A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1249: Subversive fear!

Quiet, but full of hope.

Leaving the Wizarding Alliance is a battlefield with the metal destroyers, trapped in the secondary esophagus has been full of five eras, and even the real leisure time is all superimposed, but also above it.

50,000 years.

In the first ten thousand years, Green could also be said to have spent the most ideal fulfillment. However, the last three episodes of the gathering of the gates were a boring torment, even though Green would be the most boring experiment. Try it again, and I can't squander such a long time. Even a six-level creature, Meisha, is dead in front of Green.

As for the last episode of Hope's gathering place, it is a long torment, tormenting Green and even close to the pathological body and mind, fully feeling the horror that is irreversibly digested by the endless world!

Can not escape the secondary esophagus, Green's achievements in the Digestive Esophagus all have no meaning, but will become a deep illusory treasure in the eyes of later explorers.

These five eras come...

Green seems to have carried out a cruel and monotonous journey of the real world, and the Wizarding World has become a dream of a distant and rich childhood, just an ideal pursued by instinct, a hope that exists in the heart.


Just when Green thought that he could no longer persist, it was when Green wanted to try to escape the second esophagus with the hope of the scepter after the challenge of the ascendant.

Staring at the thousands of broken limbs in front of the eyes, Green's three-color glory is unspeakable.

It is enough to match the omnipotent soul contained in the eyes of the fifty four emperors. It is enough to provide Green with the omnipotent soul that escapes from the digestive corpse, and gathers together in the arm of the broken limb. This is no longer like the soul of the omnipotent in the eyeball. In general, it can be easily stripped out, which requires Green to carry out long-term delicate refining.

how to proceed?

Standing in the same place, Green thought for a while, and ended the repulsive magical magical stimulation, and the several thousand kilometers of broken limbs landed on the ground.

Booming. Suppressed and heavy.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

First, I knocked on this section of the broken limb with an extreme abyss wand. The texture is hard and the crash sound is clear, even though there is no support from the dominating force. Without an attack of more than 50,000 degrees, Green would have thought of causing any damage to this section of the broken limb.

Extending the palm of his hand, Green gently touched the arm of the broken limb.


Taking a breath of cold, Green immediately retracted and instantly retracted his palm. The tri-color light reveals an incredible light.

Clearly out of the dominating power, this section of the broken arm blade of several kilometers, but still has a strong shock ripple, although only limited to the most inferior film layer, it will cause some damage to the skin of the blood, nails flow down A trace of blood.

"The power of dominance is really wonderful. It is no wonder that those who dominate the pit will always maintain an extremely regular environment and will never leave."

It was difficult for Green to speak to himself, and he walked to the section of the broken limb of the broken limb. At this time, the flesh and blood at these incisions have been automatically scabbed, which is a dark black crystal, which blocks the wound.

In the three-coloured light of Green, he reached out and gently buckled a knot. However, just after touching it, the internal flesh and blood violently squirmed. Then, after the "wow", the squirming whisker tissue made a baby-like surprise. Cry.

Green did not pay attention to these strange phenomena and continued to uncover these knots.

Then. The milky white flesh, which looks like scallop meat, is presented in front of Green. The tender meat fat keeps escaping inside and forces some milky white liquid. After reacting with the secondary esophageal air, a new layer of scars quickly condenses.

"Hey, I don't know how to eat it. Well, the bones and the devil should also be interested in the bones of such fresh masters?"

Thinking like this, the three colors of Green are jumping. The left hand gently stroked the right hand little finger.

A group of black flames skyrocketed, a pair of black scales and giant claws continued to expand at an incredible speed behind the body of Green, and the black flames linger. In the end, Green seemed to stand under a mountain, insignificant.




A round of deafening sound waves echoed, accompanied by the 999 star-shaped scorpion heads that were found above the gray cloud layer, and a pair of double-meter-meter flaming soul birds headed out, focusing on Green.

Unbelievable behemoth!

A few years of growth, the soul of the 10,000-meter-long body of the 10,000-meter-old body, the volume alone, is a miracle created by the smelting and anatomy!

After all, it was just a small bird!

Great, starting with small.

"Trouble, slowly refine and purify it."

After Green gave the simplest command of will, he flew away in a human form with little insignificance.

The soul of the 10,000-headed bird looked at Green's known broken arm for a while, and many of his heads squinted at his head, seemingly thinking about it with its simplest IQ.

Refinery and purification?

How to refine?

After a while, the ostrich claws "bang", "bang", "bang" moved, and changed their slightly bloated body into a position, licking the stupid buttocks, aiming at the thousands The broken arm of the rice arm, "squeaky", then slowly sat down.

Following the deep instinct of the cell, the soul of the 10,000 souls has to slowly "incubate" this knives, and the omnipotent soul inside is born.

Standing on a crystal mountain range far away, Green looked at the towering giant on the horizon, and smiled at the face of truth.

From the original one that would only be "Oh," followed by the stupid birds that ran around in the back of the little eight, and nowadays, the horrible giants that cover the sky, the soul of the 10,000 birds grow up with Green. It has now reached the third evolutionary limit of 999 heads.

I can't imagine how it would be like a giant behemoth if it breaks through this limit again!

So what will be done for a long time?

After thinking for a while, quietly, Green silently sat in the same place, trying to fully control his magic and power. That is the power control standard that a rare person can achieve in the witch's knowledge record~www.novelmtl.com~ It’s just a wizard.

When I came to the Dimensional Esophagus for so long, I saw too many unknown world powers. Many of them were able to form a sufficient threat to Green with a relatively low level of power. A large part of it was completely self-powered. Take control.

In the time when it was too long and boring, Green was just bored and idle, but only subconsciously tried again and again. Now, he has already unknowingly made a final attempt toward complete control. .

Just before the escape, after the self-explosive seal has drawn its own strength to the limit, Green finally has complete control over his own power, and has a hint of eyebrows!

In this way, Green is now unable to wait and start trying.

According to Green's judgment, the consequences of complete control of self-power will bring disruptive power to Green for a moment!

The most intuitive one is Green's self-sealing.

Once Green completes the full control of his power, that Green can only maintain 70% self-sealing power for the accumulation of self-sealing.

In combat, he exerts 100% complete body strength. When needed, self-sealing is completely erupted, reaching a super-explosion of 140%.

In this way, Green can play 100% of the power in the usual battle, and the ability to restore the robe of appearance!

It is hard to imagine that when an attack easily reaches three million degrees, the existence of a secret sneak attack will bring subversive fear to the creature under the control of the secondary esophagus and the endless world. To be continued. Xh:. 126.81.50

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