A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1235: If I am a small treasure master rule

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Star Fire Elves, one of the many predators that run through the door.

"It's over... The Magic Feather Phoenix has lost to this predator. Is it the annihilation wizard who defeated the turbid lizard?"

Like a cluster of blue-winged wildfires that may drift at any time, the Sparks Elves stare at the forgotten cracks that are gradually healing in the sky, and the will wave is difficult to calm down, whispering toward the side of the hills.

Unlike other predators, the Sparks Elves often pay attention to the dynamics in the territory of the door. The spiders of the human face have just begun to gather the Thunder magic eyes, the clockwork, the ancient heart, the annihilation of the wizard, the withered and sinking, the Sparks An abnormality was discovered, and then secretly observed in the territory of the door.


The magic feather phoenix no longer demonizes the phoenix tree, the mountain sea stone is lonely!

In the first time, the Sparks elves gathered their own friends, the Mountain Stone Bear King, and the two secretly peeked, responding to sudden changes that may occur at any time.

The Magic Feather Phoenix is ​​the oldest predator. Although it is not the strongest one, the new generation of predators have not yet grown up in the case of the sharp decline of the strength of the gate after the killing of the dominance. The living body has not yet appeared, and it has a great impact.

"Before I said, the King of the Spider King must have a plot. Every time I went to its spider's shrine, I felt uncomfortable. I didn't think that this annihilation wizard who had been through the door for more than three thousand years actually defeated the magic feather. Phoenix, the spider's shrine has no energy fluctuations. It seems that the gathering of the strong is in all likelihood, and the annihilation wizard has slaughtered a clean, and if there are no new strongmen in the next few thousand years, this annihilation wizard It’s the best in the world, and maybe he will become the next generation leader.”

The shape of the granite bear king is a black crystal stone monster.

Between the stone crevices, there are blossoming colorful flowers, sitting on the ground like people, "squeaky" and "squatting", chewing on a handful of dirt.

From the eyes of the mountain bear king, you can see the rhythm of the heart stone and sigh.

"Just don't know. Is this annihilation wizard a predator rule that is set up to sustain the previous generation of sun prostitutes, crackers, and savage walkers."

The strongest through the door, have the right to make new rules, all the same!

Their status is like the head of the world in the small world. The true spiritual wizard of the Wizarding World, the top life body of the Wizarding Alliance, will be enacted with new rules in accordance with its own will while the power is recognized.

Such behavior has already dominated the beginning. Although I can't enjoy the direct power increase brought by the rules, I can already enjoy the supreme power brought by the rules. It is the code of conduct for lower organisms. It is an insurmountable relationship between rule makers and rule implementers. Scorpio divide!

Rules must be conducive to the will of the makers.

"Who knows, wait a second, if it is too aggressive rules, we will leave the assembly to avoid the limelight. If we can't do it, we will go to other assembly places. With our current strength, self-insurance is more than enough."

The Sparks Elves said, together with the Mountain Bear King, and the strong among the hundreds of exiles, centered on the Gossamer Temple, silently waiting for the annihilation wizard to fall again.

This kind of behavior has already recognized the absolute strength of Green at the current stage!


Time passed, one month later.


Slightly licking a bit of turbidity in the belly, Green has recovered from the weak period after the eruption of self-sealing, and restored the most basic strength. Self-sealing has entered a new process of accumulating power. The colorful runes flow on the robes of the appearance, and the light around the body does not stop to be interlaced. Green is in the form of a winner. Standing up from the ground of the broken spider silk.

Retracting the dominating wood of the clockwork ,, these mechanical structures brought back to the wizarding world, may have some research value for the mechanical wizard, and turned around in the corners of the spider's temple and several darkrooms. After some rare ancient monsters, this is not anxious to fly out of the spider's shrine.

Great attention!

Many exiles and other predators look up and peep. Green has already known this and is already prepared.

As a sacred sorcerer with a great vision and ambition, Green can formulate a plan for the ancestors of the sorcerer in the lower wizards. Naturally, there is a rather elaborate study and infinite desire for mastering the rules.

In the wizarding world, a round wizard opened up the rules of the nightmare wizard with the three-color elf "Fairy Fairy Tales".

From then on, any subsequent nightmare wizards will be their growth and help. No matter what kind of spiritual devotion, any new sorcerer will bring the nightmare wizard rules to perfection, so the growth potential is extremely high and belongs to the distant future. It is highly probable that there will be a struggle with the elemental wizard system.

Therefore, the rules set by a circle wizard will affect the entire nightmare world.

All the rules are in the direction that is conducive to the development of the nightmare wizard, and it is also in the direction that is beneficial to oneself.

The rule of the wizard's coin of the two-ring true spirit wizard, the six-ring algae nature protection rule of the six-ring true spirit wizard, the seven-ring true spirit wizard dark shaman rule, the eight-ring true spirit wizard Guanglingbao rule, all rules are indirectly A ring of true spirit wizards to take elements to make up for the increase!

The rules set by these spiritual wizards, in addition to being able to achieve the power of concrete transformation, are the supreme right to be above the top.

This right, it has become a norm for everyone to follow.

Anyone who violates the rules will be punished by the rules. The rules exist in the people's subconscious. They do not need the trial of the will of the true spirit wizard. Naturally, there will be other people who follow the rules to make decisions, as if during the wizarding period. In order for Lafite to violate the rules of the Santa Claus, the seven-ring true spirit wizard will not be distracted for this.

What is the Santa Claus rule? On the surface, it is just a few articles.

Can mosquitoes that are written on the slate of books be constrained or creatures?

Yes, this is the rule. Rule-makers can only be those who are high above them. They will be able to integrate their own will. Once they are formulated, they will be recognized, observed and executed by thousands of people.

Some people are trying to challenge these rules. To break these rules, they must first grow up in compliance with these rules, and then try to defeat the rule makers!


Green sent out the sorrowful laughter of the wizard.

Throughout the gates, what Green needs is just the peace of his own years.

As for these predators and exiles, there is no connection with Green. It doesn't make sense. If there is no need to establish an idealized rule, then follow the rules of the dark jungle evolution of the endless world!

What Green needs is to enjoy the test of the long-term peace and tranquility, and to avoid the frequent interference from the outside world.

"From now on, the rules of the Nine Chongshan are followed!"

Green said that the nine-chongshan mountain suddenly appeared, and gradually separated during the expansion, "bang", "bang", "bang" fell in nine directions.

"The peak of the peak is divided into nine retreats, one Chongfeng Yue Yi Chongtian! The first peak of Jiuyue's scorpion, you can enjoy all the rights in the collection of the door. Gao Chongfeng only can be challenged by the close to the low peak, and the door through the door All the exiles in the land can compete for the ninth Chongfeng Yue, now... let's start!"

Said, Green self-concerned to fly in the direction of his laboratory, that is the direction of a Chongfeng, the pinnacle of Jiuyue, the symbol of absolute power throughout the door!


PS: The sixth ally of the "Sorcerer's Journey", the seventh ally, appeared in succession and celebrated warmly. If I was the owner of Xiaobao, the Mirror Flower Moon J Alliance Lord came!

However, the egrets have already been preserved, although every day is filled with endless power to write at the limit, from eight in the morning to one in the evening, but the five chapters are already the limit, and life and death can not be more, so today I can only pay attention to it first. If I am a small treasure lord, I will return to the mirror and spend the next month.

And the Egret slightly prefers + obscenity, and now the seven ally, there are still three lords and ten. At present, there are four cybers in existence. That is to say, the egret needs to write ten "Sorcerer's Journey" to haha... ...

Ok, make a joke, you can't be arrogant, and you can't be arrogant.

In addition, today, the egret is born for the ally, and feels the joy of the face, but the other side makes the egret horrified for a long time in the morning. Yesterday, the subscription was reduced, but the subscription was reduced. Is it a monthly vacation?

Hey, compared to others, the editors are actually more concerned about the average subscription. For this reason, many authors will not hesitate to pay a price, but also get a boutique badge at the starting point.

This is also the most direct and noble power of the Egret as a newcomer's author~www.novelmtl.com~ So I ask everyone to support the "Sorcerer's Journey", but also support the starting point of the fantasy channel, the fantasy new books have not grown up, do not completely If it is down, if there is a good hope in the "Sorcerer's Journey" in two or three months, the Egret will go all out for it. I hope that everyone will give hope and motivation to the Egret! !

Originally, I wanted to climb the mountain today or tomorrow. The pressure is too great. There is no individual talking around. The egret wants to chat, and there is no time to punch the list next month.

However, since the "Sorcerer's Journey" lord is coming, it can only be based on ideals!

Ask everyone to subscribe to support, receive the light of the Great God, keep a long-term follow-up subscription, and promote it, giving the Egret "Witches Journey" the hope of entering the boutique channel!

The previous article has been changed to more than fifty chapters. It is expected that in the middle of next month, Bai will be able to change the entire public version of the writing of the newcomer. The style is much more concise than the newcomer!

Thank you for your support, and continue to celebrate the arrival of the Seventh Alliance tomorrow, and ask for a subscription! (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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