw man, staring at the crystal spiders getting closer and closer, the three iron guards, the secret ribbon in the palm of the hand. The green flame is hidden.

"it is good!"

Bruru responded.

Regardless of what this worm is talking about, the Bruel has chosen to agree first. In addition to the fate contract, the sputum teacher only believes that he is born before and will not believe any promised words.

Crystal Spider is amazed, getting closer and closer to Brulu, getting closer.

Just as Brulu and the crystal spider are about to meet, they will join hands to deal with the deep enemy moment. Suddenly, behind Bruru, an undisguised unprecedented horror volatility exploded!

"Oh, finally, let me leave it..."


It’s frightening, unbelievable, high-frequency vibration, and it’s like a sun shining behind Bruel.

Within a few hundred thousand meters, together with the three imperial warriors who are chasing them, the light and dark are intertwined, and the light of hope and the source of darkness bloom. That is the peak of the annihilation!

Like a reef on the shore of the waves ~www.novelmtl.com~ Under this vast and majestic, just a little relieved of the crystal spider worm, the time is full of stiffness, difficult to turn around, a pair of compound eyes Looking behind the Scarecrow, the light darkened the black hole, it is difficult to see the blurred life inside, but all the pupils at the same time, squeezing into a needle tip.

At the mouth of Brulu, Cui flute is about to spur some kind of mysterious power of Brulu, and behind it, so close and violently exposing the vast expanse of power, even blowing a breath has become so difficult, Zhang mouth, I don’t dare to move.

I don't know when, this light and dark figure has appeared on the top of the crystal spider.

The next moment, the crystal spider roared hysterically, seemingly wanting to break away from the attractiveness of this horrible dark figure. The crystal nucleus of the body bloomed out of its own strength, and the power surged, resisting the green in the light and dark interlaced aperture.

This resistance seems to anger Green.


Under the face of truth, the brow wrinkles, accompanied by a sullen cold, the left hand of Green, the gravitational moment is transformed into a repulsive force, superimposed on the opposite direction of the crystal spider's extreme body, the "咻" can not be suppressed Chasing down the ground. (To be continued.)

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