A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1285: Advent, conquer the eye of God

The virtual sky is a star-studded world, and the roots of the three-party civilization of the Iron Star River, the Suihua Division, and the Brood.

It is like a micro-world community around the world of the wizarding world. Around the world of the empty star, there are also dozens of small and medium-sized worlds scattered around each other, and the distance between them is quite dense. It belongs to an oasis in the void.

Other small worlds are nothing, but this one is indescribable and vast, and it can be regarded as a big world. It can be imagined that its volume is huge!

If you can use this virtual world as a reserve resource, you can say nothing, if it is a wizarding world, then the wizarding world can basically carry space fortresses with a lot of sky cities, and metal destruction like the ancient wizards. The civilization of the people advances positively in the void.

At this time, the wizarding world relies on the lever of destiny, and in the process of advancing a world and a world, it is very obvious that it is suppressed by the vanity of the metal destroyer.

The Talima world is one of the few medium-sized worlds around the world of the Nether Star.

At this time, Talima’s 6th corner, tens of thousands of Suihua division scarecrows, are stimulating the mysterious power around a secret altar. The altar is just a thousand-meter round stone plate, braving a trace of silk. Black smoke, it doesn't look too much, but at this time, under the deconstruction of many Suihuashi scarecrows, a black and white seed grows and grows, and then grows into a giant tree. .

The giant tree tip, a huge flower bone is constantly squirming, constantly swelling like a balloon, getting bigger and bigger, and finally a "wow" sound, spit out a seemingly bland figure, then the whole plant giant tree mysterious shadow It was completely broken.

"Oh, this distance seems to be too far."

Under the face of truth, the three-color ray and the six pairs of compound eyes kept moving, and Green's side was constantly confusing a virtual shadow. That is, Green's body and time are still in the middle of distortion, resulting in a stack of time and space.

Xiao Ba is not around Green. Instead, he stayed in the wisdom teapot of the Sky, as a guide to the return of Green.

When Green heard the foolish saying that the empty world was in the sky, and had not appeared in the dominant level for thousands of years, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Thousands of years ago. After a big battle in the Nether Star World, the Suihua Division civilization successively degraded more than a dozen Ferrischemic divisions. The Jagged River was destroyed by a Death Star and two elders of the Iron Age, and several elders were killed. Therefore, the mother-in-law civilization does not have to say more. The corpses of insects led by many slashers are almost full of the world of emptiness.

In this way, in the thousands of years to come, the virtual world and the dozens of small and medium-sized worlds around, there has never been a dominant figure.

After hearing such a brutal three-way scuffle, dozens of masters have fallen successively, and Green can't help but twitch.

It seems that before the radiation world, the sputum teacher really did not have a little bragging!

"you are……"

A meditator who is braving the purple smoke looks at Green, the relatively weak sinister, who can't perceive the power of Green!

Green did not say much. Just sticking out his right hand, revealing a ribbon wrapped around his right hand.

"The Fool Elder, the secret textile machine!"

The Suihua division recognized the cloth ribbon in the hands of Green for the first time, as if the two scorpions of flames looked at Green, and they immediately revered.

"Respected secret compiler, what can we help you?"

The illusion of overlapping faults is getting more and more bleak, and Green slowly said: "I need the map of the forces of the Nether Star World, and all the information about the Jagged Judge and the Dark Gold Worms."

Some strange seeds were lost in the straw of the body. The mysterious scarecrow rushed back into the straw of the body and said: "There is no place for us. It is the place where the higher degree sorcerer is responsible."

Said, the mysterious scarecrow took out a snail: "This is my natural messenger, it will take you to find a veteran big world, a Bruel's sorcerer who got a nine-level degree certificate. Bruru will tell you what you want in the Void World."


Green took over the snail. Some are awkward.

The trilateral civilization here is a big battle, although the scale is much stronger than the wizarding alliance and the metal destroyer civilization, but in terms of information transmission, let alone the metal destroyer with Skynet is civilized, that is, the wizarding alliance is also It’s a long way off.


Green said, taking a breath of fresh air from this medium-sized world. Ascending the sky, this micro-world community is relatively dense, and it will not waste Green's too much empty time.

The six guides of this mysterious ribbon, who want to come, should refer to six six-level living bodies?

"Can I wait for me for a thousand years in the wisdom teapot?" 哼哼哼哼..."

I thought that before the departure, the fools said inadvertently, and they were willing to complete this task in the pumpkin tower for a thousand years. Green could not help but sneer. ,


Hard earth, there is no life.

Once, the Nether Star World was in the eyes of the surrounding small and medium-sized indigenous creatures. It was a barren land of life. There was no living thing, and some were just a black mine. The power of the void combined with the energy of the black mine, the surface was scraped frequently. A chaotic storm that will occur in other worlds at high altitudes.

In this way, the lower creatures naturally cannot survive, even if the mother nest civilization that first appeared here only occupies the small and medium world around.

However, with the appearance of this vast empty star after an iron-and-blood battleship, everything became different!

The void star is 6 big.

"I have sent it back to the balance of the world."

A pair of emerald green eyes, the sinister singer stood on the altar and said to a sorcerer under the altar, then added: "It is a spiritual suggestion, I sneaked into its dreams, Using her pain to tell her, death can end this pain, and then she commits suicide in her dreams."

"Under these strong blood hunters, they are often a fragile soul."

Shasha Shasha Shasha...

"Hey, what about you? Poor sluts, my worms have been waiting impatiently."

The overwhelming number of insects is incredibly unbelievable. They gather from each other in distant places, and they have unwittingly formed a large exaggerated encirclement, encircling the two scorpions!

Standing on the altar of the altar, the singer "噗", on the spot, disappeared for the dark green wildfire, and the other sinister under the altar escaped. After several struggles, the scene was overwhelmed. The insect swarms were flooded.

After the overwhelming worms regrouped, they turned into a huge worm ball, gathered in midair, and there was no fixed shape. Each worm had a translucent shape and obviously possessed some hidden functions.

"Well? Is there any induction? Hey, luck is so good, it seems that this mission was unexpectedly simple."

In the sky, a small figure silently slipped into the interior of the world's clothes, and the three-color light looked down at the giant worm ball, and it was a sneer.

Holding the right hand of the Extreme Abyss wand, the ribbon violently vibrates and the pale green cut tobacco rises.

"There is no big world dominated... This is like the underground community." (To be continued.)

Ps: third!

The egret has been working very hard to update, but watching the night is approaching, it is only the third chapter, only the first upload, the fourth chapter is on the code, not to sleep.

Warmly celebrate the conquest of God's eyes. "Witches' Journey ~ www.novelmtl.com~ Complete the dedication of the true spirit, stand on the top of knowledge, overlook the humbleness of all beings, and achieve the true spirit wizard! Applause, sigh!

Go to the fourth place immediately, don't post the message in the message area, flustered.

In addition, there are many people who ask for the chapter to be updated together. The egret also wants to do this, but there is no deposit, and only one chapter can be uploaded in one chapter, and the egret code belongs to the turtle type, which is really difficult. If it is the usual two chapters, no matter how the pattern update is OK, but it has already said that it will burst in May, hehe.

In this case, everyone will leave a message in the message area of ​​the starting point, how to update it later. If it is a piece, I will have a piece tomorrow night. I will leave a message in the next chapter to inform the decision.

The egret is a bit too anxious. If there is no deposit, it will be said that it will explode in May. The first day is directly ten chapters, which leads to a little deposit. It turns out to be a bit arrogant, but the egret will be hard anyway. The promise of the scalp's May explosion has been fulfilled!

Thank you for your support. The VIP light received by VIP subscription has increased rapidly, and the monthly and recommended tickets are also growing. This is also the motivation for Bailu to complete the promise anyway!

Code Chapter 4 went -/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

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