A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1217: Spider invitation

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It is two thousand years old.

The face of truth has successively completed the thirteenth annual growth ring project, and the fourteenth blood flow project has some effects on Green in the lower biological period. For Green at this time, both projects are just the growth of truth. Sexual auxiliary engineering.

"The Book of Truth" has also developed a lot. At this time, Green's forgotten time and space seals, if the conditions are perfect, can easily seal the end of the crystal, not a strong six-level creature.

This, in addition, provides the most basic memory support for Green's dimensional gap seal.

Truth lever magic wand, because Green is trapped in the secondary esophagus at this time, can not complete the fate of "Grimmond Fairy Tales" infinitely unknown and the world, as to how to connect the world of the thousand and the balance of the rules of light, the same is A very important thing.

In this way, it is impossible to complete this truth-lever magic wand, and it is impossible for Green to be trapped in the sixth-level sacred sorcerer of the second esophagus. It is necessary to return to the wizarding world to get some necessary conditions.

As for the research on the knowledge of the field of life, Green's progress is minimal, and basically no hope is seen. On the contrary, it is more and more handy in the manipulation of the power of annihilation.

In this way, the Green that completes the self-sealing operation at this time, together with the extreme abyss magic wand, the nine-nine returning sword, the amber ring, the soul-hunting net, the nine-chongshan, the yin-yang and the alienated light, are constantly increasing in the body. If you can return to the wizarding world and participate in the war of civilization, you will soon add a powerful combat power to the Wizarding League that will affect the local battlefield of the big world.

However, it is not enough to try to return to the gathering place of hope and challenge the four ascending people!

Especially the paper man and the magic doll, according to Green's estimation, I am afraid that I don't have more than two eras of annihilation and integration power, and I can't fight it.

In this way, the first time is relatively safe in this place, there is no illusory world and the storms of the storm, and one hundred millionth of a chance to escape from the running through the door gathers silently. It is not bad to extend your own six-level big element wizard knowledge system to the limit that can be achieved by one person alone.

Hey, hey, hey.

Soft knock on the door. Green, who is conducting the test, lifts the three-color ray, and the face of truth penetrates the wall of the tibia, a little stunned, and the scorpion king is separated?

"Please come in."

Green got up and ceremonially greeted the King of the Spiders behind the American Society.

Although the two are not friends. However, it is rare that in the strange land where the esophagus is self-defeating, it is possible to have equal and harmonious exchanges without conflicts of interest.

"Hey, since you came to the door of this building, apart from cleaning up some miscellaneous guys in the territory two thousand years ago, there is almost no wind, mysterious, not going to other predators. Are you walking?"

It is still the singer of this snail, and the follower, Meishesha, walked into the Green room and was already familiar. I have a good understanding of Green Lab.

Green shook his head and said: "No hurry, I was going to have another one or two thousand years, and then try to visit it. Why, what has changed?"

Green handed a cup of aromatic coffee to the king of the spider.

Every time I come, this nectarine king must inevitably taste this wonderful drink of Green, which is a bit addictive.

"The change... is indeed a change! This is one of the two strongest predators in the collection. Shanhe is one of the strongest predators. Because the injury is too heavy, it is close to the limit of life. I am afraid that the magic feather phoenix will be bigger than this. This is definitely not what I want to see, so I privately invited several powerful predators to discuss the response and whether the annihilation of the wizard is of interest?"


Green brows are slightly wrinkled.

The older generation of predators led a large number of exiles and attacked a group of masters who were close to the gate. Green has been familiar with these years, but I have not thought that it has returned to the end of the door, as a powerful predator of the older generation of the assembly, it is going to fall like this.

The so-called twelve predators that now run through the gates are more than ever. It’s a world of difference.

"Why, if there is only one Majestic Phoenix, the one that is strong and strong, what will happen?"

Green asked inexplicably.

"That was the time when I just came to the door. At that time, there were a total of twenty-seven top predators gathered here. Each one has the same strength as the mountain sea otter and the magic feather phoenix at this time. I once happened to know the unique ability of Magic Feather Phoenix in a civil war that happened here."

The King of the Spider is low in voice and extremely dignified.

"Every time after the magic feather phoenix blood reborn, in order to regain the chance of the next **** rejuvenation, it is necessary to accumulate a blood egg essence, and this blood egg essence can only be composed of the most pure blood of several strong people close to it. Now you understand?"

"Well? Why don't you use the mountains?"

Green is very different, and finally understands why this king of spiders is worried. Without the mountain sea breezes, the object of the magic feather condensed blood egg essence is selected, among other top predators, which are the main gathering place, and it is not One or two.

"Hey, it seems that you really don't know anything about the other predators here. Shanhai is a natural stone turtle. What kind of blood!"

Answered by the venerable king, Green couldn’t help but feel a little stunned. It turned out to be the case.

"Hey... what time can the mountain sea otter prey eat?"

The spider king kept squinting and seemed to be calculating. He said: "I estimate that at most one or two thousand years, its injury is too heavy."

One or two thousand years?

Since there is going to be chaos here, simply leaving this place to gather, the unrealistic idea of ​​separating the door from the esophagus is directly excluded by Green.

As for waiting for a few epochs here, after gathering a group of horrible strongmen~www.novelmtl.com~ to try to kill and fall to dominate, Green didn’t even think about it. Instead, Green couldn’t go with an enemy. Try to kill three ascending and find time.

However, for the strong players at this time, Green is still quite curious, and Green is also a reference for the risers.

If you see it first, you can’t miss it!

I thought about it, Green Road: "Well, when do you gather? The other predators who run through the door don't know how to gather together with another hope that I have been to."

"What is the hope?"

The spider king shook his head and did not hear it. He sipped a cup of fragrant coffee and enjoyed the appearance.

"That's a hundred years later, prepare as early as possible, and save some other changes."

Say, in Green's sight, the King of the Spiders drank the coffee in the cup and left the lab. (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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