A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1289: Mystery


A **** shock wave running through the worm cloud, a layer of waves spread in all directions, that is the great power of the Jagged River civilization to detonate weapons, the level is roughly equivalent to the Big 6 shock single that Green had ever obtained. Hunting?????

If it is in a small world, this explosion alone will only destroy a small piece of big 6.

But in the big world of the Nether Star, this side has enough carrying capacity, but it is not worth mentioning. The strong rules and binding force suppresses too much power. This big world has enough volume to carry this kind of power. Level of destructive power.

The wormholes in the earth all over the place, the crater of the whole mine is under the rain of worms, and the explosion of the "bang" and "bang" iron-and-blood battleships is endless.

These incitements, through distant space, have spread to the eyes of two silent concerns.

"There must be a secret there! What must be the source of the iron and blood mine! Otherwise, how can we frequently introduce such a large-scale war here in a short time, there must be a huge present! This matter must immediately inform the wise, let the wise elders send more The High Secrets of the Suihua Division, you must not miss this opportunity!"

Brulu was so groaning that he had a "wow" in his mouth and spit out a rag doll.

The doll smiled slyly. I don’t know what kind of mysterious force. Two fingers painted circles on the cheeks. I was so embarrassed to be shy.

"You have to hug me, let me feel the warmth in your arms, kiss me again, I can do things for you."

Brulu opened his arms and embraced the dolls, letting the rag dolls squint in their arms, enjoying the look, and after a while, they were "what" and kissed the doll's face.

"Go to the war elders of the war here, go quickly."

The rag doll smiled and disappeared like a smog.

On the other side, Green sits on a boulder. The robe of the representation makes the figure appear translucent, and the three-color ray and the six pairs of complex eyes look into the battlefield in the distant crater, and they are not in a hurry, but they have a cup of hot tea to quietly taste.

Bruru sees this. I want to open my mouth and say something, and soon I have my own impatience, and I sit down slowly.

Only after drinking two hot teas, Bruru couldn’t stand it anymore: "Respected Weaver Weaver, what should we do now. Do you want me to blow up the singer's assembly number?"


After blowing a sip of hot tea, Green took a sip of light, and the teaspocket was put down in the soothing laughter of the truth, looking at the mysterious ribbon wrapped around the right hand, a pale green flame, two pale green flames, Three...

At this point, there are fifteen pale green flames, which are within the scope of the mystery ribbon.

There are fifteen six-level creatures!

"It’s really beautiful, but if you fight like this, the war that your three-party civilizations are trying to restrain, it seems that it will take a long time to reopen."

Green took a little bit of the right hand palm. Looking at the green flame above, a satisfied look.

"It seems that your fools and elders are going to be disappointed. They have only come here for a month, they have to go back, hehe."

Brulu was suffocating, and after a while, suddenly said: "It is the secret textile machine that guides the elders of the fools, so that the Suihua divisions join the war. We are to make the future of the Suihua division a better, you will not Understand. Destroy the wizard."

"Oh, the wizard only knows that fate needs to be grasped by himself, not by fate. I have only seen the iron-blooded civilization and the mother-in-law civilization from your war. Compared to them, your sinister civilization There is no competition at all. You are a group of chess pieces that are played by fate."

It seems that I have already foreseen the scene that I am about to leave here, and Green even said to the **** around him.

Brulu was silent for a while and shook his head. "Destroy the wizard, you always think that the secret can be challenged. How do you know that it is not the secret that is arranging you to challenge it? Maybe it is outside the dimension, looking at you. Being arrogant, arrogant, ignorant and laughing, you don’t know the difference between you, you are going to perish."

Say, Brulu went on to say: "As the elders of the Fool said, a powerful civilization in the depths of the void is already suffering from the rejection of the mystery. We just need to wait quietly for the arrangement of the secret. I believe that it can't be used too. For a long time, the mystery will weave together and let them experience the true horror of mystery..."

When I heard that Brulu mentioned the powerful civilization in the depths of the void, Green first thought of the abyss civilization!

Sitting in danger, Green looked positive and couldn't wait to ask: "What do you know about the civilization in the depths of the void?"

"The elders of the Fools said that our war with our mother's nest and the Iron Star River is just a secret textile machine. In order to let us know each other better, one day, one day, we will combine each other under the infinite coincidence of mystery. All that is required to wait for is that the vast civilization in the depths of the void is getting stronger and stronger, until it is thoroughly cultivated into a mature embarrassment by the secret."

The three colors of Green are violent.

The same is the theory of 蛐蛐, cultivated into a mature 蛐蛐?

At this moment, the "call", Green's right hand fiercely extinguished one of the fifteen flames, and Green had just raised his hand, and then he destroyed one and turned into thirteen Light green flame.

Somehow, Green looked into the distance.

"Oh? This is the worm's body? It turned out to be an individual creature! I thought that all the existences in the mother's nest civilization are the wills of the will, and there are still some special variants of the worm."

While Green is talking, the look of Bruru is tight, and he looks at the past with the three colors of Green.

A full-fledged royal warrior wearing a dark moon mask, a hand-held blood-colored sword, a hand-held crescent moon wheel, and a double-edged spear, is extremely powerful and is chasing a crystal spider.

This crystal spider is more than ten meters in appearance. It belongs to the category of extremely small body and extremely long crystal limbs. It has been scarred and bruised, and its body shape is extremely strange. It has become a series of shadows and flexible travels to escape ~www.novelmtl.com~ Let us help it! ”

Brulu is going to help the motherworm to study the polar body.

All along, the Suihua division family joined the hegemony of the Jagged River and the Brood, and all appeared in the third party. There is no demand, no purpose, just for the so-called guide of the mystery textile machine to join the battle of civilization, take the initiative Join to achieve a delicate balance.

In this way, in the eyes of the wizards of Green, the Suihua division civilization can survive and grow, and it is an incredible miracle of the endless world itself!

Is it really the guy outside the box, using the fate to make them live so well?

Is this the opposite blessing of the curse of fate?

After seeing the Suihua division, this insect mother was obviously very familiar with the behavior of the Suihua division, and actively flew over to Bruru, and he was overjoyed.

By the side of Bruru, the green in the shadow, the sneer of the face of truth emerged. (To be continued.)

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