A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1229: Baffle

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The glaciers burst and the extreme abyss magic wand fell. The source of the darkness was Rafis, and it was an annihilation arc followed by it.

The successive attacks showed that Green was impatient, but after all, he was unable to kill the spider king before the magic feather phoenix came.

A large amount of data supports the battle judgment, Green is occupying the battle initiative, but can not be like the abyss ancient demon, in exchange for breakthrough progress at its own minimum cost.

The Green situation today is like a war between the Metal Destroyer civilization and the Wizarding Civilization.

Skynet, which has a large amount of data, is relatively inferior in combat. In addition to the combination of thousands of advantages and disadvantages, the most important point is that fighting will never be a one-sided victory. Instead, care about the minimum sacrifice in exchange for the biggest victory.

So once the war and the battle begin, there will never be a perfect ending!

The three-color light of Green is constantly flashing, looking at the side of the spiders and the phoenix phoenix.

In fact, as the five people who did not sign the fate contract, in this case, everyone is only returning to the reality of the second esophagus, the Green side is not a five-on-two at the beginning, but the five spiders and the magic feather phoenix murder five mutual jealousy. Predict the strongman of the aftermath.

At this time, only Green was left, the battle results tend to be simple, and Green was relieved without knowing it.


It’s awkward!

The arc blasts, an element is teleported, and Green suddenly appears above the scorpion king who is annihilated by the arc of the small body. The data of the truth is analyzed by a series of data analysis, and the frozen limbs of the spider king and several pieces of information about the sword are returned. In the calculation, only the two remaining sources of annihilation are continually killed, and there are four left in the human face.

In any case, you must first kill the spider king, otherwise you will win the chance!

A handful of amber rings resemble a bracelet, with a quick spin on the left arm, ready to go, and the other hand holds an extreme abyss wand. Determined to try to kill this king of spiders that is close to the limit with the utmost sacrifice.


Unexpectedly, with Green's extreme abyss magic wand falling, it was extremely cold. The glaciers burst, and then the magnetic field of the distorted gravity field broke the glaciers into ruined ice crystals to cause secondary damage. Forgotten runes were imprinted. The spider king chose to use the most pure genius in the mouth. Bound the extreme abyss magic wand.

"I caught it!"

Although the spider king is seriously injured. A large piece of frost almost covers it, but it is extremely exciting.

Obviously, in the very moment, the spider king and the magic feather phoenix have communicated with each other, colluding with the countermeasures against Green, matching the annihilation of the light and dark staggered center, the source of the darkness of the feet, Lafite, "嗡", "嗡" "嗡", "嗡" broke through the air, as if ignoring the boundaries of space, rushing into the spider king.

At the same time, Green opened his mouth. In the hustle and bustle, the black arc is distorted in all directions, emitting a turbulent high-frequency shock and going to the King of the Spider.

At this moment, Green broke out with self-sealing, and the annihilation of the arc power was multiplied compared to the previous one. Even though the body of the spider king was just a little rubbed, the small half body was wiped out!

How will this magic feather phoenix deal with it?

Under the face of Green Truth, the three-color gaze gaze and concentrate. In the hand, the amber ring and the heart of the foot have the source of the darkness of the Rafi, and they are ready to meet the violent storms and continue to attack, especially in the hands of the Demon Feather Phoenix and the Abyss of the Chest.


However, the next scene made Green unbelievable. Shocked, the body can not help but tremble!

The singularity of the abyss magic wand, which is comfortable with all kinds of scales, is also unbelievable.

A **** heart appeared in the hands of the magic feather phoenix, still sucking back the taste of the thunder and the big eyes revealing a cold and evil smile, as if in the most evil state. Taunting the king of the spider.

The next moment, the annihilation of the arc slipped through the air, and all the battle plans arranged by the King of the Spider and the Magic Feather Phoenix did not appear. The Magic Feather Phoenix betrayed the King of the Spider, betrayed the contract, and the light and darkness was intertwined. The purest destructive nature was annihilated. The arc will annihilate the King of the Spider on the spot!

In the amazing abyss of the abyss, Green was forced to give up the extreme abyss magic wand by the genius of the meditation, and an element teleported backwards, staring at the magic feather phoenix.

"Why! Why do you betray me, why do you betray the fate contract!?"

After the arc was extinguished, the last remaining remnant of the King of the Spider was placed on a human face and snarled, and the face was unwilling, hysterical, and its soul fire was rapidly digested by the endless world.

"Hey, don't ask why the great abyss, why not."

The abyss sticks are fleeting, as if they can be extended indefinitely. In the end, the human spiders attached to the soul of the spider king will be pierced, and the abyss will be smashed and smashed, leaving only a large piece of distorted flesh.

And as the abyss that adheres to it is constantly digested by the secondary esophagus, these minced meats are gradually dying.

The death of the King Spider King, the Gossamer Temple lost its control, as if it lost the empty shell of the soul. Although there is still a considerable part of the suppressing power, it can't stop Green and the Magic Phoenix, the source of darkness at the foot of Green. The shadows are expanding, and the peak of the six-layer wild instinct is gradually recovering.

In contrast, the magic feather phoenix side, the magic feather phoenix body swallowed with a **** heart.

"The fourth ~www.novelmtl.com~ is still the last one, the stupid guy, the blood of the withered people, so I have to add your supplement!"

In front of the magic feather phoenix chest, Green annotated the three-color gaze in the gaze, the Abyss of the Abyss extended a black claw, clutching the extreme abyss magic wand, and sent out a thrill of laughter.

"The arm of the ancient ancestors, there is also a magic arm of the sacred counter! Hahahaha, stupid wizard, you have sent me such a heavy gift, to be completely integrated, enough to really become a second-class esophagus legendary One of the most horrific creatures, the beauty of the sun, the horror of the sun, the singularity of the singer."

In the excitement of the roar, this abyssal demon turned out to be a big mouth, and the scarlet head swept away with the extreme abyss magic wand.


Green thinks of the extreme abyss magic wand body, but the sorcerer's world abyss has a residual ancient arm of the ancestors, with a thumb and many active hairs fleeing the wizarding world.

In the middle of the horror, but full of grotesque colors, Green looked at the abyss of the abyss and swallowed his extreme abyss magic wand? (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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