A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1284: Pumpkin tower

Spirituality shapes the figurative world!

Just entering the world of wisdom teapots, Green felt a sense of familiarity. It was the ruin of the tower of the tower of the Black Sota Wizarding School before the black sorcerer's sorcerer. ? hunting? text??

There was a little bit of light in the sky, slightly brighter than the dark sky, and a bunch of beams of light came from a huge pumpkin tower far away.

The drip replies, the cloudy rain in the sky makes people somewhat depressed.

"Mom's egg, my spiritual world, why are you so sad and depressed!"

The little gossip licked the feathers of the body, the drops of water on the colorful feathers were opened, but they were quickly covered with a new layer of water mist. Green silently gave the small eight a protective cover.

"The elders of fools like this rainy day, which makes him think more."

The grain bay is full of round belly, humming a strange tune, walking step by step to the towering pumpkin tower in the distant foothills, while walking, while using the little feet to lick the water in the puddle, what is the dominance of the majesty It is simply a child.

Green's feet floated silently, immediately behind the grain bay, drifting toward the pumpkin tower with a searchlight beam.

"Oh oh oh oh, rainy day, heavy rain, I am thunder, I am a storm, oh oh oh..."

It’s awkward!

The weird pale green Thunder beam cut through the sky, reflecting a white robe scarecrow flying around the grimace pumpkin tower, singing songs against the cloudy rainy sky, while immersed in the rain, while "ah," "Ah," eating mud, is like a madman.

Inside the brightly lit pumpkin tower, the shadows walked past the figure of a straw man, and a dark green flame floated on the top of the tower, with a grimace inside, scattered and unpredictable.


"Call", in front of the Grain Bay Ferris, the large dark green flame burned, followed by a clay figurine, a water man. A tree man slowly stood up and his body was green and flames.

"This singer, is this creature brought by you?"

"Wow, it is a friend of the Suihua division. It is called the annihilation wizard, from a world called a wizard. I took him to see the elders of the fools and helped him find the way home."

After seeing the meditation master, the three guardian giants dissipated. Such a simple way of life is to make Green and Xiao Ba Ren.

In the pumpkin tower, a warm wind rushed to the surface, and the water vapor on the grain bay was automatically blown dry. Under the leadership of the grain bay, Green and Xiaoba followed the pumpkin mouth that was closed and closed.


Hey la la la la...

As soon as he entered the door, a constantly rotating gold coin fell under the feet of Green. In the urging of the grain bay, Green rushed away, but saw a scarecrow kneeling on the ground. Follow the gold coins and climb to the distance.


Several slap-sized tortoise shells turned and fell, and after being recorded by a scarecrow, they were mysteriously collected, and then thrown into the sky and then fell down, posing in different patterns, once again recorded by the Scarecrow.

Glut, whisper, whistle...

In the black jar, I don’t know what soup is being made inside, and it’s a pungent smell.

A scarecrow's nerves ran over, and a mouth was "wow" and a frog was spit out. It fell into the jar.

The frog was submerged in the black tank solution, and there was no sound after a screaming struggle. Then there was a smog of smoke in the air. The scarecrow who spit out the frog in the mouth looked at the smoke. When the smoke quickly dissipated, I slammed it in. I exchanged something with the other few straw people in the distance. After a while, I ran back again. It was another mouth, "呱". A frog spit it out.

“Is this the way you study the secrets of communication?”

"嘎吱", "嘎吱", stepping on the wooden stairs, Green asked to the grain bay in front, the hall gathered thousands of scarecrows, and Xiao Ba was also curious to look around.

"Wow, this is their enlightenment education, come with me, the elders of fools are at the top."

After more than a dozen floors of this hall, Green followed the grain bay through a two-story library, and the original noise was quiet. He could only hear the rain, thunder, and the white robe of the scarecrow through the window. The strange voice.

嘎吱, 嘎吱, 嘎吱, 嘎吱...

Just as soon as I got up the stairs, I saw a huge textile machine weaving the cloth. The weaved cloth was kept chewing by the hippo on the other side. The space in the hippo's belly seemed to be endless.

In addition, the entire room was empty, and a black-skinned scarecrow wearing black-rimmed glasses sat on his side and seemed to be swimming around, not knowing what was going on.


The grain bay walked over with a round belly. The black stalked scarecrow came back and saw the grain bay and smashed his head. He smiled and said: "Guugu Bay, are you not sent to the Jagged World Group? How come I have this?"

The fool slowly stood up and immediately noticed the little eight on Green. After staring for a while, he didn't wake up and asked, "Are you?"

"This is a friend of the exotic world I met in the Jagged Community. I want to find the way home through you."

Grain Bay introduces Green.

Green is slightly embarrassed and takes the initiative to step forward.

"Respected singer, I am a sorcerer from the Wizarding World. I hope to find your way home through your guidance."

"The Wizarding World? I haven't heard it."

The fool took out a cigarette rod, and "suck" and "bar" sucked. The smoke appeared in various shapes in midair. After a while, he continued: "What about the world community next to you?"

"Chaotic World Community."

The fool shook his head and continued to smoke the cigarette bag. Green bit his teeth: "The community of the world."

It seems that Green is not experiencing more world communities, and the fools have played the ash: "Talk about the special dominating creatures you know."


"world Tree?"

"Mountain Giant King?"

"The Eye of Destruction?"

Green as much as possible tells the endless mastery of his own cognition ~www.novelmtl.com~ After a series of, Greenton came down, silent for a long time, and suddenly thought of one.

"The Fountain of Eternity!"

"Hey, I found it, it was there."

The fool stood up and found the cloth in front of the textile machine. He suddenly took out a pair of scissors and tore it and tore a piece of cloth.

"Go, this is the guideline of the Dimensional Mystery. In the Nether Star World, you will kill the goal of six Dimensional Secrets. I will send you to the Eternal Moon, which will take you to the Fountain of Eternity. ”

Say, no matter whether Green agrees or not, the fool directly handed the cut strip to Green. (To be continued.)

Ps: The card is a bit below, then overturned and rewritten, the update is late, sorry.

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