A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1258: Playing with the palm of the hand

On the fragmented ground, the roar of the fire scorpion trembled.

The difference between the two is too big, not the simplest violence, but the various aspects, the all-round gap, which is the ruler's rule control overriding.

"You are overestimating yourself, a humble ignorant bug!"

Green holds the extreme abyss wand, the magic wand does not have any magical fluctuations, and Green does not have any witchcraft release. Even the weak body has no power, but it has already overlooked the humble gaze, ridiculing the demon doll. Fire poison.

However, although Green said this, the heart is a little relieved, and the inner body will be quietly swayed for a few days. From the eye of a four emperor's eye that has been relatively easy to refine, the volatility of the omnipotent spirit is calmed down.

"Oh! Impossible! You are obviously a flesh and blood body, why my five poisonous fire does not work! Impossible, this is impossible!"

At this moment, Green has been unknowingly invaded the body by the dark green flame, but it does not show any signs of poisoning that the bleeding organism should have. It is unbelievable.

Fire poison, half of the power is fire, and half of the power is poisonous.

The five poisonous magic fires are especially terrible for the flesh and blood creatures. For more than one era, Green has already had a relatively thorough understanding of the fire poison, and originally thought that this one of the ascending initiates would dare to challenge himself. Like the impermanence of blame, there will be hidden cards. Grende prepares the omnipotent soul in the eyes of the four emperors to supplement the physical strength and magic.

I just didn't think that Green was still too high for this fire scorpion.

It's no wonder that the demon doll dismissed the fire poison, and some of the incompetent guys Green thinks are already quite threatening in its eyes.

This is because the difference in life levels between the two is too great!


Green smirked and spit out a sip of water, "噗". The dark green poisonous flame inside melts the blue frost of hundreds of meters.

"This kind of toxic thing is just some snacks from some wizarding world sorcerer wizards. Hey, if this is the source of confidence that you dare to challenge me actively, then... you can die."


The body is somewhat vain and can be clearly seen. Greenby’s previous combat status has dropped too much.


Green is less than two meters in shape and has a little frosty ground. The shadow of the light and dark meets flashing, appearing on the top of the fire poisonous scorpion, letting the dark green flames flow into the body without holes, but Green does not respond. It is only the simplest of the extreme abyss magic wand, light and floating, even without carrying any power, it is like a touch of frosting between the two.


A roar. The fire poisoned a big mouth, the dark green poisonous flame completely drowned the Green, and completely disappeared.

However, in this dark green light column, the extreme abyss magic wand suddenly extended, and the tip of the stick was immediately recovered after a light touch on the belly of the fire.

Silent, hundreds of forgotten runes, branded on the fire scorpion, hidden into the fire toxin body.

Dark green eyes are an indescribable shock.

Although I don't know Green is in contact with him again and again. What is left in the end, but it is never a good thing to think about it. This sense of powerlessness, this kind of emptiness has no power to play, and this kind of sneer is ridiculed by the outside of the bottle to the eyes of his own eyes. The fire poison has tasted an unprecedented fear in a long time.

The sound of "嘭", the fire poisonous sputum suddenly became a dark red flame, and every flame is a miniature fire poison. Twisting in the air, the numerous touches flexibly swing and quickly penetrate into the gap between the tibia and the mainland.

This is the lurking and escape talent of the fire scorpion.

If it was once, the poisonous scorpion is so, the devilish green of weakness is still helpless. Then at this time, Green smiled low.

Oh la la...

The book of Truth is rapidly flipping, following, silent, a gray crack splits over the top of Green's head, easily stretching for several kilometers, tens of thousands of all kinds of ugly, stinking sweat claws After sticking out of the crack, I crossed the green.

As soon as the breath of the forgotten world appeared, it successfully communicated the body of the escaped fire poison, and was forgotten by Green.


These scattered and hidden poisonous flames, even under the pressure of forgetting the brand, actually gathered together again.

However, because the forgotten rune brand on the body is relatively not too much, on the top of the head of the forest, tens of thousands of stinking sweat claws can not lock the fire toxins as the goal, but unconsciously have the forgotten brand here. The breath was banned, and many stinking sweat fingers were unconsciously rummaging.

"what did you do to me?"

At this time, the fire poisonous cockroach that was forced to appear again, the voice was terrified, the dark red flame rolled, trying to erase the forgotten imprint of the body, but it did not help.

Thousands of forgotten runes in the upper reaches are branded as a space cage, leaving the fire to nowhere.

"This is my gift to you, the ignorant humble worm, to experience the death of the forgotten world, oh..."

At the last moment, Green was still surrounded by layers of sweaty hands, and this moment has already appeared in front of the fire.

The fire scorpion realized that he was the most proud poisonous flame. There was almost no threat to Green. At this moment, the unclear touch of the foot ignited a dark red stream, and the purest burning power condensed. It is a flame-shaped sword of light that is densely intertwined.

"Without any skill, it’s ugly to rely on the amount of slashing and fighting."

Under the face of truth, the three-color ray and the six pairs of compound eyes sway in different directions.

This is not the way to fight the poisonous scorpion, but some irregular slashing, seemingly dazzling ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ but in the eyes of Green, there is almost no threat.

In this way, Green actually wandered between the gaps of the flame lightsaber, like a flexible fish, interspersed among the gaps of many flames of light swords with an incredible artistic evasive means, let these flame lightsabers From the weak body of Green, passing by, but can not hurt Green a trace, and then the extreme abyss magic wand once again touched, immediately retracted, is a forgotten rune brand, appeared on the fire poison.

"No... no! Give me death... die for me!"

The densely colored flame lightsaber, with the many waves of fire poisoning, is dazzling and full of sound. The 10,000-meter-meter land is burned out of a ditch, and the sacral bones are flying, but it can't hurt Green's omnipotent omnipotence. One thousand.

All this, as if the fire poison scorpion cooperated with Green, completed a series of unbelievable action avoidance, then it was the extreme abyss magic wand gently, did not carry any power, and did not want to hurt the fire scorpion meaning, extreme abyss Magic wand rune imprinted.

On the poisonous scorpion, there are more and more forgotten runes, more and more...

This kind of powerlessness, which is incredibly insightful and computational, is in the sense of powerlessness. This fear and despair, even far beyond the shadow fear of the magic doll to the fire poison.

This annihilation wizard is a darker shadow than the magic doll! This is the true horrible monster in the deepest layer of the esophagus! A legendary special life that has been shunned by the endless masters!

In the screaming desperation, the forgotten runes of the body are more and more old and more fire scorpion, and the overwhelmed sweaty claws are caught and dragged into the forgotten cracks. To be continued.

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