A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1234: Seal (if I am Xiao Bao Meng)

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"Oh, useless!"

"The Book of Truth" "哗哗啦啦" flipped, the deep awesome magic wand carrying the amazing rich magic, the more attempt to break away from the forgotten cracks, the more the sucking force suffered, the more unbelievable, to the last distance to Green Bai When the rice is almost like a quagmire, it is difficult to get in.

Green flipped the book of Truth, ignoring the extension of the abyssal magical stick. Under the face of truth, the three colors of light gaze at the sky and dominate the power to summon.

Even if it is only a legacy of power, the impetus contained in it is also amazing!

The rich and pure abyss of the abyss gathers into a head of hundreds of meters. It is a head without a face. Above the sky, it shields the figure of the phoenix phoenix. As a giant mouth suddenly splits, it suddenly slams Forgotten in the cracks, endless forgotten sweat, a loud roar.


At this moment, even though the most extreme forgotten truths and time seals that Green can achieve, there have been some shakes, and the control of the Abyssal Mozu has been relaxed.

At the same time, the abyss of the Devil's Phoenix body roared through the abyss, and the breath suddenly increased, and it turned out to be the transformation of the true devil!


The low sullenness seems to be shouting in the deepest part of the throat.

The abyss of the abyss roared over the top of the head, and did not bring him any sense of security. Under the temptation of the tens of thousands of meters of forgotten cracks, the ones that have been inundated by the forgotten runes at the moment, the forgotten illusory atmosphere It is too strong, almost forgotten the world as a remnant of its own esophagus, wanting to "re-recover" itself and become part of the forgotten world.

At this time, I am confronting the absorption of the entire fantasy world!

This attraction will increase with the increasing confrontation, involving a more vast and illusory world will, not to mention a six-level creature, I am afraid it is the master, can only be dragged into the illusion, bear those The assimilation of the illusory and irregular world.

In addition to relying on external forces to direct seals, there is only one last route. That is to rely on their own strength, to break the seal and seal, to cause enough damage to the operator.

"The body of the true devil!"

In the low-pitched roar, the pure abyss is insanely gathered. The abyss of the abyss in the body of the magic feather phoenix has undergone amazing changes. Suddenly, the abyss of the abyss is like a stretch of note, and the lower body is still in the belly of the magic feather. The upper body is stretching, rushing toward Green, who keeps flipping the Book of Truth.

Two claws covered with fine black scales, hit in a turbulent ripple of shredded space, and the power is amazing.

Through the abyss roaring the magic of the ancestors to the forgotten seal of the short-term barrier, more than a thousand meters distance, fleeting.

After the abyss of the true demon body instantly rushed to the 100-meter range of Green, it was not only the face of the increasingly forgotten illusory pull power, but also the constant flow of water from the body. The power ripples fluctuate.

The two phases are superimposed. This abyssal demon is also in the quagmire, although it is still slowly advancing, but it is not much stronger than that of the abyss, and there is no hope.


Green, with his condescending gaze, overlooks his eyes, still sweeping the book of Truth in an orderly manner, judging the life and death of this abyss.

In the sky, the roaring ancestral skull phantom under the forgotten illusory crack, starting from the most peripheral area, is also irreversibly broken, and turned into black smoke. Inhaled by the forgotten crack.

Seeing that it was not a while, the demon illusion would be completely broken.

At that time, the magic feather phoenix and the abyss of the abyss will be in jeopardy!

And once it is successfully sealed. For Green, who masters the mastery of time and space seals, there are too many ways to make this abyssal demon into specimens. After all, the wizards are not some small worlds, and often thousands of years and several eras use the ancient seals. Array, used to resist the invasion of the world.

"Well? Don't you give up?"

A circle of power ripples has been released from the body of Green, and with the gradual collapse of the abyss of the abyss. The suction force from the forgotten cracks makes it difficult for the Abyss to overcome, almost every time it is close to Green, it will pay a great price.

Green is crying coldly, in the ears of the Abyss, it is like the shock of the world!

Such a long distance, no matter how the abyss of the abyss, it is impossible to break through the forgotten truths of the time and space seals and the constant source of power ripples.


The abyss roaring the ancestors' head has entered the final stage of collapse, and all directions have been inhaled into the forgotten cracks. This forgotten world crack is still expanding, causing panic among the exiles and predators throughout the door.

Not only a few gathering places nearby, but also some of the exiles in the distance, predators, remote sensing should be in the direction of the illusory atmosphere of the spider's temple, shocked!

The reason why the gathering place runs through so many exiles is one of the top gathering places in the entire era of the esophagus. It is precisely because there are few absurd and illusory world rules, and there are often some fragments of the world heart. Replenish soul and hunger.

If there is a illusory world rule coming here, it will disintegrate the value of the assembly ground from the root.

And as these exiles and predators determined that these illusory breaths were only artificially applied after the time and space seals, they were relieved and could not help but feel a glimpse of them. Such a large-scale space-time seal, which is the predator? Why is there a battle?

Unanimously, all who are confident that their strength can be in the future, the strongest ones who fight with the top predators, have gathered together in the illusory atmosphere, want to snoop on the truth.

Changes in the relationship between the top predators are likely to affect the rules of the millennium, or even the era of several epochs!

"Give up! Abyss Mozu! You have no chance!"

Green’s roar is deafening and breathtaking.


Forgotten cracks for a moment ~www.novelmtl.com~ almost extended to the end of the sky, endless sweat claws as if a huge funnel, concentrated in the magic feather phoenix, the abyss of the abyss of the forgotten runes from the inside out.

Full of eyes, not willing to growl!


The abyss of the abyss of the abyss was completely broken. At this last moment, suddenly, this twisted abyss of the hundred meters stretched out, a scarlet tongue slammed out, and the explosive power was like the arrow of the mysterious To the facade of Green.

However, among the layers of ripples in the body of Green, the face of Green Truth is watching, the speed of this sudden attack is slower and slower, it is ridiculous, and the hair of the darkness of Lafite at the foot of Green is so easy to resist. under.



The magic feather phoenix dragged the abyss of the abyss, even though the cloud of the sky was rolling, it was still dragged into the deepest part of the forgotten crack by millions of sweat claws, and was completely overwhelmed by the endless illusion. (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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