A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1228: Fierce demon (micro blue fox lord)

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In the 浑 浑 宝石 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , What kind of earth-shattering is there, why it was sealed into the secondary esophagus, and how it was resurrected.

In the heart of a long-lasting resurrection, the region has summoned the will of the life-recovery of the rule of light and fault, and the six-level peak of the ancient spiritual relics.

The heart of this heart must have a different experience!

"No! I just revived, I have to go..."

However, everything is not important.

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

The magic feather phoenix flat face, once again opened the huge mouth, a row of fine chilling teeth, chewing, the yellow gems issued a "咔嚓", "咔嚓", "咔嚓" broken sound, faintly heard The ancient heart inside is chewed and juicy, and the blood is splashed.

The magic feather phoenix absorbs the blood process, and there is no difference between chewing the fruit and sweet succulent grapes. The body will breed a blood egg essence for the next blood rejuvenation through the special ability of the race.

On the other side, the Thunder, who can break away from the claws, sees this and screams.

"Ah! Even if it is self-destruction, I won't let you succeed!"

The Thunder's eyes roared, and the thunder suddenly shrank. It seemed to be in an extremely unstable state. It was already only the size of the fist. At this moment, it was reduced to the size of a normal eyeball. It was violently immersed in the abyss claws protruding from the chest of the magic feather phoenix. It seems that the next moment will be a stone-breaking self-destruction explosion.

"huh huh huh huh……"

A grotesque cruel and sinister laugh, the deep mouth of the Devil's Phoenix inside the abyss of the abbot opened the mouth of the "call", and the abyss of the abyss will instantly overwhelm the thunder in the palm of the hand.

It’s awkward...

The original tyrannical Thunder magic eye, after being submerged by this abyss, the flame that was burning to the peak was suddenly poured into a cold water, and the tyrannical thunder that accumulated to the limit was calm and stable, and it was a lot weak. It was actually eroded by the abyss magic!


Thunder's eyes were in horror, and there was no compromise. The second time, he began to try to stimulate the body to smash the Thunder. The Thunder, which was invaded by the Abyss, began to move again. Become unstable.

Still 哼哼 哼哼 一 阴 残 残 残 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 仍 , , , , , . It turned out to be demonized.

"The second one is still three."

After receiving the eyeballs from the abyss of the abyss, the magic feather phoenix sucked the grapes in general, and the sound of the Thunder magic eyes "squeaked" in the mouth, and then a refreshing 呻 + 吟, a large black smoke in the throat.

"Magic Phoenix, save me!"

At this moment, at the other end of the temple, the spider king was horrified and urged to cry for help.

The magic feather phoenix and the abdomen abyss of the abdomen looked at it, and it turned out to be Green who found the situation to turn sharply. In determining that this battle will only be carried out between himself and the Abyssal Mozu, there will be no other concerns in the period of weakness after the eruption of self-sealing, and the three colors are cold and calm and cold, and Green opens the "Truth book"!

"The Book of Truth" "哗哗啦啦" quickly flipped, the colorful runes of the robes of the appearance were quickly included, followed by a powerful force that suppressed more than 3,000 years in Green's body, and broke out!

The magical light column of horror is raging on the surface, and the whole spider's shrine has begun to violently shake, and the magical force that flows from the inside out is constantly flowing. Green's limbs are full of the most primitive violent violent amount, and it is difficult for the spider's mosque to be completely suppressed. The round of power ripples constantly confronts the suppressive position of the temples in all directions.

At the foot of Green, tens of thousands of sources of darkness spread out. Also in the opposite of the repressive power of the Gossamer Temple, in the faint, a pair of **** dawn with endless anger, seems to completely break through this layer of shackles.

The golden silk hair bursts with the violent magic, and the robes of the appearance are flickering and unpredictable, and the gray-white spiral lines are under the truth. The three-color light is cold, brutal, and cold, and that is Green’s journey through the sea of ​​blood and the endlessness of the invisible obstacles in front of the wizard’s will. It is to control knowledge and rules, with absolute wisdom and majesty. Stand on the pressure of the sentient beings!

At this moment, Green and the role of the King of the Spider are instantly flipped.

The state of the snail king disappeared, and it was in a period of relative weakness. However, the real time of Lafite’s self-sealing was unblocked by Green, and one hundred and forty forces broke out, which was more than 70%. The power has doubled!

With such a superb power, and with the face of truth as the medium, holding the extreme abyss magic wand, Green has the confidence to solve the sorcerer who is in the weak period after the deification.

"Oh, isn't this short time able to hold on?"

Green almost broke out at the same time as the Devil's Abyss in the belly of the Magic Feather. However, what Green did not think was that in the judgment of Green, the Thunder Magic Eye and the Ancient Heart could still be adhered to for a while. I didn’t hold it for half a moment, and I was almost swayed by this abyssal demon, and I swallowed it casually.

It is not that the strength of this abyssal demon has reached the level of overriding.

Unable to play the abyss call, this abyss of the demon has not actually played half of the power!

Just because Thunder's Eye, the ancient heart does not understand the brutality and awkwardness of the Abyss, and the fighting instinct that was born for the demonization of the abyss, Green believes that at this time, he is self-explosive, with multiple means in his hands, for the wizard Will, will definitely press this abyssal demon ~www.novelmtl.com~ even if it pays a price for it, even if it is lost after the escape, the only page of fate is consumed, the wizard must be The enemies of the Abyssal Mozu made specimens and hang them at the top of the Witch Tower in the future as their eternal glory.


This abyssal demon body, perhaps Green in the digestive tract, in a large amount of time to try to crack the research path of the life of the human ancestors to limit the secrets of life!

The abyss evolution is the most violent evolutionary method known to Green in the wizarding world knowledge system. It will break the rules of mutual adaptation between species and the world, and stimulate the abyss and moss, the most violent and deformed way of evolution.


In the violent sneer of the magic feather phoenix, the shadow of the ruin along the way, the shredded hair of the red hair was shredded, and a small macaque-like biological corpse was found inside, and a large mouth was swallowed into the belly.

Immediately flashed, appeared in the face of the violent state of Green, next to the King of the Spider. (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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